Qianyu was alone facing a jonin, a special jonin.

This was Qianyu's first time fighting against a ninja of this level.

The ninja who was beheaded by his sneak attack should not be bad either.

At the same time, judging from how Oyuluo dodged and resisted his Second Form: Rice Soul just now, Oyuluo's speed was not as fast as his, but he had enough combat experience. Relying on his experience, he dodged three swords. The fourth sword was unavoidable, but he also took a step back and only cut his chest.

Oyuluo glanced at Atui, and the tacit understanding of many years made Atui immediately understand what Oyuluo meant.

""Cloud Flow Slash!"

After Oyuluo quickly formed a seal, lightning appeared around.

Qianyu had been using lightning chakra to activate his body during the battle. These lightning of Oyuluo were attracted by the lightning on Qianyu's body and struck Qianyu.

At the same time, Oyulu held the ninja sword tightly in both hands and slashed at Qianyu.

Qianyu guided and dissolved the lightning that struck him, and at the same time raised the sword across his chest.

Oyuluo swung three powerful slashes at Qianyu in succession.

The huge force made Qianyu retreat several steps.

When Qianyu retreated, Atui used the instant body technique to appear behind Qianyu, swung the sword and slashed at Qianyu.

When Qianyu was slashed, Qianyu's whole body turned into the color of mud and turned into a pool of mud.

Atui, who attacked Qianyu, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Earth substitute!

When did you form the seal?!

Oyuluo reminded loudly:"Atui, get out of the way!"

""Shadow Snake Limbs!"

Qianyu appeared on the right side of Atui, and several snakes rushed out from his sleeves, attacking Atui unexpectedly.

Several snakes directly wrapped around Atui's body tightly, opened their mouths and bit Atui tightly.

Qianyu's sword also swung towards Atui's neck.

"Damn it! Shadow Thunder Stab!"

Lightning burst out from Oyuluo's body, activating his body and rushing towards Atui.

At the moment when Qianyu's sword was about to hit Atui's neck, Oyuluo cut off the snake on Atui's body first, and at the same time, he threw Atui down and rolled on the ground twice.

Atui's shoulder was only scratched by Qianyu's sword tip. Qianyu's eyes were slightly stern.

Sure enough, the senior ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village would also use lightning chakra to stimulate the body, activate the body, and increase the speed and strength to a higher level.

However, Oyuluo's speed did not increase much, so the focus should be on improving strength.

After Oyuluo rescued Atui, he exhorted:"Atui, this kid is very powerful, don't be careless!"

Oyuluo looked at Qianyu not far away with a serious look.

He recognized that the move was the secret technique of Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas of Konoha.

Qianyu made seals with his hands and took a deep breath

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Qianyu gathered chakra in his throat and spit out a large area of flames like sea water.


Oyuluo shouted, and immediately dodged Qianyu's flames, bypassed the flames, and rushed straight towards Qianyu.

"Lightning Release: Sanda Muruto!"

Oyuluo condensed the Lightning Release Chakra on the Ninja Sword, and lightning continued to flash on the Ninja Sword.

After condensing to a certain degree, lightning burst out from the Ninja Sword and bombarded Qianyu.

"Oh? My moves are very similar to yours, so let's see whose lightning is stronger!"

The tip of the Chiyu Tachi pointed directly at Oyolo.

""Thunder Breathing·Type 5·Heat Realm Thunder!"

A high-heat lightning-like slash burst out from Qianyu's katana and bombarded Oyuluo.

Oyuluo's lightning collided with Qianyu's lightning.

The strong lightning light illuminated the entire dark forest.

The lightning of both sides suddenly reached a stalemate.

Oyuluo was shocked. How could this kid in front of him have so much chakra?

And his mastery of the form transformation and nature change of lightning attribute chakra was also better than his.


As a participant in the Second Ninja World War, Oyuluo had seen many geniuses.

Those geniuses really made Oyuluo feel incredible.

There are many children who look younger than Qianyu. , and fight on equal terms with the battle-hardened jonin, or even better than them.

In comparison, Oyuluo feels like a mediocre person.

Now at the age of 27, he has just been promoted to jonin.

Oyuluo's killing intent towards Chiyu is even stronger.

It is impossible to take away this kid with the Sharingan alive, so he must kill this kid here.

Otherwise, when this kid grows up in the future, it will be a great threat to the Hidden Cloud Village.

Oyuluo took the initiative to give up the confrontation with Chiyu's hot thunder, and rolled to avoid the bombardment of hot thunder.

Then Oyuluo used the instant body technique to approach Chiyu.

""Cloud Flow·Flying Blade!"

Oyuluo swung his ninja sword flashing with lightning at Chiyu.

Chiyu used attack instead of defense, and swung his katana flashing with lightning at Oyuluo.

The crisp sound of the blades colliding was heard.

After being stimulated by the lightning chakra, Oyuluo, whose strength was mainly strengthened, was actually repelled by Chiyu.

As Chiyu expected, Oyuluo's move had a follow-up. While

Oyulu was being repelled, a lightning blade formed on the ninja sword and slashed at Chiyu at a high speed.

The lightning blade hit Chiyu's katana, turned into lightning and covered Chiyu's whole body, shocking Chiyu.

"Take advantage of now! Atui!"

In Oyuluo's opinion, Qianyu has been paralyzed by his lightning, and now is a good opportunity to kill Qianyu.

However, Atui did not appear as Oyuluo expected.

Oyuluo tilted his head and looked, his eyes widened.

Atui fell to the ground, half of his body was burned by the flames, and his body was twitching constantly.

"What happened?!"

Qianyu had previously released the Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment, which Atui was fast enough to dodge, so why did Atui fall for it?

"Ha, it looks like it has broken out."

Qianyu used the body-flickering technique to appear next to Atui, grabbed Atui's hair and lifted him up.

Qianyu stared at Oyuluo with his cold Sharingan and said sarcastically,"Why do you think your lightning can paralyze me? Do you think the lightning on my body is just for show?"

Oyuluo then noticed that Atui's blood vessels were a little black, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly:"The snake just now?"

The snake that Qianyu summoned using the Shadow Snake Limb was a poisonous snake. It bit Atui while restraining him and injected venom into his body.

Because Atui was poisoned, he did not completely avoid Qianyu's Haohuo Negation, and fell to the ground twitching.

Qianyu pointed the tip of the sword at Atui's neck and smiled at Oyuluo,"Don't worry, it's your turn next!"

Qianyu mercilessly used the sword to pierce Atui's neck.

Atui, who was held in Qianyu's hand, struggled and twitched for a few times before dying.

Oyuluo stared at Qianyu with bloodshot eyes.

Qianyu chuckled and said,"Why do you look at me like this? When you kidnapped Kushina, weren't we already at war to the death?"

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