Chiyu and Orochimaru discussed for a long time in the tent.

Chiyu also sank into it unconsciously and put forward many opinions.

When Chiyu and Orochimaru finished the discussion, it was already late at night.

Orochimaru decided to implement the tentative plan to surprise attack Yuyin Village tomorrow night.

After the discussion, Orochimaru said to Chiyu:"Chiyu, you are wrong about one thing."

During the discussion with Orochimaru, Chiyu learned a lot.

There are many loopholes in the plan proposed by Chiyu.

Orochimaru came up with ways to solve these loopholes that may cause the operation to fail.

So Chiyu thought it was normal to hear Orochimaru say that he was wrong about one thing.

Since Orochimaru brought it up, he should have thought of a solution.

Qianyu agreed,"The method I proposed is indeed not very rigorous in many places. Teacher Orochimaru, what is wrong?"

Orochimaru shook his head and said with a smile,"I'm not talking about the action plan. The current action plan is the best we can do in my opinion."

Qianyu asked in confusion,"It's not the action plan's fault? What is the fault?"

Orochimaru said seriously,"You said before that I was the only one who came to reinforce Konoha. This is wrong. In addition to me, Konoha also has you. Your judgment of the situation really surprised me.

As a leader, strength is not the criterion for measurement. The criterion for judgment is the overall situation and the judgment of the situation. You have great potential as a leader.

In my opinion, this war will become your springboard. You will become an extremely important figure in this war and become famous in the ninja world."

Qianyu is no longer pretending, and also said with a smile,"If you can become famous, it would be great."

Orochimaru and Qianyu now have a tacit understanding, and they both know it.

Qianyu can become famous in this war, so it will naturally enter the core circle of Konoha.

And Orochimaru also needs a companion to enter the inner circle to help him cover up certain things....

Chiyu left the tent and planned to take a rest.

After traveling for so many days, Chiyu discussed the plan with Orochimaru as soon as he arrived here. Chiyu now felt a little tired, not to mention that he had to raid Yuyin Village tomorrow night.

The tent for Chiyu to rest had been arranged.

When heading to his tent, Chiyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

In front of him stood Minato Namikaze.

It seemed that Minato Namikaze was waiting for him.

Chiyu didn't understand why Minato Namikaze was waiting for him. It seemed that there was nothing to talk about between them.

Namikaze Minato walked up to Chiyu with a sunny smile on his face, and said to Chiyu:"Chiyu, I didn't say hello to you just now, and we haven't seen each other for a long time." Chiyu raised his eyebrows and asked:"What's the point of us meeting or not?"

Namikaze Minato choked, but his smile never disappeared:"We are companions from the same village, and we are also rivals in the Ninja School. I have always regarded you as a friend."

Chiyu also raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said bluntly:"I have no friends, on the contrary, I hate you very much."

Hearing Chiyu bluntly saying that he hated him, the smile on Namikaze Minato's face disappeared, and he asked in confusion:"Why do you hate me? Is it because of the incident in the Ninja School? But so many years have passed, right?"

Chiyu sneered:"Should I have forgotten it after so many years? I am a vengeful person. I have calculated all the accounts. I will repay those that can be repaid on the spot, and I will find a chance to repay those that cannot be repaid later."

Namikaze Minato stared at Chiyu and asked:"Is it because of Kushina? Those two people back then have also been hurt When it comes to punishment, why do you keep harping on it, Qianyu? After all, we are from the same village. Even if we are not friends, we should be companions."

Qianyu said sarcastically:"Minato Namikaze, you are really generous, but you are also right. You are so popular and can be friends with everyone. For a marginal figure like me, I must feel unreasonable for harping on the small contradictions that you think are in your eyes, right?"

Minato Namikaze frowned and said,"I didn't say that, nor did I think so."

Qianyu sneered,"Minato Namikaze, you are a hypocrite in my eyes. Maybe you must be refutation in your heart, thinking that I have a problem with you, so I will belittle you as a hypocrite, but what you do is completely no different from a hypocrite."

Minato Namikaze frowned even more:"What did I do to make you look at me like this?"

Qianyu replied:"Let's not talk about the past, let's talk about now. You just opposed my plan because this plan may cause many casualties, right?"

Minato Namikaze nodded silently, indicating that Qianyu was not wrong.

Chiyu spread his hands:"That's good, this is the proof that you are a hypocrite."

Namikaze Minato was very confused by Chiyu's answer:"How did this become the proof that I am a hypocrite?"

Chiyu shook his head helplessly and said:"I don't know whether you really don't understand or are pretending not to understand. Before Orochimaru and I came, the situation in Hot Spring Country was already very bad. If it continues like this, more and more people will be sacrificed.

As long as the plan succeeds this time, the Cloud Ninja will no longer act rashly, and we will no longer be so passive, and the number of sacrifices will only decrease.

And if we don't seek change and find ways to advance the front, not to mention the people who sacrificed here, once the full-scale war begins, after the Cloud Ninja breaks through the border of the Fire Country and completely enters the Fire Country, how many people do you think will die? You can do the most basic arithmetic, right? Compared with the casualties here, you should know which is more important than the people in the Fire Country?"

Namikaze Minato said seriously:"Chiyu, they are people, not numbers!"

Chiyu looked at Namikaze Minato and laughed, laughing louder and louder, and finally just covered his stomach and laughed.

Qianyu laughed so hard that she was out of breath:"Namikaze Minato, I apologize to you, you are not a hypocrite, you are really kind."

Namikaze Minato remained silent, but his unhappy expression revealed his dissatisfaction.

After Qianyu laughed enough, he said:"Namikaze Minato, I know you don't like me either, we two don't like each other, so don't pretend. You just want to get in touch with me because you may fight with me in the future.

Well, that's it, I don't want to say anything more to you, I have to go to rest."

Qianyu passed by Namikaze Minato and went straight to his tent.

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