Time flies.

More than eight months have passed since Jiang Mo started the training plan newly arranged by Orochimaru.

Qianyu is now 13 years old and is now on the coastline of the Land of Fire.

Orochimaru accepted a C-level mission for Qianyu.

Clean up the pirates who landed in the Land of Fire from the coastline.

Beside Qianyu, a large number of headless corpses fell.

These corpses are the corpses of pirates.

What surprised Qianyu was that there were ninjas among these pirates.

The C-level mission accepted by Qianyu should not have ninjas.

But now, not far in front of Qianyu, there are three people standing, and all three of them can use ninjutsu.

During the fight, Qianyu found that these three people were definitely not pirates, but ninjas from the ninja village.

Because the means of fighting are completely ninja means.

After thinking about it, Qianyu also guessed that the other party might be an enemy ninja hiding among the pirates who wanted to sneak into the Land of Fire.

And the three ninjas are now on guard against Qianyu not far away with a tricky look on their faces.

In just a short while, the young man in front of him killed all the pirates. If they hadn't stood at the outermost of the pirate group and kept interfering with Qianyu, they might have been beheaded. The three ninjas knew they were no match for Qianyu, and the leader whispered"retreat" and planned to flee from here.

Qianyu showed a bloodthirsty smile:"I can't let you run away, I'll use you as my merit!"

""Thunder Breathing·First Form·Thunderbolt Flash!"

A thunderous sound like tearing through the air sounded, and Qianyu turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards the ninja closest to him at a high speed.

With one slash of the sword, even the back of the sword cut into the opponent's flesh.

The ninja who was slashed screamed, and his whole body fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

The ninja who was hit in the back had his spine broken directly by the back of Qianyu's sword.

Then Qianyu quickly formed seals with both hands, took a deep breath, and his chest bulged greatly.

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Song Technique!"

Qian Yu spit out four fire dragons in front of him, attacking the other ninja from the top, bottom, left and right directions at the same time.

The second ninja also immediately formed a seal and pressed his hands on the ground.

"Water Style: Water Wall!"

After pouring water attribute chakra into the ground, a vertical water wall was created from bottom to top.

The water wall successfully blocked the two fire dragons above and below, but failed to defend against the two fire dragons coming from the left and right.

After the two fire dragons hit the ninja, they exploded instantly.

The charred ninja flew out of the explosion and fell to the ground.

Qianyu looked at the third and last ninja.

The last ninja ran very fast and was already some distance away from Qianyu.

The tip of Qianyu's sword pointed directly at the ninja who was still trying to escape.

The sword was wrapped with lightning and kept roaring.

""Thunder Breathing· Fifth Form·Heat Realm Thunder!" A lightning-like slash with high heat was instantly released from the sword and bombarded the last ninja.

The lightning-like slash was so fast that it hit the target in almost the blink of an eye.

The last ninja's hair stood up instantly, his whole body twitched, and white smoke began to come out of his body under the bombardment of lightning.

Qianyu interrupted the sword form in time to prevent him from being electrocuted to death.

The three ninjas were almost unable to fight back and were killed by Qianyu.

Qianyu gathered the three ninjas who had lost their ability to fight together.

Then Qianyu made a seal again and pressed them to the ground.

""The art of summoning spirits!"

A puff of smoke appeared, and after the smoke dissipated, a large white snake appeared in front of Qianyu.

The white snake greeted very coldly:"Master Qianyu."

Qianyu pointed to the three unconscious ninjas on the ground:"White snake, swallow them into your stomach."

When the white snake heard that they were to be swallowed into its stomach, its voice suddenly became extremely enthusiastic. The snake's body was wrapped around Qianyu's body, and it became a conspicuous bag:"Ah, Master Qianyu, you are so nice. You know I'm hungry and you send me food. I really love you~"

Qianyu rolled his eyes. He became so enthusiastic when he heard that there was food. It turned out that this snake could change its face so quickly.

Just when the white snake opened its mouth and was ready to eat the three unconscious ninjas directly, Qianyu reminded:"These three are not for you to eat as food. I am still useful. They are just temporarily stored in your body. You can eat the corpses around you at will." When the white snake heard that it was not for it to be used as food, it was immediately anxious:"What, Master Qianyu, aren't you wasting my feelings? What delicious food are there when these people are dead!

Qianyu grabbed the white snake off his body and said,"Are you still picking up food? Do you want to do it or not? If not, there are plenty of snakes in Longdi Cave!""

""Do it, can't I do it? You brought the spirit out of someone, is it okay to exploit him like this?"

The white snake agreed, and while complaining, he started to eat the corpses around him.

The corpses disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qianyu was very surprised. After eating so many corpses, the white snake's abdomen did not show any signs of bulging.

Soon the corpses were eaten up, and then it was the turn of the three ninjas.

Qianyu couldn't help but remind him:"These three ninjas are really useful to me, don't really eat them!"

The white snake spat at Qianyu and said dissatisfiedly:"Master Qianyu, I also have professional ethics, okay."

The white snake opened its mouth again and swallowed the unconscious ninjas into its stomach one by one.

This time, the white snake's belly finally changed and swelled a lot.

Qianyu asked curiously:"Why didn't your belly grow bigger when you ate those corpses just now?"

The white snake explained:"My gastric juice can quickly corrode the flesh, and these three people are now staying in a place in my body where there is no gastric juice."

Qianyu suddenly realized:"So that's how it is, okay, then these three ninjas will be temporarily kept with you, and I will summon you out later."

A cloud of smoke enveloped the white snake, and the white snake returned to the Ryuchi Cave.

After packing up, Qianyu set off for Konoha.

During these eight months, Orochimaru would basically take on a C-level mission for Qianyu every month.

If it weren't for Qianyu being just a Genin, Orochimaru would have planned to give Qianyu a B-level mission.

During these eight months, Qianyu's strength changed every day.

Because he already had the experience of mastering the form changes and property changes of lightning attribute chakra, he also successfully mastered the form changes and property changes of fire attribute chakra.

Not only did he master The Uchiha clan's fire ninjutsu and summoning techniques have been thoroughly mastered, and some of Orochimaru's secret techniques have also been learned.

At the same time, during the rigorous training, Chiyu's Sharingan has evolved into a double magatama Sharingan.

However, Chiyu's greatest improvement is not these, but his chakra volume.

Now Chiyu's chakra volume has increased to the chakra volume of Kakashi with the Sharingan activated.

Chiyu knows very well that this must be brought to him by the physique of the Senju clan. The chakra volume of Kakashi with the Sharingan activated is at least the chakra volume of a special jonin.

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