Naruto: The villain template of me is regarded as the savior

Chapter 199: Witch, Human Magic, Sacrifice

"You want the eldest to have a baby with you?!"

Yahiko opened his mouth, unable to believe his ears.

What does it mean to give birth to the next generation?

Even Yahiko, who knows nothing about men and women, knows the meaning of the five words "giving birth to the next generation".

That means mating... ahem, giving birth to a baby, right?

But the eldest is only in his teens, right?

This miko sister who I just met, although she looks delicate and elegant, is at least in her twenties, right?

Isn't this a bit...

"Unruly meow!"

Yahiko, who was hesitant to speak, deflated like a balloon that was punctured, and then his face twitched slightly as he looked in the direction of the sound.

"Unruly", isn't this a bit too much?

He just wanted to say "shameless".

Jiyun, who was still dozing in Yunchuan's arms, stood up suddenly, and his heterochromatic eyes stared at the woman in the red and white miko costume.

The silky black hair was slightly blown up, and the habit of speaking that was suppressed in front of outsiders could no longer be suppressed.

Being stared at by Yahiko with a surprised look, Jiyun also realized his loss of composure, but the ears were still pressed back, and the cat eyes were wide open and full of hostility, saying: "Is this how all 'shrine maidens' court?"

Even Yunchuan was stunned when he heard Miroku's words, and only came back to his senses when he heard Jiyun's blown-up breath.


Knowing that this was the cat's "territorial consciousness" or "possessiveness" and "food protection" instinct, