Chiyu killed the second special jonin, and now only Oyuluo was left.

Oyuluo saw his subordinates being stabbed in the neck by Chiyu and died, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

The lightning on Chiyu's body was crackling.

""Thunder Breathing·Type 3·Gathering Mosquitoes into Thunder!"

Qianyu spun around Oyuluo at high speed, leaving wave-like lightning on its own trajectory.

These lightnings would also be attracted by the lightning on Oyuluo's body and actively bombard Oyuluo.

However, these lightnings actually had little effect on Oyuluo.

At this time, Oyuluo, who was full of anger, kept trying to lock on Qianyu who was flying at high speed.

It seemed that he had adapted to Qianyu's speed, and Oyuluo could gradually see Qianyu's afterimage.

"Found you! Cloud Flow·Three-Day Moon Slash!"

Oyuluo predicted the next landing point of Chiyu.

Oyuluo quickly swung a large crescent-shaped slash with the ninja sword.

From the touch of the ninja sword, Oyuluo clearly felt that he had hit, but it was Chiyu's sword that was hit.

At the same time, he finally saw Chiyu clearly.

But what puzzled Oyuluo was that he saw a mocking smile in Chiyu's expression.

The next second.

Oyuluo felt himself sinking.

Oyuluo looked down at the ground and found that the ground under his feet had turned into a swamp.

It was Earth Release·Yellow Spring Swamp!

"It was just a feint, and you really fell for it. I was afraid that you couldn't see my movements clearly, so I deliberately slowed down my speed so that you could see it clearly, idiot, it's over!"

""Thunder Breathing·Land Type·Lightning and Thunder Boom!"

Qianyu used himself as the center and instantly released countless lightning-like slashes in all directions.

Oyulu, whose feet were stuck in the swamp, had no way to avoid it and was cut directly by countless lightning-like slashes.

A large number of charred knife wounds appeared on Oyulu's body. A shrill scream came from Oyulu's mouth, and at the same time, a smell of electrocuted meat wafted out.

Oyulu fell to the ground with a bang, twitching all over.

Seeing Oyulu fall to the ground, Qianyu did not relax his vigilance, and said in a cold voice:"Don't worry, more Cloud Village ninjas will go down to accompany you next, I have already set my sights on your Cloud Village!"

Qianyu swung his sword and cut Oyuluo's head and body in half.

Oyuluo's warm blood sprayed on Qianyu's face. Oyuluo

's head rolled a few times and then stopped. Before his consciousness finally dissipated, he looked at Qianyu and felt sad.

Konoha has produced another genius, and he has no ability to kill this genius here.

In the future, he doesn't know how many ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village will die in his hands.

With reluctance, Oyuluo's eyes were blurred and he died completely.

The battle was finally over.

Qianyu wiped the blood off his face and let out a long sigh.

I want to see the whirlpool. Kushina's Chiba's body suddenly softened and he almost fell to the ground.

His chakra was really exhausted due to the rush on the road, and now the chakra in his body was almost exhausted.

If it weren't for this, Chiba would not have risked a feint.

Chiba glanced at his right hand, the muscles at the base of his thumb had been torn and bleeding.

His strength was not as good as Oyuluo's, especially after Oyuluo used the lightning chakra to activate his body and strengthen his strength.

Oyuluo's style, no, it should be said that the style of most of the ninjas in the Hidden Cloud Village is very similar to Chiba's.

The ninjas in the Hidden Cloud Village are good at... Long sword techniques and lightning escape techniques, as well as popular ninjutsu.

Chiyu's strongest and best technique is the same type of Thunder Breathing Full Sword Form.

And although Chiyu is faster than Oyuluo, it is not overwhelmingly fast, so in a head-on confrontation, Chiyu has almost no advantage.

Also because of the speed, as long as Chiyu wants, it is difficult for Oyuluo to do anything to Chiyu.

But a protracted war is not in Chiyu's favor, so Chiyu must make a decision before the chakra is exhausted.

However, Oyuluo was finally killed.

Chiyu took out a blank scroll and sealed Oyuluo's head in the scroll.

Same. At that time, Qianyu sealed Atui and the head of the special jonin who was beheaded at the beginning into the scroll.

Qianyu walked to Uzumaki Kushina's position and found that Uzumaki Kushina had fallen asleep with her head leaning on the white snake.

Uzumaki Kushina was forcibly abducted by these three ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village. Coupled with the despair after approaching the border, she was already exhausted physically and mentally. After Qianyu arrived, she trusted Qianyu and relaxed her mind. She couldn't stop her sleepiness and fell asleep leaning on the white snake.

Qianyu gently picked up Uzumaki Kushina by the waist, and then said to the white snake:"Thank you, white snake."

Seeing that Qianyu was in a good mood now, the white snake immediately made a request to Qianyu:"Master Qianyu, let me eat something fresh next time?"

Qianyu's eyes flashed slightly:"I know, it won't be long before I let you eat it to your heart's content!"

The white snake's face showed a human-like flattering smile:"Lord Qianyu, you are such a good person, I love you to death, from now on, if you say east, I will never go west, let me eat a living person, I will never eat a dead person!"

Qianyu rolled his eyes:"Okay, stop talking nonsense, by the way, are those three ninjas okay?"

The white snake's tail patted its swollen belly:"It's fine, Lord Qianyu, you can rest assured, you are not sure about my work."

Qianyu nodded:"Okay, then you go back to Longdi Cave first, I will summon you later"

"Goodbye, Master Chiyu."

The white snake turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared back into the Ryuchi Cave.

Chiyu swallowed a Bingliang Pill, recovered some chakra, and rushed towards Konoha holding Uzumaki Kushina.

Perhaps because of the bumps, Uzumaki Kushina woke up in Chiyu's arms.

The awakened Uzumaki Kushina didn't make a sound, just staring at Chiyu's face. It seemed that Uzumaki Kushina's eyes were too hot. Chiyu noticed it and looked down, and found that Uzumaki Kushina had woken up. Chiyu asked with concern:"Kushina, how are you, are you hurt?"

Uzumaki Kushina shook her head, indicating that she was not injured.

Chiyu said softly:"Then sleep for a while, I'm actually a little more stable, I'll wake you up when I get to Konoha."

Uzumaki Kushina suddenly hooked her hands around Chiyu's neck, put her head close to Chiyu's cheek and kissed her lightly.

Chiyu suddenly stopped, and her body froze in place as if it was under a spell.

After Uzumaki Kushina gave Chiyu a light kiss on the cheek, she buried her head in Chiyu's shoulder and sobbed, saying,"Chiyu, I'm so scared when I think that I may never see you again. I don't know what to do....Thank you, Chiyu, thank you for always being by my side, thank you for everything."

Chiyu raised her right hand, gently wiped the tears from the corners of Uzumaki Kushina's eyes, smiled and murmured:"Kushina, in fact, I should thank you. After my father and mother passed away, I just lived for the sake of living, but now it's different. My world has you, and only you...."

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