After Chiyu completed the mission of eliminating the bandits, Orochimaru did not take Chiyu back to Konoha immediately, but took Chiyu to find the Daimyo of the Land of Fields.

However, Chiyu did not go with Orochimaru to meet the Daimyo of the Land of Fields, but let Chiyu stay in the hotel to rest.

Chiyu was lying on the bed thinking about Orochimaru going to meet the Daimyo of the Land of Fields.

In the future, the Sound Village created by Orochimaru after leaving Konoha seems to be in the Land of Fields. Orochimaru bribed the Daimyo of the Land of Fields to establish the Sound Village in his country, but the Sound Village was not employed by the Land of Fields.

In other words, the Sound Village is the Sound Village, and the Land of Fields is the Land of Fields, and the two have nothing to do with each other.

Has Orochimaru hooked up with the Daimyo of the Land of Fields at this point in time?

Otherwise, how could Orochimaru succeed?

Uh...It seems that he did not succeed.

But he did successfully establish his own ninja village in the Land of Rice Fields, and successfully researched the forbidden technique of"Reincarnation without Corpse", which is equivalent to obtaining eternal life.

Looking at Orochimaru's life, most of it was successful, but later he was too obsessed with the Sharingan, which led to a crash.

Even though he crashed, Orochimaru was still alive and well in the end.

Orochimaru did not return home that night, and he returned to the hotel the next morning after Chiba woke up.

"Let's go, let's go back to Konoha."

Chiyu and Orochimaru set out on their journey back to the village.

After arriving at the village, Orochimaru first took Chiyu to hand in the task, and then met with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In the Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked his pipe and said to Chiyu kindly:"Chiyu, the first mission after becoming a ninja is a C-level mission, and you executed it very well."

Chiyu bowed and said:"Thank you very much for the trust of Hokage and Teacher Orochimaru." Sarutobi

Hiruzen said with relief:"It's because of your own efforts. Orochimaru praised you very much, saying that you are extremely talented and work very hard in training."

"Thanks to the teaching of Orochimaru, if it weren't for Orochimaru, I wouldn't have become stronger so quickly."

What Chiyu said is true.

If it weren't for Orochimaru's teaching, Chiyu might still be practicing with twice the results for half the effort.

It is so important to have a good teacher, which can help you avoid many detours.

Orochimaru is indeed teaching him with all his heart.

Although Chiyu is on guard against Orochimaru, he is really grateful to Orochimaru in his heart.

Orochimaru's future obsession is the Sharingan. As long as Orochimaru doesn't want his Sharingan, there will be no conflict of interest between the two of them. Maybe in the future, Orochimaru will still be his teacher, and Chiyu will still be his disciple.

In front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru did not hesitate to praise Chiyu:"Chiyu is excellent in herself. Although it is her first mission, the plan she made when carrying out the mission and the implementation of the plan were all completed very well. Even some Chunin who have carried out many missions are not as good as Chiyu."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a sip of his pipe and sighed,"This is the first time I've heard you, Orochimaru, praise a ninja like this. It seems that you are very satisfied with your disciple, Chiyu."

Orochimaru glanced at Chiyu and nodded with a smile,"I am indeed very satisfied."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also smiled, then his eyes became serious, and he said to Orochimaru without avoiding Chiyu,"Orochimaru, the ninja world is about to be in turmoil now."

Orochimaru said in a deep voice,"Are other ninja villages ready to move?" Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a map and spread it on the table, then began to analyze the situation,"Yes, according to the intelligence sent back, on the border between Taki Country and Fire Country, ninjas from Iwagakure Village appeared. On the border between Soup Country and Fire Country, ninjas from Kumogakure Village appeared.

Not to mention Sand Village, they have been looking for trouble with us on the border of Fire Country from time to time.

The current situation of Kirigakure is unclear, but I wrote to the Mizukage of Kirigakure several times, but I didn't get a reply."

Orochimaru frowned slightly:"So, now the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village have begun to gradually test Konoha. If both sides do this, it is very likely that they have reached a cooperation. If the Hidden Sand Village is added, then three of the five major ninja villages have already set their sights on Konoha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled a puff of smoke in a depressed manner:"Yes, so the situation is not optimistic. I originally wanted to form an alliance with the Hidden Mist Village, but now it seems that there will be no result. It is good enough that the Hidden Mist Village does not join them."

Orochimaru looked at the markings on the map, pondered for a moment and asked:"So what is the current situation? Is the intensity of the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village's probing strong?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head:"The intensity is not strong at present. They have not completely entered the border of our Fire Country, but according to this trend, the day when they enter the border of the Fire Country is not far away. Now they should just be testing our Konoha's attitude.

I sent Sakumo to garrison on the border between the Land of Taki and the Land of Fire.

I have also sent Jiraiya to the border between the Land of Hot Water and the Land of Fire. He happened to be teaching Minato and training Minato directly on the battlefield.

With them around, at least for the time being, we don't have to worry about the war starting immediately, but local frictions should start in the next two years."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said word by word with a solemn expression:"It has been only a few years since the end of the Second Ninja World War, and there have been signs of war, and this war is likely to be directly against our Konoha!" The main reason for the outbreak of the First Ninja World War was the war between Konoha and the Hidden Cloud Village.

Not long after the death of Hashirama Senju, the First Ninja World War broke out.

The reason why the Ninja World was peaceful before was because of the deterrent power of the Ninja God Hashirama Senju.

After Hashirama Senju died, the only source of deterrence was gone, and the Hidden Cloud Village took the lead in declaring war on the Konoha Village, and then other ninja villages also joined the war.

The Second Ninja World War broke out because of unbalanced economic development.

The economic gap between countries widened, and the militant forces of various countries rose up on the grounds of increasing fair privileges, and promoted the use of force to expand their territory. , the Second Shinobi World War began.

The main battlefields of these two wars were not the Land of Fire.

Now it seems that the Third Shinobi World War is not far away.

If the four major ninja villages target Konoha at the same time, then the Land of Fire will become the main battlefield.

At that time, the Land of Fire, as the main battlefield, will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Orochimaru's expression was also a little grim. He looked at the map without saying a word, thinking.

Chiyu was a little surprised when he heard the conversation between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru.

Is there already a sign of war now?

But if you think about it carefully, it's time.

From this point of view, the day when the Cloud Village ninja kidnaps Uzumaki Kushina is not far away.

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