Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions were no match for them. They were surrounded by seven Kumo Ninjas, who were gradually approaching them.

A special Jonin said,"These four are Uchiha. Don't hurt their eyes when you kill them!" Just when Uchiha Kyosuke and his four companions thought Chiyu had given up on them, Chiyu's voice suddenly rang out behind them.

"You four are really weak. You are Chunin strength, and you are Chunin of the Uchiha clan, but you only killed three Genin and one Chunin. I am really disappointed."

Uchiha Kyosuke and the other three were very surprised to hear Chiyu's voice.

But when they heard Chiyu's scolding, the four of them complained in their hearts. Four Chunin, two Genin and one Special Jonin besieged them together. It was good enough for them not to be seriously injured. They still wanted to fight back, which was too difficult.

When Chiyu was observing on the tree trunk, he had already estimated the strength of this team of Cloud Ninjas.

For Chiyu, it was not very impressive.

Chiyu used the instant body jutsu to instantly come in front of the two Cloud Ninja Genin.

Chiyu's instant body jutsu was so fast that the Cloud Ninjas were startled.

The two Cloud Ninja Genin wanted to attack Chiyu in a panic, but Chiyu threw out two kunai and stabbed them directly into the necks of the two Genin.

The four Cloud Ninja Chunin rushed towards Chiyu at the same time.

""Thunder Breathing·Type II·Inado Soul!"

At the moment when Chiyu launched the attack, he slashed out five consecutive lightning-shaped attacks.

The four Cloud Ninja Chunins didn't even see the trajectory of Chiyu's attack clearly, and were directly chopped to the ground. Each of them had a very large wound on their body. They breathed in less and exhaled more, and it seemed that they would not live long.

The Cloud Ninja couldn't see the trajectory of Chiyu's attack clearly, but Uchiha Kyosuke and the other three saw it clearly.

The four widened their eyes and looked at Chiyu in disbelief.

Is this the power of Thunder Breathing?

Uchiha Kyosuke had learned Thunder Breathing here.

But the practice of Thunder Breathing was not smooth, because the Thunder Breathing in Uchiha Kyosuke's hands The power is too small, and it consumes too much chakra. It is not cost-effective to use Thunder Breathing in battle.

Therefore, Uchiha Kyosuke has basically not used Thunder Breathing since he learned it.

But now seeing Chiyu using Thunder Breathing, Uchiha Kyosuke's view has been completely overturned. How can it be so powerful?

It's as if what he learned was not Thunder Breathing at all.

Chiyu looked at the only remaining special jonin.

The special jonin came to his senses and immediately turned around and fled.

Chiyu did not rush to chase him, but said to Uchiha Kyosuke and the other three:"Do you know how useless you are now? So, in the future, be honest in front of me and listen to my orders. I won't make things too difficult for you, but if you make any small moves, you will have nowhere to escape."

"Breathing of Thunder·Type 5·Heat Realm Thunder!"

Chiyu's ninja sword shot out a high-temperature lightning-like slash, directly piercing the chest of the fleeing Cloud Ninja.

Chiyu put the ninja sword back into the sheath, looked at Uchiha Kyosuke and asked:"Did you guys understand what I said?" Uchiha

Kyosuke and the other three shuddered and immediately replied:"Understood!"

"Now that we understand, let's go clean up the battlefield, cut off their heads and bring them back for the perception ninja to analyze."

Qianyu leaned against the tree trunk, waiting for Uchiha Kyosuke and the other four to clean up the battlefield.

After completing the task, Qianyu took the four back to the camp to hand over the task....

The situation in the Land of Hot Springs gradually stabilized after the arrival of the ninjas from Konoha.

Orochimaru arranged for the ninjas to remove the bases of the Cloud Ninjas, and the process went very smoothly.

Because the Cloud Ninjas had been so successful in the Land of Hot Springs before, there were too many small bases in the Land of Hot Springs, and now they can't take care of them at all.

Often, as soon as one base was removed by the Konoha ninjas, another base was attacked.

Now the Cloud Ninjas have also begun to gather ninjas and actively reduce the number of bases.

Because on the battlefields of the River Country and the Grass Country, the ninjas of the Sand Village and the Rock Village did not get any benefits from the Konoha ninjas, so they watched each other and did not have serious friction.

Although the Kirigakure Village stationed ninjas in the Land of Waves, they did not take any action and did not directly fight with the Konoha ninjas.

So the Land of Hot Springs is the most intense battlefield.

The Raikage of the Cloud Village does not want to consume too many ninjas before the war officially begins.

After all, the Konoha ninjas in the Land of Hot Springs are all elite.

The Cloud Village does not want to send the elite of its own ninja village into the Land of Hot Springs yet.

So now they are gradually confronting the Konoha ninjas and not fighting easily.

The four battlefields are gradually stabilizing, allowing Konoha to take a breath.

Konoha also began to dispatch Konoha's Genin to the battlefield for training.

After all, improving strength is the fastest way, and it is on the battlefield.

Three years have passed quietly.

On the battlefield of the Kingdom of Hot Springs, there are two most active people, namely Chiba and Namikaze Minato.

In the past three years, Namikaze Minato has successfully learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, and Namikaze Minato's task completion rate is as high as 100%.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato uses his personal charm, and the Konoha ninjas stationed in the Kingdom of Hot Springs are convinced by Namikaze Minato.

And Chiba, the success rate of completing the task is also 100%, and no task has failed.

But behind Chiba, there are still only Uchiha Kyosuke, Uchiha Ryuhei, Uchiha Keiichi and Uchiha Jinno.

Namikaze Minato convinces others through his personal charm.

In the eyes of everyone, Chiba has no human touch at all, so no one is willing to approach Chiba.

In these three years, Minato Namikaze never fought with Chiba again, just focusing on the mission, as if he wanted to compete with Chiba in the mission.

Chiba didn't care about the mission at all, his goal was to get the witness points.

Because of the credit that Minato Namikaze should have gotten, Chiba now has almost 6,000 witness points.

But because the situation is stable now, the witness points are a bit less.

Now Chiba and Minato Namikaze have been promoted to jonin.

Chiba often communicated with Uzumaki Kushina during this period, and also returned to Konoha to visit Uzumaki Kushina several times.

Because of Kushina Uzumaki's special nature, Konoha did not let Kushina Uzumaki go to the battlefield, but let her stay in Konoha.

Kushina Uzumaki was quite dissatisfied with this, but there was nothing she could do.

And a dazzling genius has appeared in Konoha.

Hatake Kakashi.

Hatake Kakashi graduated from the Ninja School at the age of five last year, and then went to the Land of Grass, following his father Hatake Sakumo to fight actively on the battlefield.

This year, Hatake Kakashi has become a Chunin.

And in Chiyu's memory, a big event will happen next year.

That is Hatake Sakumo's suicide.

In Chiyu's opinion, Hatake Sakumo's suicide should allow him to obtain witness points.

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