Uchiha Fugaku was about to explode when he saw Chiyu actually burned the two scrolls directly.

Although these two scrolls were only copies, they were also very precious.

The scroll that recorded the fire escape ninjutsu recorded the fire escape ninjutsu passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan.

Fire escape · Great Fireball Technique, Fire escape · Great Fire Extinguishment, Fire escape · Dragon Flame Song Technique and other fire escape ninjutsu were all recorded.

Although the fire escape · Great Fireball Technique is widely circulated in the ninja world, the great fireball technique released by the Uchiha clan and the great fireball technique released by others can be said to be very different. The truly precious one is the scroll that records the experience of using the Sharingan.

It records in detail the experience of using the single to three magatama Sharingan, which is an extremely precious treasure for the Uchiha clan.

However, Chiyu didn't appreciate it, and he actually burned it directly.

Isn't this a slap in the face of Uchiha?

Uchiha Fugaku's chest rose and fell rapidly, and he glared at Chiyu with an angry face. Chiyu was still leaning against the door frame, looking at Uchiha Fugaku with a sarcastic expression.

Uchiha Fugaku took several deep breaths to calm himself down.

Uchiha Fugaku said calmly:"Since you are unwilling to accept the kindness of our Uchiha clan, then I'm sorry to bother you." Uchiha Fugaku turned and left.

Chiyu stared at Uchiha Fugaku's back.

Chiyu felt that the Uchiha in front of him was very different from the other Uchiha.

He did this in front of him, but he was still so calm. If it were any other Uchiha, he might have taken action directly.

Moreover, the other party was able to apologize to him alone on behalf of the Uchiha clan, so his status should not be low.

Chiyu asked:"Hey, what's your name?"


After Uchiha Fugaku stopped and said his name, he left without looking back.

Chiyu's mouth curled up.

Uchiha Fugaku, the future patriarch of the Uchiha clan, the father of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke.

The sarcasm on Chiyu's face became more obvious:"You really gave birth to two good sons."

In Qianyu's eyes, Uchiha Itachi's future act of slaughtering the clan was not justice at all.

Uchiha Itachi chose to sacrifice a small number of people in order to protect more people, which seemed to be very just.

But the target of Uchiha Itachi's slaughter was not other people.

It was his clansmen, his blood relatives.

Uchiha Itachi was loyal to Konoha. The Uchiha clan rebelled. He chose to wipe out the Uchiha clan for the"righteousness of Konoha", which was indeed justice for Konoha.

But for the Uchiha clan, for those clansmen who still trusted him and were waiting for him to fight for the future together, Uchiha Itachi was a traitor.

This was a sin.

The involvement of blood made this sin even more sinful.

If Uchiha Itachi only slaughtered those Uchiha clan members who chose to rebel or killed Uchiha Sasuke together, Qianyu might have looked up to him.

But Uchiha Itachi did not.

Uchiha Itachi, together with Uchiha Obito, killed all women, old and young. Kill them all.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, he chose to exterminate his own clan. The reason why he left Uchiha Sasuke behind was not to leave offspring for the Uchiha clan, but because he did not want to see his beloved brother die.

After Uchiha Itachi carried out the extermination of the clan, the only condition was to save the life of his brother Uchiha Sasuke, and he would provide intelligence for Konoha.

This behavior directly turned Uchiha Itachi's extermination of the clan into a joke.

In Chiyu's view, Uchiha Itachi was a hypocrite who was brainwashed by the Will of Fire and was blindly loyal to Konoha.

Uchiha Itachi's behavior was not justice at all, but a stupid guy who was willing to be a pawn of others and thought he was on the side of justice.

It is really a hopeless clan that can destroy itself without anyone else's help.

But Uchiha Sasuke, haha, is still interesting.

Just when Chiyu was about to go back to the base to continue training, Orochimaru's voice came from the side:"Really smart, Chiyu."

Qianyu looked in the direction where the voice came from, and found Orochimaru leaning against a tree, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Qianyu also smiled, and said to Orochimaru:"Since the other party has given it to me for free, there is no reason not to take it. The Uchiha clan's fire escape ninjutsu and Sharingan training experience are very helpful to me."

Two scrolls appeared in Qianyu's hands again.

The two scrolls that Qianyu had just burned were just two blank scrolls that Qianyu took out of the ninja tool bag.

When Uchiha Fugaku was about to turn around and leave, Qianyu quickly switched them, and then when Uchiha Fugaku's sight was not on the scroll, he directly ignited the scroll with the high temperature of lightning, creating the illusion that Qianyu burned the scroll very disrespectfully.

Orochimaru walked up to Qianyu with his arms folded in front of him:"Aren't you worried that Uchiha will cause trouble for you in the future?"

Qianyu put the two scrolls away again, smiled brightly at Orochimaru,"I'm not worried at all, don't we still have Teacher Orochimaru, and...Uchiha Fugaku came to me on behalf of the Uchiha clan to apologize, which means that the situation of the Uchiha clan is quite bad, and they want to use me to establish a connection with teacher Orochimaru."

Orochimaru chuckled and said,"Hehe, you are very perceptive about the situation, but what you actually want to say is that Uchiha wants to invest in your future and establish a connection with the Hokage who is my teacher."

Chiyu laughed and said,"Teacher Orochimaru, I didn't say that."

Orochimaru didn't say anything else and walked towards the underground base:"Let's go, I've been very busy recently. After taking you to the contract with the Ryuchi Cave today and helping you make a training plan for this period of time, I will not be back for a while."

Chiyu followed Orochimaru to the office.

Orochimaru explained to Chiyu:"The summoning technique is a space-time ninjutsu that the caster summons the summoned beast after signing a blood contract relationship with it.

Because a blood contract is to be made with the summoned beast, blood must be used as a medium to let the summoned beast know who is summoning it. The signatory leaves blood marks on the blood contract, and once the summoned beast is authenticated, it can be summoned.

Therefore, when summoning, the palm of the hand is usually stained with blood, and the chakra and blood are concentrated on the hand that signed the contract to be used as a summoning medium.

Then there are the seals. The seals of the summoning technique are Hai, Xu, You, Shen, and Wei. The strength of the summoned beast depends on the amount of chakra consumed. The more chakra is consumed, the more powerful the summoned beast can be.

The above is an explanation of the summoning technique. I will demonstrate the summoning technique now."

Orochimaru bit his finger, let the blood from his finger flow across his right palm, and then he made a seal.

""Psychic art!"

A puff of smoke appeared, and when the smoke dissipated, a large blue snake appeared in front of Qianyu.

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