Uchiha Masaki and Uchiha Fugaku returned to the mansion.

The father and son did not fall asleep, but sat facing each other in the room in silence.

After a long time, Uchiha Masaki finally asked,"What do you think about Chiba, Fugaku?"

Uchiha Fugaku looked up at his old father and asked,"Father, are you asking me about Chiba's strength, or about something else?"

Uchiha Masaki said,"Then tell me everything." Uchiha Fugaku said in a deep voice,"Actually, I don't know much about Chiba. When he came to the Ninja School, I had already studied in the Ninja School for two years.

But I have heard something about him. After all, he is considered a"celebrity" in the Ninja School.

Because he is not recognized by our Uchiha clan, he has always been the target of other people's resentment towards the Uchiha. In his first year at the Ninja School, he was often bullied.

After the second year, he was rarely bullied. In his class, there was a genius named Namikaze Minato, who was accepted as a disciple by Lord Jiraiya, one of the Three Ninjas.

And Chiba is second only to the genius Namikaze Minato. Only then, because he couldn't beat Chiyu, he changed to verbal abuse.

But no matter how bad the other party said, there was no news of Chiyu fighting with others, and he always let others abuse him."

After listening to Uchiha Fugaku's words, Uchiha Masaki frowned and said,"He obviously has the ability but chooses to let others abuse him. Chiyu is very patient."

Uchiha Fugaku continued:"But once, he hit someone, and it was a big deal.

Three years after he came to the ninja school, a transfer student joined Chiyu's class. level, and soon after, something happened in the ninja school.

The transfer student was bullied and caused trouble because of her long red hair, but because of her strong strength, she defeated all those who caused trouble to her.

Later, I heard that a student in the same class as Chiyu, in order to retaliate against the transfer student, found her brother who was a Genin, and Chiyu almost cut off the other party's limbs.

I also heard that it happened that Lord Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade returned to the village that day and ran into it, so they stopped Chiyu."

Uchiha Masaki frowned more and more as he listened.

He asked Uchiha Fugaku about the time when the incident happened. After thinking about it, Uchiha Masaki found out that a few days after this incident, Chiyu handed over the Thunder Breathing Ninjutsu to Konoha.

In order to calm this matter, did he give the Ninjutsu to Sarutobi Hiruzen?...

Uchiha Masaki asked:"Fugaku, is there anything else?"

Uchiha Fugaku nodded:"Yes, I also heard that Namikaze Minato was there that day, and it seems that he was defeated by Chiba. Not long after that, Namikaze Minato became Jiraiya's apprentice. At the same time, every time at school, Namikaze Minato would take the initiative to fight Chiba, but since then..."Minato Namikaze has never defeated Chiba."

Uchiha Masaki was shocked and said,"You mean, Minato Namikaze has been training with Jiraiya, but has never defeated Chiba?"

Uchiha Fugaku said with certainty,"That's right, because the two of them fought only that year. After that year, Minato Namikaze graduated early and followed Master Jiraiya to go out for training. Even in that last battle, Minato Namikaze still couldn't defeat Chiba."

Uchiha Masaki was really shocked now. Orochimaru accepted Chiba as his disciple a month ago.

In other words, Minato Namikaze, who was a disciple of Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, could not defeat Chiba even though he accepted Jiraiya's teachings.

And Chiba at that time, relying entirely on his own talent and strength, overwhelmed Minato Namikaze.

Even without the Sharingan, Chiba's talent is quite powerful.

Uchiha Masaki continued to ask,"By the way, Fugaku, who is the transfer student you mentioned?"

Uchiha Fugaku thought for a while,"It seems to be Uzumaki Kushina."

Uchiha Masaki's expression froze.

Uchiha Fugaku noticed that Uchiha Masaki's expression was not right, and asked curiously:"Father, is this Uzumaki Kushina special?"

Uchiha Masaki's expression changed, and after a moment of silence, he said:"Fugaku, you will definitely inherit my mantle and become the next clan leader in the future, so it's time for you to know some things.

This Uzumaki Kushina is indeed very special. She is very important to Konoha. You should know that Lord Mito is the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, right?"

Uchiha Fugaku nodded seriously and said:"Well, I know. Father once told me that the person who is possessed by the tailed beast and becomes a container is the Jinchūriki. The Jinchūriki is often regarded as the military power of a country."

Uchiha Masaki continued:"Yes, Lord Mito, whose full name is Uzumaki Mito, also has red hair. You should have guessed it, right?"

Uchiha Fugaku's face also changed:"Could it be that Uzumaki Kushina is the Jinchūriki?!"

Uchiha Masaki shook his head and said,"No, but it's almost the same. Uzumaki Kushina is the container of the second Nine-Tails. This is a secret of Konoha. No one knows about this except high-level people like me.

Lady Mito is already very old, and she doesn't have much time left, so Konoha must consider the matter of a new Jinchūriki, and Uzumaki Kushina, who is also from the Uzumaki clan, is that person.

Fugaku, let me ask you another question, do Chiba and Uzumaki Kushina have a good relationship?"

Uchiha Fugaku answered very confidently,"Yes, he has a very good relationship with Uzumaki Kushina!"

Uchiha Masaki sighed,"Then there is no chance." Uchiha Fugaku was puzzled and said,"What's wrong with father?"

Uchiha Masaki replied,"Fugaku, the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki will always be Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, and it is impossible for any ninja family to get involved.

Chiyu has a good relationship with the future Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and the Hokage did not stop him, and even let Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, become his teacher. This means that Chiyu will never come back to the Uchiha clan, even if we agree and Chiyu is willing."

Uchiha Masaki was very upset about letting a member of the clan who opened the Sharingan and had excellent talents wander outside. Uchiha

Fugaku saw it more clearly than his father.

Uchiha Fugaku felt that even if the Uchiha clan agreed, Chiyu would not be willing to return to the Uchiha clan.

Otherwise, Chiyu would not break the arms of Uchiha Yuto and Uchiha Isma.

Chiyu would do this and directly show his Sharingan, which means that he is very likely no longer worried about the problems between the Uchiha and him.

In Uchiha Fugaku's opinion, Chiyu and the Uchiha clan may never reconcile.

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