Uzumaki Kushina dozed off again in Chiyu's arms, with her head nestled in Chiyu's arms.

Feeling Uzumaki Kushina's even breathing, Chiyu now felt full of strength as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood, and his whole body was light.

Chiyu felt that he was filled with an indescribable sense of happiness.

When Chiyu returned to Konoha, it seemed as if time had passed in the blink of an eye, and he sighed in his heart that time had passed too quickly.

After returning to Konoha, Chiyu's smile disappeared instantly, and he looked like he didn't want anyone to approach him.

Several ninjas guarding the gate of Konoha discovered Uzumaki Kushina in Chiyu's arms, and instantly surrounded her.

"Qianyu, what's going on? Why did Uzumaki Kushina and you come back from outside the village?"

The situation is getting more and more tense now. Konoha's ninjas need to register whether they leave the village.

Qianyu glanced at the group of ninjas surrounding him with cold eyes:"Kushina was kidnapped by the ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village in Konoha. Haven't you discovered it until now?"


This group of ninjas were extremely shocked.

In their eyes, it was not important that Uzumaki Kushina was abducted. What was important was that she was abducted in Konoha.

One of the ninjas immediately rushed to the Hokage Building and prepared to report the matter to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And Chiyu ignored the inquiries of others and walked forward on his own.

A ninja saw that Chiyu ignored them and immediately became unhappy, and asked:"Hey, Chiyu! We ask you questions, what does it mean that you don't answer and just leave?!"

Chiyu replied coldly without even turning his head:"What if I answer you? As a ninja guarding Konoha, I know nothing about this matter. I don't know whether you are incompetent or derelict of duty. No matter what it is, I don't seem to have the obligation to answer you because you are not my superiors."

Qianyu didn't care about their red faces and walked straight forward.

Qianyu came to Uzumaki Mito's mansion.

At this time, Uzumaki Mito had returned to the mansion. When

Uzumaki Mito found that Uzumaki Kushina, who should have completed the mission long ago, had not returned, he immediately went to find Sarutobi Hiruzen and told Sarutobi Hiruzen about the matter. Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately sent the

Anbu to find the two companions of Uzumaki Kushina to inquire about the situation. After learning that Uzumaki Kushina had left long ago, Sarutobi Hiruzen realized that something had happened. , almost all the Anbu have been sent out to look for Uzumaki Kushina.

And Uzumaki Mito was worried about Uzumaki Kushina's safety in the mansion.

As soon as he heard the movement at the door, Uzumaki Mito couldn't wait to open the door.

When he saw Uzumaki Kushina sleeping soundly in Chiyu's arms, Uzumaki Mito was relieved, and the stone in his heart fell.

Chiyu said expressionlessly:"Mito-sama, I brought Kushina back. Kushina is very tired. Please trouble Mito-sama to take Kushina to the room to rest." Uzumaki Mito carefully took over the sleeping Uzumaki Kushina. He was only paying attention to Uzumaki Kushina just now, but now paying attention to Chiyu, he found that Chiyu's body was full of traces of battle, and many holes were burned on his clothes.

Uzumaki Mito asked with concern:"Chiyu, are you hurt?"

"I am not injured. I still have to go to the Hokage Building to report this matter to the Hokage. I'll take my leave now."

Chiyu bowed to Uzumaki Mito and left.

Uzumaki Mito looked at Chiyu's departing figure with his eyes flickering slightly.

Not long after Chiyu left the Hokage Building, an Anbu appeared in front of Chiyu:"Chiyu, the Hokage asked you to see him immediately."

Chiyu followed the Anbu to the Hokage Building.

After arriving at the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru were both inside.

Chiyu bowed and said:"Hokage, teacher Orochimaru." Sarutobi Hiruzen walked up to Chiyu and asked solemnly:"Chiyu, what happened?"

Chiyu told Sarutobi Hiruzen what happened.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face became very ugly, and at the same time, Orochimaru's expression became very serious.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Orochimaru:"Orochimaru, what do you think about this matter?"

Orochimaru said after a moment of silence:"In any case, one thing is certain. In Konoha, there are already enemy ninjas infiltrating, otherwise the other party would not be able to kidnap Kushina so easily."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was gloomy:"It seems that they can no longer hold back."

Chiyu continued:"Hokage-sama, I brought back the heads of three ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village."

Chiyu took out the scroll and handed it to Sarutobi Hiruzen. Sarutobi

Hiruzen was refreshed and praised:"Well done! Chiyu! With their heads, the perception ninja can analyze the memory in the brain and obtain information."Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately summoned the Anbu ninja and asked the Anbu ninja to give the scroll to the perception ninja for analysis.

Chiyu continued to report:"Hokage-sama, there is one more thing I need to report. I was on a mission to clean up pirates, and I found three ninjas mixed in among those pirates.

Because I don't know the identities of these three ninjas, but they should want to sneak into the Land of Fire, so I didn't kill them, but captured them alive."

Qianyu used the psychic technique to summon the white snake.

"White Snake, spit out those three ninjas!"

""Yes, Lord Chiba."

The white snake opened its mouth, and its abdomen squirmed, vomiting out three ninjas from its belly.

Unfortunately, the ninja whose spine was cut by Chiba with the back of the knife was squeezed to death because of the small space in the white snake's body.

But the other two ninjas are still alive and awake.

Seeing Chiba, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru looking at them, especially Chiba, they immediately stepped back in fear.

Sarutobi Hiruzen summoned an Anbu again, and the dead ninja was taken away to let the perception ninja analyze the memory in his brain. The other two living ninjas were taken to the interrogation department to be interrogated by the interrogation ninja.

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked to the map on the desk and asked Chiba,"Chiba, where did you see the group of pirates?"

Chiba pointed to a location on the map.

Seeing the location pointed by Chiba, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes narrowed immediately.

Orochimaru's hoarse voice came:"It seems...The Hidden Mist Village is also planning to join."

Because the place Chiyu pointed to is next to the Land of Waves, and to the right of the Land of Waves is the Land of Water.

The Land of Fire and the Land of Waves have no intersection now.

The Land of Waves has a very good relationship with the Land of Water.

So if the ninjas from the Hidden Mist Village in the Land of Water want to land on the coastline of the Land of Fire, they must pass through the Land of Waves.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face became more and more ugly. The joining of the Hidden Mist Village means that four of the five major ninja villages are at odds with Konoha.

Once the war starts, Konoha will have to face the four major ninja villages of Cloud, Rock, Sand, and Mist.

And this will be a war that covers the entire Land of Fire and endangers Konoha.

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