Naruto: The villain template of me is regarded as the savior

Chapter 200 Human Puppet Luo Sha, a trap to kill Hanzo

Chapter 200 Human Puppet·Rosa, a trap for Hanzo

The Land of Wind, Sand Village.

The vast yellow sand stretches to the horizon, as far as the eye can see.

There are always people who love this country and compare it to a woman.

Her hair is golden. Put your hand in her hair, and it feels like the wind of the desert is blowing on the back of your hand. The wind contains a bunch of golden sand, dry and gentle, and it itches people.

There is always a gust of wind in the ripples of her hair, and her honey-colored skin is so clear, while she follows the saying that silence is golden.

Silent, as quiet as death.

And at this moment, in the conference room of the Wind Shadow Building.

Tired, bored, powerless, numb, angry, calm...

Dozens of chairs surround the huge stone round table in the center, which looks quiet and empty under the gaze of the statues of successive Wind Shadows.

Except for a few clan leaders, the rest of the people present were either elders of the Sand Village like Ebizo, who held important management positions, or senior ninjas with fame and strength.

But at this moment, the expressions of these high-level people in the Sand Village were different, and the entire conference room was filled with a sense of depression and dullness, as if a cracked clay jar was about to break.

"... Regarding the training of medical ninjas, the research of medical ninjutsu, and the development and utilization of puppet technology, if there are no objections, I hope you can cooperate more in the future."

The third generation of Kazekage sat in the first seat, his tone was flat but not open to question.

The others all looked at each other, and saw the hesitation in each other's eyes, and even the shadows that were there and not there.

Their hesitation and shadows were not because the training of medical ninjas and the research of medical ninjutsu required a lot of resources and energy.

Although the Sand Village was surrounded by deserts where resources could not be utilized, the capital of the Wind Country was located in the largest oasis in this desert, with land that was very suitable for growing herbs and cash crops.

It can be said that at least 80% of the resources of the Wind Country are in the hands of the daimyo and nobles of the Wind Country.

And Hanzo tore his face and turned the table, leading the Hidden Rain Village to declare war on the Wind Country, which made the daimyo of the Wind Country furious.

Directly increased the resource support for the Hidden Sand Village, and readily approved a large amount of military funds for the war in the Hidden Sand Village. The only requirement was to kill Hanzo and defeat the Rain Country.

So the financial pressure they are facing now is not great. Facing the Hidden Rain Army, which is like a mad dog with the support of Konoha behind it, they can continue to persist without being defeated.

And what really makes them depressed and look different is actually the proposal for the development and utilization of puppet technology.

The puppet technology of the Hidden Sand Village is unique in the ninja world, but due to the limitation of materials and resources, it has now entered a bottleneck period and there is not much room for improvement.

Therefore, the so-called "puppet technology" of the Third Kazekage is actually... the technology related to human puppets.

Human puppets can retain their appearance before death, and can use all the ninjutsu they had before death, and can even inherit their bloodline limits before death.

This technique is indeed very powerful, but it is too evil and a blasphemy against life.

Even in this ninja world where wars never end, "resting in peace" is the concept of most people.

But human puppets need to be attached with their chakra before death, and they need to be made into puppets from living people who are not dead yet, so that all the ninjutsu of this person before death can be completely preserved!

Capturing ninjas from other hostile ninja villages and making them into human puppets will definitely cause public anger and hatred. That is a real hatred that will never end, and the reputation of Sand Village in the ninja world will plummet!

Therefore, after Monzaemon accidentally researched the results, the second generation Kazekage sealed the production and control methods of human puppets without hesitation.

Today, in addition to the successive Kazekage who can be consulted in the seal book, only the Chiyo puppeteer family has the inheritance.


Thinking of this, everyone turned their eyes to Chiyo and Ebizo who were sitting in the second seats on both sides, wanting to see if the two people who had the most say in this would be so angry that they would slam the table.

But what they saw was only silence.

It can't be said to be silence, at least Chiyo's tired face was already very gloomy.

In contrast, Ebizo looked calmer, shook his head at his sister, and then said in a calm tone: "I have no objection..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, but still couldn't help but said with a little sarcasm: "After all, Lord Kazekage has already done human experiments in private and confirmed the feasibility, right?"

Human experiments? !

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed instantly, and they frowned at the same time and looked at the Third Kazekage.

However, some people were unmoved.

Indeed, life is not such a cheap thing.

But saying this is a little hypocritical.

