When Chiyu returned to the underground base, Orochimaru was not there.

Chiyu took a shower and went back to her room to sleep.

Chiyu was really angry about the matter of Uchiha Yuto and Uchiha Kazuma at the beginning.

They really thought that she was a soft persimmon that could be squeezed at will.

But later Chiyu was no longer angry, because there was no need to be angry with such stupid guys.

Chiyu also thought that these two guys were quite funny.

They couldn't beat him and even brought up the Uchiha clan to suppress him.

He is now protected by Orochimaru, what is there for him to be afraid of.

Chiyu lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

But Uchiha Yuto and Uchiha Kazuma were not so comfortable. They are now receiving treatment in the Ninja Hospital.

Not long after, the current Uchiha clan leader Uchiha Masaki came to the Ninja Hospital, and he was accompanied by a child of the same age as Chiyu.

This child is the next clan leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Masaki saw Uchiha Yuto and Uchiha Kazuma with plaster bandages on their right arms, and asked with a frown:"What's going on?!"

Seeing Uchiha Masaki coming, Uchiha Kazuma was so nervous that he didn't dare to speak.

Uchiha Yuto gritted his teeth and said:"Master, it's that guy Chiyu!"

Uchiha Masaki frowned even tighter:"Didn't I tell you? Don't bother him!"

Uchiha Masaki knew that Chiyu had handed over a set of A-level ninjutsu, and several of their Uchiha people also learned this set of ninjutsu. From Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude towards Chiyu, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Sarutobi Hiruzen intended to train Chiyu.

At the same time, although not many people knew that Orochimaru had accepted Chiyu as his disciple, Uchiha Masaki, as the clan leader, still had a way to know about it.

The disciple of the Third Hokage, Orochimaru, one of the Three Ninjas of Konoha, accepted a disciple, and Chiyu's status in Konoha had risen. It was obvious that he was a member of the Hokage's faction.

In fact, when Chiyu contributed that set of A-level ninjutsu and Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude towards Chiyu began to change, Uchiha Masaki had already ordered the Uchiha clan not to cause trouble to Chiyu.

This is why the Uchiha clan has not caused trouble to Chiyu in the past few years.

After Chiyu became Orochimaru's disciple, Uchiha Masaki emphasized again not to cause trouble to Chiyu.

Uchiha Masaki asked in a deep voice:"Are you the ones who are causing trouble to him?" Uchiha Yuto moved his mouth, but finally did not speak.

Although Uchiha Yuto and Uchiha Izumaki are proud of being members of the Uchiha clan and usually act arrogantly, they have a sense of belonging to the Uchiha clan and are proud of being Uchiha, so they disdain to lie. Uchiha Masaki

's face sank:"After the injury is healed and returned to the clan, deal with it according to the clan rules! I say again, don't cause trouble to him!" Uchiha

Masaki really has a feeling of disappointment towards his own clan members. He is arrogant and does not understand the situation at all.

Uchiha Masaki now understands the situation of the Uchiha clan in Konoha.

In Uchiha Masaki's view, the current Uchiha clan is like an old man who is about to die, and the last light of life.

The villagers' fear and disgust towards them, the arrogance of the clan members.

If it weren't for the unstable situation in the ninja world, Konoha still needs the Uchiha clan, and Konoha might have already started to settle accounts with the Uchiha clan.

If there is anyone in Konoha who is most willing to start a war, besides the old yinbi Danzo who has been hiding in the dark, it is Uchiha Masaki.

In Uchiha Masaki's view, if you want to restore the vitality of the Uchiha clan, you have to play your own value.

Tell Sarutobi Hiruzen and the villagers that Konoha cannot do without the Uchiha clan.

So how to play your own value? That's only on the battlefield.

Uchiha Masaki asked his clan members to be low-key more than once, but the clan members were used to being arrogant, and even if they were asked to be low-key, it was difficult to change the habit. Uchiha

Masaki was almost depressed. As the clan leader, he would live many years less.

Uchiha Masaki glanced at Uchiha Fugaku beside him, and curled his lips.

The only consolation was that his son was not crooked, and was not as arrogant as other clan members.

Uchiha Masaki believed that his son would be able to become a qualified clan leader in the future. Uchiha Masaki glanced at Uchiha Yuto and Uchiha Kazuma lying on the hospital bed, and finally said nothing. It was really disappointing to him, and what he said to them would go in one ear and out the other. Forget it, he would not say anything.

Just as Uchiha Masaki was leaving, after some struggle, Uchiha Yuto finally said:"Clan leader, that guy Qianyu...Awakened Sharingan!"

Uchiha Masaki stopped abruptly, turned around and said in disbelief:"What did you say?!"

Uchiha Yuto repeated:"Chiyu that guy awakened the Sharingan!" Uchiha Masaki's expression kept changing:"How old is he this year? 13 years old? Or 14 years old?" Uchiha Fugaku replied:"Father, he is two years younger than me, he should be 12 years old." Uchiha Masaki was shocked:"Awakened and opened the Sharingan at the age of 12? No, not necessarily 12 years old, this guy...Is he a genius?!"

His son Uchiha Fugaku is already a recognized genius in the clan, but the 14-year-old Uchiha Fugaku still has not opened his eyes.

Even the recognized strongest person in the Uchiha clan, the former leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara, only opened his Sharingan at the age of 15.

Uchiha Masaki recalled the scene when the Konoha Anbu brought Chiyu to the Uchiha clan.

Because Chiyu has the blood of the Senju clan, the mortal enemy of the Uchiha clan, not only the clan members, but also he looks down on Chiyu.

So he flatly refused to recognize Chiyu's identity as an Uchiha.

If he knew that Chiyu was so talented, he would keep Chiyu in the Uchiha even if everyone disagreed!

But even now It's no use regretting.

Uchiha Masaki thought a lot, and Uchiha Fugaku also thought a lot.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and the son of Uchiha Masaki, everyone in the clan praised him as a genius and said he would become the strongest of the Uchiha clan in the future.

Uchiha Fugaku was also very confident in himself and believed that he would become very strong and become the pillar of the Uchiha clan.

However, Chiba, who only had half of the Uchiha bloodline, actually opened the Sharingan. Uchiha Fugaku was shocked and a little unwilling. Chiba might not only have opened the Sharingan at the age of 12, but he, who was called a genius all day long, didn't even have the sign of opening the Sharingan until now.

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