Uzumaki Mito is very tired now.

Chiyu is too cunning. He has obviously discovered that she knows his disguise and his attitude has completely changed, but he still speaks without any leaks.

Uzumaki Mito said helplessly:"Chiyu, can't we talk frankly? No third person will know about my conversation with you today. Since you have ill intentions towards me because of Kushina's matter, you can tell me what you think. My current identity is just Kushina's elder, your elder."

Chiyu tilted his head slightly, looked at Uzumaki Mito calmly and said:"Mito-sama, as Kushina's elder, you didn't ask Kushina if she was willing to become a Jinchūriki, so do my thoughts matter?

No matter what I think, Kushina will still replace you and become Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, right?

So...Does it make sense?"

Uzumaki Mito's eyes flickered.

It was indeed as Chiba said, Uzumaki Kushina becoming the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki was almost a fait accompli.

So no matter Chiba's idea or Uzumaki Kushina's idea, it was meaningless.


Uzumaki Mito looked at Chiyu with burning eyes and said seriously:"It is meaningful, because your idea is meaningful to Kushina."

Chiyu stared at Uzumaki Mito's eyes for a long time in silence, and finally said:"I hope Kushina can be happy forever."

Chiyu's answer was already very clear.

Becoming a Jinchūriki is accompanied by a lifetime of pain and loneliness.

Uzumaki Mito was fine, because she was the wife of the first generation of Hokage, and she mastered a powerful sealing technique, so the Nine-Tails had hardly ever lost control.

The Jinchūriki of other ninja villages had a very bad life.

The Jinchūriki will fight with the tailed beast in the body for the body, and the process is very painful.

And if the powerful power of the Jinchūriki gets out of control, it will cause innocent people to sacrifice, which will make people more and more afraid of the Jinchūriki and more and more disgusted.

The most painful thing is when the tailed beast is extracted.

The Jinchūriki and the tailed beast are in a life-and-death relationship. If the tailed beast is extracted from the body, the Jinchūriki will definitely die.

The feeling of being extracted from the Jinchūriki is extremely painful, and it is a kind of pain that can tear the soul apart.

Chiba replied that she hoped Uzumaki Kushina would always be happy, which was equivalent to answering Uzumaki Mito, who disagreed.

Uzumaki Mito sighed:"But...Becoming a Jinchūriki is Kushina's destiny..."

Chiyu suddenly felt depressed for no reason:"It's just because Kushina is weak and has no choice, so she was given the nice-sounding name of fate to let her accept it. I think Mito-sama knows better than me that fate is just imposed on Kushina. Please don't talk to me about fate, Mito-sama."

Uzumaki Mito stared at Chiyu and asked:"Since you want Kushina to be happy all the time, do you want to change this result?" Chiyu lowered her head slightly again:"I'm just an ordinary ninja in Konoha. These things are not for me to consider. Hokage-sama and the others will naturally arrange them properly." Uzumaki

Mito has a headache now.

It started again, can't we have a good chat?

Uzumaki Mito also knew that there was no point in chatting anymore.

Moreover, Chiyu would not let down his guard against her.

And Uzumaki Mito already knew the reason.

The reason is Uzumaki Kushina.

As long as Uzumaki Kushina is the second Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Chiyu will never open her heart.

Similarly, she will not open her heart to Konoha.

Even...Hostile to Konoha.

Uzumaki Mito finally asked Chiba a question:"Chiba, Konoha...Is it important?"

Chiyu threw the question to Uzumaki Mito:"Mito-sama, is Kushina important?"

Uzumaki Mito's expression was a little melancholy.

Is Uzumaki Kushina important to her?

Of course she is.

But compared to Konoha?

Konoha is more important. If

Uzumaki Mito's answer is like this, then Chiyu's answer is very obvious.

Chiyu has things that are more important than Konoha.

Perhaps, in Chiyu's heart, Konoha is not important.

Because in Chiyu's eyes, Uzumaki Kushina is not important to her Uzumaki Mito.

Uzumaki Mito seemed a little tired, and her voice was a little lower:"Chiyu, I love Kushina very much. Whether you believe it or not, I sincerely hope that you can live a good life in Konoha."

Chiyu bowed and said:"Mito-sama, of course I believe that you love Kushina very much. After all, you are Kushina's only relative. Also, please rest assured, Mito-sama, I am living well in Konoha, and I have always been grateful to Konoha."

Uzumaki Mito was really tired now, and waved his hand:"That's good, go ahead, Kushina has been looking forward to your visit every day while you were away, I won't take up your time."

Chiyu turned and left the room.

When Uzumaki Mito saw Chiyu close the door and leave, he let out a long sigh.

Chiyu is obviously a little kid, but his words are no different from those of some old foxes.

Except for the time when Chiyu said"becoming a jinchūriki is Kushina's destiny", there was an obvious fluctuation in his emotions, but everything else was flawless and no flaws could be found.

"What a little fox."

Uzumaki Mito smiled. This smile was because he was angry with Chiyu, but it was also an acknowledgement of Chiyu.

Chiyu saw Uzumaki Kushina squatting on the ground not far from the door, looking at something.

Chiyu walked to Kushina Uzumaki's side and squatted down, smiling and asked:"What are you looking at? So absorbed in it?"

Kushina Uzumaki pointed her finger at the floor, where a small wild flower grew between the cracks in the floor:"Qianyu, look, flowers can grow in such a place. They look much more beautiful than other flowers!"

Looking at the flowers growing between the cracks in the floor, Chiyu's eyes flickered:"Yes, it's really amazing. They are so full of vitality. Flowers can bloom in such an environment. How can they not be beautiful?"

Just as Chiyu was sighing, Kushina Uzumaki had already climbed onto Chiyu's back, pointing outside the mansion and said excitedly:"But now is not the time to appreciate! Time waits for no one, let's set off quickly!"

Qianyu smiled and carried Uzumaki Kushina on his back, tightening her legs:"Okay! Let's go, you always treated me to meals in the past, and today I got my first mission commission, I'll treat you to a delicious meal!"

Generally speaking, when a Genin goes on a mission with a teacher, a portion of the mission remuneration must be given to the teacher.

But Orochimaru didn't ask for Qianyu's remuneration, and let Qianyu take the mission remuneration himself.

This time, the C-level mission remuneration was as much as 60,000 taels, which all went into Qianyu's pocket.

Uzumaki Kushina, who was on Qianyu's back, raised her little fist:"Then I must eat a lot!"

"No problem!"

Chiba carried Uzumaki Kushina on her back and left Uzumaki Mito's mansion with a happy pace.

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