Uchiha Fugaku felt that Chiyu and Uchiha would never be able to reconcile.

But Uchiha Masaki didn't think so.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Masaki already had a good overall view.

But Uchiha Masaki would still subconsciously think about the problem from the perspective of Konoha's number one ninja clan.

Uchiha Masaki felt that as long as the Uchiha clan, as the number one ninja clan in Konoha, extended an olive branch to Chiyu, Chiyu had no reason to refuse. Uchiha Masaki rubbed his temples, constantly estimating the value of Chiyu in his mind.

The more he thought about it, the more Uchiha Masaki felt that Chiyu's value was very great.

It was not because of Chiyu's talent and strength, but because of Chiyu's identity.

A true Hokage, strongly cultivated by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and a disciple of Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas.

Now the Uchiha clan is completely isolated, and no one is willing to play with him, including Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At present, the Uchiha clan, except for a Konoha Guard, is completely separated from the power center of Konoha.

If Chiba can become the core figure of the Hokage faction, maybe the Uchiha clan can build a bridge of communication with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But the premise is that Chiba has no conflicts with the Uchiha clan, and has a good impression of the Uchiha clan and is willing to work for the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Masaki thought for a long time, and Uchiha Fugaku did not disturb his father.

Based on Uchiha Fugaku's understanding of his father, Uchiha Fugaku could also guess what his father was thinking.

After thinking for a long time, Uchiha Masaki said to Uchiha Fugaku:"Fugaku, tomorrow you go to Orochimaru's base to find Chiba, and bring the scroll of our Uchiha clan's fire escape ninjutsu and the experience of using the Sharingan."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed imperceptibly.

It is indeed the case.

Uchiha Fugaku said to his old father who still had illusions:"Father, you just said that Chiyu will never return to the Uchiha clan. Is there any sense in doing this?"

Uchiha Masaki said firmly:"It makes sense, because I didn't intend to let him come back to our Uchiha. He can't come back. The purpose of doing this is just to make him feel good about Uchiha and not be hostile to our Uchiha clan.

As long as he continues to grow like this, it is almost certain that he will become the core ninja of the Hokage series, and he will always have half of the Uchiha blood in his body. I said this, Fugaku, you should be able to understand it, right?"

Uchiha Fugaku understood Uchiha Masaki's idea.

However, he felt that it was a bit difficult to make Chiyu feel good about the Uchiha clan.

After all, the hatred for so many years cannot be wiped out by a ninjutsu scroll and a copy of the experience of using the Sharingan.

But he also knew his father's temper, and he couldn't stop what he had decided.

Uchiha Fugaku nodded and said,"I understand, father."

Uchiha Masaki nodded and said,"Well, Fugaku, you have to work harder. Don't be outdone by a foreigner who only has half Uchiha blood." Uchiha Fugaku felt bitter after hearing this. He also wanted to open the Sharingan, and he didn't want to be outdone by Chiba, who only had half Uchiha blood. But what could he do if the Sharingan just wouldn't open?

Opening the Sharingan is not something that can be opened by hard work. There is no direction to work hard at all....

The next day.

Chiyu got up before dawn as usual.

Orochimaru still hadn't come back.

But Orochimaru said that he would take him to the contracted Ryuchi Cave today, so he should be back today.

Chiyu came to the training ground of the underground base and started today's training.

After training alone for two or three hours, Chiyu suddenly felt that the barrier outside the base was triggered.

A barrier was set up around Orochimaru's base, and Orochimaru could feel it as long as it was triggered.

For convenience, Orochimaru also gave Chiyu authority, and Chiyu would feel it when it was triggered.

Chiyu took a towel to wipe the sweat off his face, and walked out of the base, muttering:"Are you here to see teacher Orochimaru?"

When Chiyu walked out of the base gate, his eyes narrowed immediately.

Seeing the familiar Uchiha clan emblem, Qianyu crossed his arms, leaned against the door, looked at Uchiha Fugaku, and said sarcastically:"Tsk, you really came to find me, you are worthy of being the Uchiha clan, you are really vindictive, what happened last night, you came to my door this morning.

But, since you are here to arrest me, isn’t it inappropriate to let you, a little brat, come to find me? Where are your Konoha Guard members? Shouldn’t they be the ones to arrest me, the criminal who hurt the noble Uchiha?"

Hearing Qianyu's sarcasm, Uchiha Fugaku's face suddenly darkened.

Little brat? He is obviously younger than him, what qualifications do you have to call him a little brat?

Uchiha Fugaku bowed and said,"Chiyu, you misunderstood. I'm here on behalf of the Uchiha clan to apologize to you for the trouble Yuto and Kazuma caused you yesterday."

Chiyu frowned, but soon relaxed, still speaking in a sarcastic tone:"Oh? When I first came to Konoha, I was bullied by the Uchiha people. At that time, I didn't see you come to apologize to me, but now you are quite fast.

Let me guess, is this the reason?"

Chiyu pointed to the base.

The owner of this underground base is Orochimaru, and the meaning is self-evident. It is because of Orochimaru that they came to apologize.

If Orochimaru alone is definitely not enough to make the arrogant Uchiha apologize, but the weight of the person behind Orochimaru is enough.

Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Uchiha Fugaku's heart tightened. He found that this kid in front of him, who is younger than him, is a bit difficult to deal with.

And Uchiha Fugaku is now very clear that it is almost impossible to make Chiyu feel good about the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Fugaku also got to the point:"Qianyu, our apology is sincere. This is the Uchiha clan's fire escape ninjutsu and the experience of using the Sharingan as a token of our sincerity to apologize to you." Uchiha Fugaku threw two scrolls over.

Qianyu caught the scrolls and weighed them.���:"It seems that part of the reason for the apology is my Sharingan. I thought that seeing that I have opened my eyes, you would shamelessly let me return to the Uchiha clan. It seems that you still have some brains."

Uchiha Fugaku lowered his head slightly, his cheeks slightly flushed.

If it weren't for Uzumaki Kushina, his father Uchiha Masaki might really let Chiyu return to the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Fugaku bowed and said:"Since Chiyu, you have accepted the apology of our Uchiha clan, I will take my leave first."

Just as Uchiha Fugaku was about to turn around and leave, Chiyu suddenly said:"Wait, you seem to be talking too much to yourself? Did I say I accept your apology?"

Uchiha Fugaku frowned and looked at Qianyu, not understanding what Qianyu meant.

Qianyu's next move immediately made Uchiha Fugaku furious.

Because Qianyu was holding the two scrolls, lightning flashed, and the high temperature directly ignited the two scrolls, turning them into ashes.

Qianyu looked at Uchiha Fugaku sarcastically and said word by word:"I don't accept your apology, Uchiha!"

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