Chiyu attaches great importance to the death of Hatake Sakumo next year.

Because in Chiyu's opinion, this is an important event, and there are many witness points that can be obtained.

According to Chiyu's analysis of the current battlefield, the reason why Konoha can be so stable in the Land of Grass and the ninjas of the Hidden Rock Village dare not act rashly is largely because of Hatake Sakumo.

The importance of Hatake Sakumo is equivalent to that of Orochimaru and Jiraiya who are in charge of the Land of Hot Springs.

Because of the presence of Orochimaru and Jiraiya, the Cloud Ninjas dare not act rashly.

Hatake Sakumo is known as the genius ninja of"Konoha White Fang". He is powerful and his name is resounding throughout the countries. Even the"Legendary Three Ninjas" have to respect him.

But such a person would be blamed by the villagers for abandoning the mission and choosing to save his companions. In the end, even the companions who were saved turned around and blamed him. In the end, he couldn't stand the exclusion of everyone and chose to commit suicide.

This matter is really ironic.

Such a powerful ninja, who is loyal to Konoha, would actually leave for such a ridiculous reason.

Chiyu is sure that Hatake Sakumo's suicide was definitely not just because of the blame from the villagers and his companions.

If he committed suicide just because of these ridiculous reasons, then Hatake Sakumo's psychological quality is too poor.

Since Hatake Sakumo can make such a big name in the ninja world, his heart must be very firm. The general rumors and public opinion can't cause any harm to his heart. Even if it's for Kakashi, he won't commit suicide.

And if the psychological quality is not strong, Hatake Sakumo can't become a strong man.

So in Chiyu's opinion, Hatake Sakumo's suicide is likely because of broken faith.

The last secret mission that Hatake Sakumo carried out must be very important to Konoha. Hatake Sakumo gave up the mission to save the lives of his companions, causing Konoha to suffer huge losses.

However, Hatake Sakumo's behavior, giving up the mission to protect his companions, is obviously in line with the will of fire.

The accusations of the village companions are unlikely to shake the will of fire in Hatake Sakumo's heart.

It is right to be punished for the failure of the mission, and I believe Hatake Sakumo will not evade his responsibility.

However, as the unique will of fire of Konohagakure, the determination to protect companions should not be blamed even if the mission fails.

It is true that the mission failed because Hatake Sakumo went to save his companions, but the responsibility should not be entirely on Hatake Sakumo, his companions are also responsible.

What's more, as a firm believer in the will of fire, should Hatake Sakumo watch the death of his companions with his own eyes?

More importantly, shouldn't such a secret mission be kept secret? The fact that the secret mission is known to everyone is very strange in itself.

Even if the secret mission fails, ordinary villagers and ninjas should not know about it.

So this matter was deliberately publicized by someone.

It stands to reason that ordinary ninjas should be investigated if they know that a secret mission has failed, let alone knowing the details of the mission.

Obviously, the leakage of the secret mission means that the attitude of the top leaders is also to blame Hatake Sakumo for not completing the mission.

As a firm member of the Hokage faction, it is very likely that even Sarutobi Hiruzen is blaming him.

And such a result may shatter Hatake Sakumo's faith and choose to commit suicide.

The darkness hidden under the light of Konoha can be said to be everywhere.

The various things done by Danzo, the Uchiha rebellion and murder, etc.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen's subordinates are very unclean.

From this, we can see how hypocritical and dark this Konoha is.

The real reason why Chiyu thinks that Hatake Sakumo's suicide is a very important event is not because of Hatake Sakumo's own strength and other factors.

It is because of Hatake Sakumo's importance to the battlefield of the Grass Country.

Once Hatake Sakumo has a problem, the Iwagakure of the Grass Country will definitely not be able to hold back.

Iwagakure is very cunning.

Unlike the Cloud Ninja, they fought with the Konoha ninjas with such high intensity from the beginning, but once they found that Konoha had a weak point, they would definitely hit the other side's weak point.

Although the situation has gradually stabilized in the past three years, everyone knows that now there is only one opportunity, and the full-scale war will be completely launched.

Chiyu guessed that Hatake Sakumo's suicide is likely to become this opportunity.

Even if Hatake Sakumo is not this opportunity, it will accelerate the start of the full-scale war.

Because once the Iwagakure Village makes a move, the Kumogakure Village will certainly respond to the Iwagakure Village.

The Sand Village has been eyeing the fat piece of Konoha with red eyes. How could they not make a move when the Iwagakure Village and the Kumogakure Village made a move?

What's more, there is the Kirigakure Village, which has ninjas stationed in the Land of Waves and is ready to make a move.

Therefore, Chiyu thinks that Hatake Sakumo's suicide is very important, because Chiyu thinks that Hatake Sakumo's death will affect the time when the entire Third Ninja World War will start.

So Chiyu must go to the Land of Grass.

But even if this didn't happen, Chiyu must go to the Land of Grass.

Because Uzumaki Kushina is the same age as Chiyu.

Chiyu is already 16 years old this year, and Uzumaki Kushina is also 16 years old.

There are only two years left, and Uzumaki Kushina will be an adult in two years.

The last time Chiyu saw Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki Mito was already very old, and it seemed that he didn't have many years left.

So there is not much time left for Chiyu and Uzumaki Kushina.

At the beginning, Chiyu talked to Orochimaru about the orphans of the Uzumaki clan in the Land of Grass.

Chiyu's target is the future mother of Karin.

However, Chiyu is not sure whether Karin's mother is in the Land of Grass now.

Because Karin's mother chose to join the Hidden Grass Village to protect the safety of her daughter Karin.

Karin will not be born for several years, which means that Karin's mother and Karin will not join the Hidden Grass Village for several years.

But according to Chiyu's guess, Karin's mother is likely to live in seclusion somewhere in the Land of Grass.

Because the characteristics of the Uzumaki clan are too obvious, it would be more dangerous if they wander around.

So it is very likely that they stay in one place.

Later, Karin may be born, and the ninja discovered her special physique, and Karin's mother was forced to join the Hidden Grass Village nearby.

If Karin's mother is not found, then Chiyu will have to make a second-hand preparation.

The second-hand preparation is Chiyu's Sharingan.

During the three years of high-intensity combat, Chiyu's Sharingan has now advanced to the double-eye three-magatama Sharingan, but it is unknown how long it will take to open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

However, if you exchange it in the store, you only need 10,000 witness points to open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Because Qianyu has Uchiha blood, the price is not outrageous.

Now Qianyu only needs more than 3,000 witness points to exchange for the Mangekyō Sharingan.

This is also the fastest way for Qianyu to directly improve his strength.

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