In Jiraiya's tent at the Konoha Ninja Station.

Chiyu gave his analysis. Jiraiya also agreed with Chiyu's analysis.

Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction and said,"Good analysis, so what's the solution?"

Chiyu continued,"It's unrealistic to drive the Kumogakure ninja out of the Land of Hot Water, because the combat power of the two sides is too different. There are only so many Konoha ninjas that can be stationed here at present. Even if Konoha sends ninja support later, it will definitely not be too many.

Because of Orochimaru's plan, Konoha's ninjas need to be divided into four groups, and some ninjas need to be stationed in Konoha, while the Kumogakure can continuously support ninjas to come to the Land of Hot Water.

But relying on the reputation of Master Jiraiya and Master Orochimaru, maybe we can push the front line forward for a distance, leaving some room for us, so that after the war starts, we will not have only the choice of retreating to the Land of Fire."

Jiraiya asked puzzledly,"Rely on my and Orochimaru's reputation?"

Namikaze Minato didn't understand what Chiyu meant by reputation.

Qian Yu explained in a deep voice:"Yes, it is to rely on reputation, that is, to let the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village know in a big way that two of the three ninjas of Konoha have come to the Hidden Tang Village, that is, to scare them, so that they dare not act rashly.

At the same time, Master Jiraiya and Teacher Orochimaru will also come out together to attack one of their strongholds, so that they will know that the Land of Hot Springs will be the area where Konoha will focus on garrisoning.

At that time, they should think that Konoha's reinforcements have arrived and a counterattack from Konoha is coming, and then use this to advance part of the front line, away from the border of the Land of Fire, within the territory of the Land of Hot Springs, so that we will have room.

But the front line must not be advanced too much, because after a long time, they will definitely know The reinforcements for Konoha are only from Orochimaru. If the front line is pushed forward too far, we will not be able to hold on, and will only waste our combat power in vain. We may even retreat back to the border of the Land of Fire, which is equivalent to a waste of effort.

Then after the front line is pushed forward, we will hold on to the current position and buy time to wait for the implementation of Orochimaru's overall plan.

This is the method I can think of. I don't know if this method can help Orochimaru."

Orochimaru pondered for a moment and said,"Your method is already quite mature. It can be said that your method can be implemented according to plan.

As you said, our combat power is completely unable to compete with the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village, so if we want to advance head-on, It is basically impossible to build a front.

At first, my idea was for Jiraiya and I to attack the ninja troops of the Hidden Cloud Village to stabilize the current situation, and then seek a breakthrough and find a way to advance the front. Although your method is a bit radical, if it succeeds, then our gains will be huge, and it will make our subsequent arrangements more flexible.

So I tend to use your method, Chiba, to execute the plan. Jiraiya, what do you think?"

Jiraiya thought for a moment and said,"I think it's feasible, but if we implement this plan, we need to attack one of their strongholds. The strongholds of the Hidden Cloud Village that we have discovered are all marked on the sand table. Which stronghold do you want to attack, Orochimaru? ?"

Orochimaru directly pulled up a flag representing the stronghold of the Hidden Cloud Village from the sand table:"Since we want to announce our existence to them and scare them, then of course we have to choose the most difficult bone to chew, otherwise it will not be able to achieve the effect of killing the rat with fear."

Looking at the flag in Orochimaru's hand, Jiraiya was surprised and said:"Directly attack the Hidden Cloud Village?"

Namikaze Minato said anxiously:"Lord Orochimaru, Teacher Jiraiya, this is too aggressive. The Hidden Cloud Village is now not only stationed with Cloud Ninjas, but also Tang Ninjas.

The Tang Ninjas have not yet come out to fight us directly. If we attack the Hidden Cloud Village directly, the Tang Ninjas will definitely be directly hostile to us. Wouldn't the situation be even more unfavorable to us?"

Orochimaru ignored Namikaze Minato.

And Chiyu just laughed out loud.

Namikaze Minato heard the disdain in Chiyu's laughter, frowned and said:"Chiyu, what are you laughing at?"

Chiyu turned his head and said in a strange voice:"Nothing, I just think your idea is very good. It would be better to form an alliance with Yugakure Village, and directly kill the Cloud Ninjas of Yugakure Village with internal and external cooperation. Wouldn't it be better?"

Jiraiya explained awkwardly:"Minato, if Yugakure Village directly agrees to let the Cloud Ninjas be stationed in the village, it is equivalent to being hostile to us Konoha. If we want to play the effect of throwing the rat out of the water, Yugakure Village is indeed the best choice.

And instead of waiting for the Yugakure Village ninjas to take the initiative to fight us, it is better for us to attack them directly and catch them by surprise.

If we attack... If it succeeds, then the largest stronghold of the Cloud Ninjas in the Land of Hot Springs will disappear, and the Village of Hot Springs will certainly not dare to let the Cloud Ninjas stationed in the village again.

At the same time, the ninjas of the Village of Hot Springs will certainly not dare to go against us, the Konoha Ninjas.

Although it is indeed a bit risky, if it succeeds, the benefits will be huge.

Moreover, this time we are attacking the Village of Hot Springs, and there are not many jonins in the Village of Hot Springs and the Cloud Ninjas stationed there. Most of them are chunins and genins. With Orochimaru and I here, the possibility of success is very high.

Moreover, we are not attacking the Village of Hot Springs. As long as the effect is achieved, our plan will be considered a success."

Namakaze Minato still felt it was too risky.

Namakaze Minato knew very well that if Chiba's plan was implemented, there would definitely be casualties, and there might be quite a few casualties. During this time in the Land of Hot Springs, Namakaze Minato���The ninjas stationed here became good companions.

Namikaze Minato really couldn't bear to see his companions get hurt, let alone die.

But the decision was not in the hands of Namikaze Minato, but in the hands of Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

Jiraiya said to Orochimaru:"Then let's go to the Hidden Tang Village, Orochimaru, now I will hand over the command to you, all the ninjas here including me will obey your orders." Orochimaru nodded and said:"Then gather all the ninjas that can be gathered now, after all, it is a sneak attack, so we have to be quick, otherwise if they know that I have come to the Land of Hot Springs, the effect will be greatly reduced, and they will also be on guard."

""Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze left the tent and immediately made arrangements.

Chiyu wanted to leave the tent, but Orochimaru stopped her, saying that this was a method Chiyu had come up with, and asked her to stay and discuss the details of the battle plan with him.

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