In the Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru were discussing the current situation in the ninja world.

And Chiyu was listening on the side.

Orochimaru thought for a moment and asked,"So, teacher, are you going to send me to the River Country to stop those Sand Village ninjas?"

Chiyu's heart skipped a beat when he heard what Orochimaru said.

He really wanted to go to the battlefield for training, but definitely not now!

If Uzumaki Kushina was attacked by the Cloud Village ninjas when he left Konoha, he wouldn't be able to make it in time even if he could fly. After all, he had to make sure that Uzumaki Kushina was safe before going to the battlefield.

But what Sarutobi Hiruzen said next put Chiyu at ease.

"The Sand Village doesn't need to worry about them for now. The ninjas stationed at the border of the River Country are enough to deal with them. In the next few days, Orochimaru, you will follow me to make plans and discuss how Konoha should deal with this situation."

Orochimaru is first-class in making strategies.

During the Second Ninja World War, Orochimaru led the ninja troops and won many difficult battles.���

The current situation in Konoha is not optimistic.

Orochimaru's strategic concept is what Konoha needs most now.

Orochimaru nodded and agreed:"I understand." Chiyu breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that she doesn't have to leave Konoha now.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru chatted for a while, Orochimaru took Chiyu out of the Hokage Building.

On the way, Orochimaru suddenly asked:"Chiyu, you also heard what I said to the teacher just now. If the four major ninja villages attack Konoha at the same time, how do you think we can break the situation?"

Orochimaru asked too suddenly, which caught Chiyu off guard.

Chiyu was not very clear about the details of the Third Ninja World War.

Qianyu thought silently for a long time before speaking:"It is nothing more than interests that can make the four major ninja villages unite to attack Konoha. No matter which ninja world war, it is all about interests.

Since interests can make the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village cooperate, then interests can also be used to make the two villages turn against each other."

Orochimaru was quite satisfied with Qianyu's answer:"Then how to use interests to make the two villages turn against each other?"

Qianyu shook his head:"I'm sorry, Teacher Orochimaru, I don't know either."

Qianyu really didn't know what interests to use to make the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village turn against each other.

First of all, Qianyu didn't know what interests Konoha could offer to make the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village turn against each other.

Secondly, the purpose of the cooperation between the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village must be to plunder the rich resources of the Land of Fire.

You can't say to the people of the Hidden Rock Village or the Hidden Cloud Village, let's cooperate and rob the resources of the other village together, right?

They have already decided to plunder Konoha together, why should they give up their current partners and cooperate with you?

In Chiyu's opinion, only after knowing the content of the cooperation between the Iwagakure Village and the Kumogakure Village, can they target it and tempt one of the ninja villages with greater benefits.

Orochimaru didn't care about Chiyu's answer of"I don't know". It was indeed a bit difficult for Chiyu to answer this question.

Orochimaru said to Chiyu,"I will be very busy in the future, and I won't be in the base every day. I will give you a day off today. Tomorrow I will take you to the Ryuchi Cave, and then make the next training plan for you, and you will train by yourself.

If there are any suitable tasks in the future, I will continue to help you take them, but you should also perform the tasks alone."

Hearing that he could take a day off today, Chiyu unconsciously smiled.

After Orochimaru took a look at Chiyu, he knew what Chiyu wanted to do.

"Go ahead"

"Teacher Orochimaru, I'll leave first. See you tomorrow!"

Qianyu waved goodbye to Orochimaru and ran forward impatiently....

In front of Uzumaki Mito's mansion, Chiyu felt a little nervous and excited.

It had been a month since she last saw Uzumaki Kushina.

Chiyu knocked on the door of the mansion.

Soon Chiyu heard a burst of very fast footsteps, obviously running.

The door of the mansion opened.

Chiyu only saw a touch of red, and then a person jumped on her.

Chiyu hugged Uzumaki Kushina and rubbed the back of her head lovingly:"Long time no see, Kushina."

Uzumaki Kushina let go of Chiyu, pouted and punched Chiyu in the chest:"Why did you take so long to see me! I thought you had forgotten me!"

Chiyu's expression froze.

How come Uzumaki Kushina's strength is getting stronger and stronger?

Qianyu touched her nose:"How could I forget you? I will never forget you no matter who I forget. Because the task training assigned to me by Orochimaru is quite heavy, I have no time to come out. I also completed a task these two days, and Orochimaru gave me a day off.

By the way, Kushina, how did you know that I came to find you?"

Uzumaki Kushina replied:"Grandma Mito told me that Grandma Mito has a special ability that can sense every move within a large range through chakra!"

Qianyu immediately understood what the special ability of Uzumaki Mito that Uzumaki Kushina was talking about was.

Kagura Heart Eye, one of the unique abilities of the Uzumaki clan.

Uzumaki Kushina took Qianyu's hand and ran towards Uzumaki Mito's mansion:"Grandma Mito misses you too, let's go see Grandma Mito together!"

Qianyu, who was pulled by Uzumaki Kushina, sighed imperceptibly.

He didn't want to see Uzumaki Mito. He just wanted to go around alone with Uzumaki Kushina.

Qianyu still met Uzumaki Mito.

Compared to the Uzumaki Mito that Chiyu had seen before, the current Uzumaki Mito already looked like an old woman.

Chiyu bowed and said,"Mito-sama."

Mito-sama looked at Chiyu kindly.

Chiyu, who had already killed someone, now had a completely different temperament, with a sharp feeling.

Mito-sama sighed,"You have grown up, Chiyu."

Chiyu said respectfully,"In front of Mito-sama, I am just a child."

Feeling the distance between Chiyu and her, Mito-sama sighed,"Chiyu, you don't have to be so defensive against me." Chiyu, who lowered her head, frowned slightly, and still answered in a formulaic way,"Mito-sama, you are the elder."

Chiyu's meaning was very clear. Mito-sama was the elder, and he just respected him, not on guard.

Mito-sama shook his head helplessly.

As the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails, she had the ability to perceive good and evil, especially a keen perception of malice, because of the effect of the Nine-Tails' chakra.

When Qianyu and she first met, although Qianyu acted almost impeccable, Uzumaki Mito could clearly sense Qianyu's defensiveness and alienation towards her.

The same was true when she sensed it from Qianyu now.

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