Chiyu can't wait to go back to Konoha now.

Because Chiyu wants to see Uzumaki Kushina only in the short free time after completing the mission.

And now Uzumaki Kushina has also learned some sealing techniques from Uzumaki Mito, and Uzumaki Mito had agreed to let Uzumaki Kushina start the mission three months ago.

However, due to the importance of Uzumaki Kushina, the scope of Uzumaki Kushina's mission is in the Land of Fire.

Therefore, the number of times Chiyu and Uzumaki Kushina have actually met in these eight months can be counted on one hand.

Although he may not be able to see Uzumaki Kushina this time when he returns to Konoha, Chiyu still has expectations.

When he thought that he might be able to see Uzumaki Kushina, Chiyu couldn't help but smile, and he quickened his pace to Konoha....


Uzumaki Kushina, who had just completed a mission, came out of the Hokage Building.

Uzumaki Kushina pressed her sore neck. This ninja life was completely different from what she had imagined.

Up to now, Uzumaki Kushina and her two teammates had been constantly accepting and completing easy D-level missions, which made Uzumaki Kushina feel very frustrated.

"It would be nice if Chiba was here, even if it was a D-rank mission."

Uzumaki Kushina pouted and muttered something, then walked towards Uzumaki Mito's mansion.

It was already dusk.

Uzumaki Kushina returned to the mansion.

"I'm back!"

But Kushina Uzumaki didn't get any response.

Kushina Uzumaki went deep into the mansion and called out again:"I'm back, Grandma Mito?"

But Kushina Uzumaki still didn't get a response.

Kushina Uzumaki stopped at the kitchen door and murmured:"Is Grandma Mito not here?"

Kushina Uzumaki stared blankly out the kitchen window.

Because she saw that the branches outside the window seemed to be shaking abnormally.

At this time, three figures appeared from the window. The

Hidden Cloud Village Ninja that Qianyu had been worried about appeared.

These three Hidden Cloud Village Ninjas have been lurking in Konoha for many days.

They observed that Kushina Uzumaki possessed special chakras and coveted Kushina Uzumaki, so they took advantage of today's opportunity and prepared to kidnap Kushina Uzumaki.

The three Hidden Cloud Village Ninjas got into the kitchen through the window.

Kushina Uzumaki, who had no actual combat experience, was frightened and ran away.

Kushina Uzumaki ran away while shouting for help:"Is there anyone? Help!"

But the three Cloud Village ninjas who sneaked into Konoha, two were special jonins and one was a jonin.

The three quickly caught up with and subdued Uzumaki Kushina.

After the three Cloud Village ninjas succeeded, they immediately evacuated Konoha....

In the forest of the Land of Fire.

Uzumaki Kushina's hands were tied behind her. Two ninjas walked in front of her, and one ninja walked behind her holding a rope. Uzumaki Kushina walked forward with a dull look in her eyes.

Now they were getting farther and farther away from Konoha Village and closer and closer to the border of the Land of Fire.

Uzumaki Kushina accidentally stepped on a stone and fell to the ground. The ninja behind her pulled the rope roughly and forcibly pulled Uzumaki Kushina up from the ground.

"Hey! Don't be lazy! Keep going!"

Uzumaki Kushina held the bell that Chiyu gave her tightly in her hand and shook it secretly, hoping for a miracle to happen.

But they were almost at the border and the miracle still didn't happen. Uzumaki Kushina was filled with despair and tears were already flowing unconsciously.

Thinking that she would never see Chiyu again in the future, Uzumaki Kushina's heart felt as if someone was pulling it up and it hurt so much.

The desperate Uzumaki Kushina shouted:"Chiyu!"

"Shut up!"

The Cloud Village ninja behind Uzumaki Kushina was about to punch Uzumaki Kushina.

Suddenly, there was a roar of thunder and lightning in the woods.

""Thunder Breathing·Fourth Type·Distant Thunder!"

The three ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village only saw a flash of lightning, and the head of the Hidden Cloud Village ninja who was about to punch flew straight into the sky.

This change shocked the other two ninjas, and they immediately retreated and kept their distance.

Qianyu appeared in front of Uzumaki Kushina.

Seeing Uzumaki Kushina's embarrassed look, Qianyu felt very distressed.

After Qianyu swung his sword to cut off the ropes that bound Uzumaki Kushina's hands, he reached out and stroked Uzumaki Kushina's face.

"Sorry, Kushina, I'm late...."

Uzumaki Kushina threw herself into Chiyu's arms and cried loudly.

Chiyu's heart ached, and at the same time, she looked at the two ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village who were about to attack. The killing intent in her eyes could no longer be suppressed, and her double magatama Sharingan was already activated.

Chiyu let go of Uzumaki Kushina, helped her sit down against the tree trunk, and made her voice as soft as possible:"Kushina, after I deal with them, I will take you home."

Chiyu used the summoning technique to summon the white snake.

"White Snake, you protect Kushina."

Hearing the coldness in Chiyu's voice, White Snake did not act as a conspicuous person, and honestly lurked beside Uzumaki Kushina.

Chiyu adjusted his breathing, and his Sharingan was fixed on the two ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village.

Originally, Chiyu had a bad premonition in his heart after he found that the bell rang, and he immediately realized that something had happened to Uzumaki Kushina.

So Chiyu, according to the guidance of the bell, used lightning chakra to stimulate his body, activated his body, and rushed over at full speed.

The Hidden Cloud Village Jonin Oyuro showed a greedy look when he saw Chiyu's Sharingan:"Sharingan! The Uchiha clan's bloodline limit?! The luck is really good, but this kid is not simple, Atui, let's go together!"

The special Jonin Atui said seriously:"It's the captain!"

Oyuro and Atui both drew out the ninja swords behind them at the same time

"Lightning Escape: Lightning Slash!"

Oyuluo released an electric current attack in the direction of Qianyu, and instantly appeared beside Qianyu, stabbing Qianyu's body.

""Thunder Breathing·Type II·Inari Soul!"

Qianyu instantly slashed out five consecutive attacks in the shape of lightning.

The first sword cut off Oyulu's ninja sword, and the remaining four swords all slashed towards Oyulu's vital points.

Oyulu's reaction speed was also very fast, blocking all three swords, but the fourth sword was still slashed to the chest.

Oyulu looked down at the charred sword wound on his chest and looked at Qianyu in shock.

Although Qianyu had killed his companion with one sword before, he already knew that he was very fast, but he really experienced the speed of this kid in front of him when they really fought.

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have been beheaded like his companion with the second sword.

Qianyu frowned slightly.

His speed slowed down.

Because he was in a hurry to save Uzumaki Kushina, he used lightning attribute chakra to stimulate his body for a long time, which made Qianyu's meridians slightly tingling.

Qianyu got ready again. These two ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village must be killed here!

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