The more advanced the medical ninjutsu and technology are, the more they cannot avoid human experiments. They are all developed step by step, and are based on the valuable experience gained from the countless sacrifices and deaths of predecessors.

So, they are just curious. Since the Third Kazekage dared to bring up this matter at the high-level meeting, and Chiyo and Ebizo did not directly object, did he have something to rely on?

Facing the angry or suspicious eyes of the crowd, the Third Kazekage did not explain, but clapped his hands expressionlessly and said: "Come in."


The door of the conference room was pushed open, and the person who walked in was beyond everyone's expectations.

Click! Click!

The visitor's right foot was planted on the ground before his left foot stepped forward. He seemed to have an extremely uncomfortable stiffness.

"Teacher." He knelt on one knee next to the Third Kazekage. His body made strange "click-click" sounds as he moved, and his tone was as calm as a dead person.

After seeing the face of the visitor, many people present recognized his identity.


A slightly younger Sunagakure jounin exclaimed and wondered: "You are not...have become a cripple..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Sha, who was kneeling on one knee and bowing his head respectfully, raised his head.

The pair of extremely cold eyes that seemed to be devoid of any human emotions looked over, and the Sunagakure jounin immediately swallowed the following words, and his body couldn't help but shudder.

Others behaved more calmly, but the doubts in their hearts were the same as his.

This disciple of the Third Kazekage has the same magnetic escape as the Third Kazekage, and even has more strategic value, and can control gold dust.

Like the kunoichi Ye Cang who possesses the Burning Release, he was once a genius cultivated by Sunagakure Village.

But Ye Cang has now made a name for himself on the battlefield of River Country, and even hopes to take over the position of Kazekage and become the Fourth Kazekage.

However, Luo Sha, who was always compared to Ye Cang by others, was poisoned and became a cripple in Hanzo's famous battle.

Chiyo, who has the highest medical level, has made a judgment that it is impossible for Rasa to continue to be a ninja.

Even with the assistance of a breathing device, every breath will be painful and unable to perform any strenuous activities, which is very fatal to a ninja.

Many people lamented this, regretting that Sunagakure had sacrificed another genius, and their hatred for Hanzo was even deeper.

But now, this former genius, now a useless person, has been summoned by the Third Kazekage again...

"Luo Sha."

The Third Kazekage didn't pay attention to everyone's surprise and said: "Let everyone here take a look at your current strength."

After that, he waved his arms casually, and the closed window opened instantly, and the noisy wind blew into the conference room.


Luo Sha bowed her head in response and then stood up. Two golden arms stretched out from the wide gray robe.

With his hands forming seals, a far more terrifying chakra aura emerged than before, causing the faces of everyone present to change slightly.

"Magnetic Escape. Golden Sand Waves." Luo Sha said.

The next moment, the scorching sunlight that originally shone into the conference room from the window was eroded, darkness occupied everyone's eyes, and everything seemed to be submerged in the tide-like darkness.

Looking out the window, I saw the boundless sand gold surging out and gathering from the desert below like sea water. The wave-like golden sand seemed to break the thick sky into wisps after wisps.


Everyone looked up at the golden waves covering the sky outside the window, as if they were about to capsize. A heavy high pressure gradually pressed on each of their hearts like a sea tide, and their expressions gradually became horrified.

It's not like they haven't seen this level of sand manipulation before.

The Third Kazekage can even control sand iron, which is heavier than sand, and use the Magnetic Release and Sand Iron Boundary Technique that is even more terrifying than the scene before him.

The reason why he is famous in the ninja world and even has the title of "The Strongest Kazekage" is because the sand iron he controls is extremely powerful.

The placer gold controlled by Biluo Sha is heavier, harder, and more powerful in attack. It can form a large-scale sand-iron barrier in the air for piercing attacks. It is the form with the strongest attack, limited range, and density.

However, Luo Sha is only a teenager now!

Before he was poisoned and became a cripple, he could only control a very small amount of placer gold, but now...

Moreover, the advantage of placer gold lies not in combat, but in its own value.

The most indispensable thing in the Kingdom of Wind is mineral resources, but the difficulty lies in how to discover and explore gold mines, and how to mine the discovered mineral resources, that is, how to pan out placer gold from the vast desert.

Now with Rasa's ability, as long as enough sand gold is found from the desert, Sunagakure Village can support a battle without the support of the daimyo.

"As you can see."

The Third Kazekage spoke, attracting everyone's attention again, crossing his arms across his chest and saying calmly: "Rosasa's body below the head has been replaced by puppet organs made of chakra conductive metal."

