Happy times are always short.

After Chiyu and Uzumaki Kushina wandered around Konoha, it soon got dark. After reluctantly sending Uzumaki Kushina back to the mansion, Chiyu walked back to Orochimaru's underground base alone.

The house must be full of dust after not being there for so long. Chiyu felt it was troublesome to clean it in order to stay overnight, so he simply went back to the base.

Chiyu walked on the road, recalling the previous conversation with Uzumaki Mito.

Chiyu could actually feel that Uzumaki Mito treated him as a junior.

But Chiyu couldn't treat Uzumaki Mito as an elder.

Because no matter how much Uzumaki Mito loved Uzumaki Kushina, it still couldn't change her desire to hurt Uzumaki Kushina for Konoha.

And Uzumaki Mito's malicious perception was too troublesome for Chiyu.

In other words, Uzumaki Mito could sense whether he was lying or not.

Is there any way to deceive Uzumaki Mito?

Chiyu thought about the situation in his mind and tried to find a way to deal with it.

Just as Qianyu was thinking seriously, two figures blocked Qianyu's way.

Qianyu looked up and frowned.

The Uchiha clan emblem is the Uchiha clan's

"Hey, who is this? Isn't this Uchiha Chiba?"

"What is Uchiha Chiba? His last name is not Uchiha. He is just a bastard."

"Hahaha, yeah, look at me, I forgot everything!"

The two Uchiha laughed at Qianyu wantonly.

Qianyu had a gloomy face and didn't want to pay attention to these two guys, so he wanted to take a detour.

However, the two Uchiha stopped Qianyu one after another.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Did someone hit you in the wrong place?"

"Are we right, bastard?"...

Chiyu said in a deep voice:"Can you get out?"

Hearing Chiyu asking them to get out, the two Uchiha laughed even more happily.

The Uchiha Yuto in front of Chiyu wanted to push Chiyu directly.

Chiyu directly grabbed Uchiha Yuto's wrist.

Although Uchiha Yuto is older than Chiyu, Chiyu, who has undergone rigorous training, is much stronger than the other.

As Chiyu gradually exerted force, Uchiha Yuto's expression became extremely distorted.

"Let go! Let go!"

Qianyu turned a blind eye and continued to exert force.

Uchiha Yizhen, who was behind Qianyu, saw that something was wrong and punched Qianyu on the back of the head.

Qianyu didn't even turn his head and kicked Uchiha Yizhen from behind, sending him flying.

Qianyu still held Uchiha Youren's wrist.

Qianyu's eyes were slightly drooped, and his sight was not on Uchiha Youren at all:"Can I tell you to get out now?" Uchiha Youren's face was ferocious. Even though his wrist was in pain from being held by Qianyu, he was unwilling to give in.

"You are just an abandoned child of our Uchiha, bastard, why do you talk to me like that! Die!"

Uchiha Yuto took out a kunai with his left hand and stabbed it straight at Qianyu's head.

"Too slow."

Qianyu tilted his head, and Uchiha Yuto's kunai missed.

Qianyu raised his leg and hit Uchiha Yuto's abdomen hard.


The severe pain in his abdomen almost made Uchiha Yuto's eyeballs pop out, and the kunai in his hand fell to the ground.

Qianyu grabbed Uchiha Yuto's wrist and elbowed him in the head.

Uchiha Yuto, who was dizzy, staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground.


Uchiha Yizhen hurriedly stepped forward and helped Uchiha Yuto up.

Uchiha Yuto wiped the corner of his mouth, looked at Qianyu angrily and said:"Yizhen, come on, teach this bastard a lesson!"

Uchiha Yuto threw several shurikens directly at Qianyu.

Qianyu instantly unsheathed the katana at his waist, and with a flash of the blade, he cut off all of Uchiha Yuto's shurikens.

Uchiha Yuto and Uchiha Yizhen took out their kunai at the same time and attacked Qianyu.

However, in the blink of an eye, Qianyu disappeared in front of them.

"What? The instantaneous body movement technique?"

"Where is it?"

A creepy voice sounded from behind them:"It's not a teleportation technique, it's just pure speed. I told you, you are too slow!"

Qianyu used the back of the knife to slash Uchiha Yuto's right arm holding the kunai without mercy.

Uchiha Yuto's right arm instantly became irregular and completely fractured.


Uchiha Yuto screamed, curled up on the ground, covering his arm and rolling around.

Then Qianyu grabbed Uchiha Kazuma's right arm holding a kunai from behind and kicked Uchiha Kazuma on the knee, making him kneel on the ground.

Qianyu stepped on Uchiha Kazuma's back with his right foot, and continued to grab Uchiha Kazuma's right arm with the other hand.

Qianyu whispered:"One of the rules of Konoha is that you must never attack your companions. You started it first, and used kunai. Now, for self-defense, it is reasonable for me to break one arm of each of you, right?"

Qianyu's voice sounded like the whisper of a devil in Uchiha Kazuma's ears.

Uchiha Kazuma begged for mercy in horror:"No, don't!"

Qianyu ignored Uchiha Kazuma and stepped on Uchiha Kazuma's back with force. A teeth-grinding sound of fracture was heard, and Uchiha Kazuma's right arm was broken by Qianyu. Uchiha Kazuma, like Uchiha Youren, rolled on the ground, covering his broken right arm.

Qianyu looked down at the two of them with cold eyes:"You are really weak, Uchiha, huh."

Even though Uchiha Youren had his arm broken by Qianyu, he still looked very unconvinced. He glared at Qianyu with resentment and said cruelly:"The Uchiha clan will not let you go!" Qianyu shook his head, his eyes full of contempt:"Look at you two guys, you are already sixteen or seventeen years old, right? You didn't open your Sharingan after I broke your arm. Is it because it hasn't awakened?

If all the Uchiha clan members were ugly like you, I wouldn't worry about you coming to trouble me."

Uchiha Youren and Uchiha Kazuma's pale faces turned a little red. They were about to refute Chiyu, but they saw an unbelievable scene.

Chiyu opened his Sharingan, looked at the two with scarlet eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:"To be honest, Uchiha's Sharingan is still very useful."

When Chiyu was about to turn around and leave, his steps suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked at the two and said:"By the way, as the Konoha security force, don't you Uchiha like to accuse people the most?

I'm waiting, remember to come to me, I'm waiting for you to come to me at the base of Orochimaru teacher. Don't tell me you don't know Orochimaru teacher, go back and ask the other guys of your Uchiha and you will know."

Uchiha Youren and Uchiha Kazuma naturally knew who Orochimaru was, one of the three ninjas of Konoha.

They didn't expect that Chiyu not only opened the Sharingan that they didn't open, but also became a disciple of Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas.

Chiyu looked at the two embarrassed people, sneered, cursed"two idiots", and walked away.

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