Orochimaru and Jiraiya have already taken action.

The two of them quickly rushed towards the Hidden Tang Village.

As three ninjas with rich combat experience and famous in the ninja world, it was not difficult for them to break through the guards of the Cloud Ninja silently, and they easily entered the Hidden Tang Village.

According to the report of the perceptive ninja, Orochimaru and Jiraiya arrived at the location with the largest number of Cloud Ninjas.

At this time, Orochimaru and Jiraiya were standing on the roof.

Jiraiya said to Orochimaru with fighting spirit:"Orochimaru, then go ahead!" Jiraiya bit his finger, drew the blood on his palm, and formed the seal of the summoning technique.

Orochimaru followed closely and also began to form the seal of the summoning technique.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru pressed their palms to the ground at the same time.

"The art of psychic communication!"

‘Bang, bang, two huge clouds of smoke enveloped Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

When the smoke dissipated.

The house under Orochimaru and Jiraiya's feet had collapsed, replaced by two huge summoned beasts. The Man

Snakes of Ryuchi Cave, and Gamabunta of Myoboku Mountain. Gamabunta took a puff of his pipe, exhaled a large puff of smoke, and looked at the Man Snakes beside him unhappily:"Jiraiya, how many times have I told you, don't call me out when this stinky snake is here!"

Jiraiya smiled apologetically:"Don't be like this, this battle is very important, don't worry about this kind of thing for now." The

Man Snakes also looked at Gamabunta with dissatisfaction:"Orochimaru, you summoned me out, do you want me to eat this stinky toad? If so, there's no need for this sacrifice!"

Orochimaru said coldly:"Man Snake, everyone here is your sacrifice"


Wanshe also knew that it was impossible for it to eat Gamabunta, it just wanted to satisfy its craving.

The commotion here had already alarmed the Cloud Ninja and the Soup Ninja, and a large number of ninjas gathered around Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

"Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas? Why did he come to the Land of Hot Springs?!"

"They are going to attack Tangyin Village!"

"All ninjas! Get ready for battle!"...

The Cloud Ninja and the Soup Ninja began to attack Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

Gamabunta pulled out the huge short blade from his waist and swung it horizontally.

A large number of ninjas were cut in half by Gamabunta's short blade.

Manja was not to be outdone and swung his tail.

A large number of ninjas were also slapped away by this tail swing.

The huge Gamabunta and Manja were like meat grinders on the battlefield, reaping the lives of ninjas.

Manja is protected by scales, and ordinary ninjutsu cannot even break through its scales.

Although Gamabunta is huge, he is extremely flexible.

After jumping high, most ninjutsu cannot hit Gamabunta.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya took the initiative to land on the ground, allowing Manja and Gamabunta to play freely.

Orochimaru quickly formed seals with both hands, then lay on the ground and opened his mouth.

""Ten Thousand Snakes Formation!"

Orochimaru spewed out a large number of snakes from his mouth, and these snakes each found the Cloud Ninja and the Tang Ninja and bit them.

Jiraiya also finished the seal

"Ninjutsu: Needle Jizo!"

Jiraiya hardened his long silver hair and wrapped it around his entire body

"Needle hell!"

Jiraiya's hardened silver long hair was launched in all directions like a thousand blades, instantly injuring a large number of ninjas.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya's surprise attack plan started very well, killing a large number of cloud ninjas and soup ninjas at once.

But the cloud ninjas and soup ninjas who gradually reacted also began to have ways to deal with it.

The cloud ninjas and soup ninjas looked for cover, avoiding the range attacks of Orochimaru, Jiraiya and the two summoned beasts, and began to command the ninjas to fight.

After the cloud ninjas and soup ninjas reacted, Orochimaru and Jiraiya could no longer cause heavy casualties to the enemy as they did at the beginning....

Outside the Yugakure Village, a group of Konoha ninjas found that the Kumo ninjas guarding the edge of Yugakure Village had entered the village to provide support, and they immediately began to act.

Chiba and Namikaze Minato took the lead and rushed into the village at a very fast speed.

The rest of the ninjas followed closely behind.

After successfully entering the Yugakure Village, the ninjas who were good at using earth escape techniques began to act according to the plan.

"Earth Style: Earth Flow Wall!"

After all the Earth Style ninjas finished their seals, they pressed their hands on the ground.

A series of earth walls were erected in the battlefield, dividing the battlefield, making it impossible for the Cloud Style ninjas and the Soup Style ninjas to gather together.

Then the Water Style ninjas also began to form seals.

"Water Style: Water Wave!"

The water style ninjas spit water from their mouths, and the gathered water rushes towards the cloud and soup style ninjas.

The earth style ninjas cooperate with the water style ninjas to perform ninjutsu.

"Earth Style: Rock Collapse!"

The Earth Style Ninja injected chakra into the ground, causing the rocks to collapse and combine with water to form a mudslide.

In the mudslide, many Cloud Style Ninjas and Soup Style Ninjas could not move.

The Fire Style Ninjas and Wind Style Ninjas were also ready to release their ninjutsu.

"Wind escape! Big breakthrough!"

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

The combination of wind and fire directly formed a flame wind.

The flame wind swept away, burning the ninjas who were left in the mudslide and could not escape in time.

In front of the Hot Spring Village, all the Fire Style ninjas used the Great Fireball to bombard everywhere and advance steadily.

The Earth Style ninjas and Water Style ninjas who had completed their tasks also joined the frontal battle.

The Lightning Style ninjas naturally had the advantage of speed. While supporting their companions who were in a slump, they killed some lone ninjas.

Orochimaru's deployment of troops was a complete success.

In a short period of time, there was chaos in the Hot Spring Village.

The plan has been implemented so far, and it has almost been half successful, but the situation is still not good for Konoha. It is not optimistic.

Because the population base of the enemy ninjas in the Yugakure Village is too large.

Under the command of the various commanders among the Cloud Ninjas and the Yugakure Ninjas, they began to command actions in an orderly manner to fight against the Konoha Ninjas.

At this time.

Chiyu and Namikaze Minato's mission also began.

Their mission targets are those commanders.

Chiyu's way of identifying commanders is particularly simple and crude.

That is through the Sharingan.

The extremely strong dynamic vision of the Sharingan allows Chiyu to see the facial expressions of ninjas in the distance clearly.

Chiyu observes the mouths of some ninjas.

As long as they speak the most, they are judged as the enemy's commanders by Chiyu.

""Thunder Breathing·First Form·Thunderbolt Flash! Six consecutive!"

Qianyu turned into a roaring lightning, using the surrounding terrain to change the direction of the charge many times. Wherever he passed, the ninjas who blocked Qianyu were either paralyzed by the lightning or knocked away by Qianyu, and were directly seriously injured.

After reaching the target person, Qianyu's ninja sword was unsheathed in an instant.

The opponent didn't even have time to react before his head was chopped off.

At the same time, Qianyu used the instant body technique to immediately escape.

Because on the body of the commander whose head he chopped off, Qianyu had pasted several detonating tags.

The detonating tags exploded, injuring or killing the ninjas near the body.

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