It was not yet completely dark.

Orochimaru led a group of ninjas to set off.

After it was completely dark, everyone came to the woods a few hundred meters away from Yuyin Village.

Orochimaru glanced at the three sensory ninjas in the team.

The three sensory ninjas immediately realized that it was time for them to go out.

The sensory ninjas left the team and approached Yuyin Village cautiously by sensing the surrounding situation.

The main force stayed in place and waited.

Two hours passed.

It was already very late at night.

Only the rustling of insects could be heard in the woods.

Most people were very nervous.

Because the longer the time passed, the lower the probability of the three sensory ninjas surviving.

Another half an hour passed.

Finally, two of the three sensory ninjas came back.

The left arm of one of the sensory ninjas disappeared. He covered the wound on his left arm and staggered and almost fell.

Namikaze Minato immediately used the instant body technique to come to the side of the sensory ninja and supported him.

The two sensory ninjas came to Orochimaru and reported the situation.

The third sensory ninja was discovered and killed by the Cloud Ninja outside the village before he entered the village.

But thanks to this, the other two sensory ninjas successfully entered the village. However, when they left, they were discovered and hunted down by the sensory ninjas in the village.

They only paid the price of an arm, and the two came back alive. They were very lucky.

At the same time, they also sensed and explored the approximate distribution of ninjas in the village.

After reporting the distribution of ninjas in the village, Orochimaru nodded and said,"Thank you for your hard work. Your mission has been completed. Take a rest."

Minato Namikaze felt upset.

This surprise attack has not even started, and a ninja has already been killed.

Moreover, the Cloud Ninja has discovered that the Konoha ninja went to the Cloud Ninja Village to gather intelligence. In Minato Namikaze's opinion, this operation should also end in vain.

After all, it is too reluctant and too dangerous to force an attack when the other party is on guard.

However, Orochimaru's next decision made Minato Namikaze unbelievable.

"The action started at 4 a.m., which was officially started 5 hours later. Jiraiya and I were destroying the Hidden Tang Village, and the others strictly followed the previous plan!"

Minato Namikaze really didn't understand Orochimaru's decision.

Obviously, the other party had discovered that three of our ninjas had sneaked into the Hidden Tang Village, so why did Orochimaru continue with the plan.

When everyone was preparing, Jiraiya sat next to Minato Namikaze and asked with a smile:"Are you confused? Why did Orochimaru choose to continue the action when the Hidden Tang Village was obviously discovered and our ninjas sneaked into the village to explore intelligence?"

Minato Namikaze nodded:"Yes, Teacher Jiraiya, I really don't understand why Lord Orochimaru continued to act."

Jiraiya explained to Minato Namikaze:"That's because even if the Cloud Ninjas found out, they would still do what they would do, and they wouldn't care.

We often sent ninjas to sneak into the Cloud Ninja's base to explore, but the Cloud Ninjas would not change.

They would only think that we sneaked in to explore intelligence just to figure out the current layout of the Cloud Ninjas in the Kingdom of Soup, and they would not think that we would attack them.

Because they know our current situation, there is a huge gap in strength between us and the Cloud Ninjas, and they don't think that we will take the initiative to attack them.

Especially the Yugakure Village, which is an important base, is guarded by a large number of Cloud Ninjas, as well as Yugakure Ninjas.

In their eyes, if we attack the Yugakure Village, we will definitely be courting death, so they don't realize that we will launch a surprise attack on them."

In fact, when Jiraiya was halfway through his speech, Namikaze Minato had already understood Orochimaru's approach.

Jiraiya was very pleased that his disciples were smart and understood things at once. Before Orochimaru came, everything was handled by Jiraiya.

Moreover, Jiraiya's approach was completely different from Orochimaru's. It was mainly based on stability, and casualties would be reduced as much as possible.

However, doing so caused their front line to retreat again and again, to the point where they could no longer retreat.

At the same time, as Minato Namikaze's master, Jiraiya had unconditional faith in Minato Namikaze.

So Minato Namikaze was purely an executor carrying out the mission before, and he didn't think about these things.

Therefore, Minato Namikaze, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, is still a little idealistic. Jiraiya thinks that it is really a good thing that Orochimaru and Chiba can support the Land of Hot Springs.

First of all, Jiraiya has a clear self-awareness.

Jiraiya is only suitable as a lone ranger. It's okay to let him work alone, but he is not very good as a commander.

But Orochimaru is very good in this aspect. After all, during the Second Ninja World War, in their team, he and Tsunade usually listened to the orders of Orochimaru. It was arranged by Orochimaru.

Orochimaru can always formulate plans in the most difficult situations, lead them out of danger, and even turn defeat into victory.

Moreover, Orochimaru has participated in the formulation of plans for several large-scale battles.

And Chiba, who went to the battlefield for the first time, was able to formulate such a plan, and his overall view is beyond doubt.

In Jiraiya's opinion, Chiba and Orochimaru are really alike, no wonder the two can become master and apprentice.

In addition to this, the arrival of Orochimaru and Chiba made Minato Namikaze begin to truly come into contact with the cruelty of the battlefield.

These cruelties are not only brought by the enemy, but also by himself. People.

Thinking back to the Second Ninja World War, countless ninjas died without knowing that they were baits in order to win.

As long as victory can be won, it is worth sacrificing some of our own people.

And after Chiba arrived, Namikaze Minato was under obvious pressure.

This is a good thing, because in this way Namikaze Minato can grow faster under pressure.

Jiraiya is looking forward to who will grow faster in this war, his disciple or Orochimaru's disciple.

However, Namikaze Minato is his disciple, and Jiraiya believes that Namikaze Minato is better than Chiba and grows faster.

5 hours passed quickly.

The group of ninjas gathered together again.

Orochimaru said to Jiraiya:"Jiraiya, it's time to set off!"

Jiraiya stretched:"It's been a long time since I fought side by side with you, Orochimaru. It's really a nostalgic feeling."

"Again, follow the plan strictly! After the Cloud Ninjas defending the periphery enter the village, you can take action!"

After that, Orochimaru and Jiraiya rushed towards the Hidden Tang Village.

The rest of the ninjas, including Chiba and Namikaze Minato, approached the Hidden Tang Village for a distance and stayed where they were, waiting for the opportunity to enter the battle.

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