"Moreover, after adding placer gold to it, relying on his blood inheritance limit, there will be no inconvenience in movement. It is even more flexible than before, and the physical strength is not comparable to that of human flesh."

"As for the final effect, everyone must have seen it."

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present became surprised. Obviously, they did not expect that after the transformation of the human puppet body, Luo Sha not only regained the ability to move from a disabled person, but also had such a significant enhancement in ability.

"Of course I know your concerns. There is no doubt that human experimentation and the production of human puppets are against ethics, but you can rest assured."

Seeing that everyone was touched, the Third Kazekage continued: "The human puppet transformation technology has been tested on many animal bodies before human experiments, and sufficient experimental data has been accumulated."

"Although the final transformation effects of others may not be as significant as Luo Sha's magnetic escape, based on the complete theory, as long as you are careful, the risk of endangering life is very low, and safety is guaranteed."

"Moreover, in order to promote technological development, based on humanitarianism, adhere to principles, and be responsible for the health and life safety of the modifiers, human puppet transformation is entirely voluntary."

At this point, the Third Kazekage paused, his eyes swept across the faces of the people with different expressions.

"Lord Kazekage means..."

Everyone present was not stupid, and they understood his intentions in an instant.

"In other words, the main recruitment is for those ninjas who are physically disabled and have lost their combat ability. Those who participate in the transformation will be re-incorporated into the elite human puppet detachment of the puppet troop branch. In addition, they can also enjoy subsidies..."

The Third Kazekage briefly outlined the subsidies that human puppet modifiers can enjoy. Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, their eyes flickered, and they couldn't help but feel moved in their hearts.

"This... seems feasible?"

"Lord Kazekage has a point. Since it's all voluntary, there's no problem."

"Yes, and there are so many ninjas in the village who have to retreat to the background due to disability. I think they will be happy to know that they have the hope of regaining their mobility."

"The only problem is that the required investment will be terrifying, right? But with the current funds of the village, plus Luo Sha's ability, it is not a problem to select a thousand people to build an elite team."

After the first person who agreed appeared, the wind direction in the meeting room immediately changed, and everyone thought it was a good proposal.

Apart from anything else, in the battle between Hanzo and the black cat, there were at least a thousand Sand Village ninjas like Luo Sha who were treated in time after being poisoned but still lost their combat ability.

Not to mention the elite ninjas who had to retreat to the front line due to disability in the past. A large part of the annual fiscal expenditure of the Sand Village is spent on them.

Although it is impossible to provide lifelong support, the disability pension and nursing fees are much more expensive than the war death pension.

Except for a few who are teaching in the ninja school, other disabled ninjas are a burden to the Sand Village.

The development and utilization of human puppet technology can make these "burdens" play their residual heat.

"Since everyone has no objection, this proposal is preliminarily confirmed. The future human puppet transformers will be led by Luo Sha."

The third generation of Kazekage also breathed a sigh of relief, and promoted his disciple to the captain of the team.

The others had no objection to this, only Chiyo, who had always had a gloomy expression, suddenly stood up.

"Humph! Then I wish you all the best, I will not accompany you anymore. After the war is over, I will resign from the position of elder!"

She snorted coldly, her eyes swept across Luo Sha and the third generation of Kazekage, disappointment flashed in her eyes, and then she walked away directly.


The others reacted and looked at the Third Kazekage, but he just waved his hand and said, "Elder Chiyo is just tired, she will figure it out soon."

In fact, he had already had a quarrel with Chiyo before this.

But the matter is done, and there seems to be no problem with his proposal. Even Ebizo acquiesced to this approach. After all, he is the one who understands the current predicament facing Sand Village the most.

Only Chiyo opposed, which is meaningless at all.


Ebizo sat in his seat with his eyes downcast, his long white eyebrows hanging in front of him, also covering the strange color in his eyes.

After Chiyo left, with the Third Kazekage's guarantee, everyone was relieved, and immediately began to check for omissions and discuss the feasibility of the plan.

After a while, the Third Kazekage stretched out his fingers and tapped the table lightly.


The voices of everyone talking stopped abruptly, and they subconsciously turned their eyes to this side.

"In addition to this proposal, I have another good news to tell you."

Facing everyone's puzzled gaze, the Third Kazekage smiled and said, "The Fire Country has sent a letter, hoping to join forces with us to assassinate Hanzo and fight against the Rain Country together."

"That is to say, next, it's finally time for us to fight back."

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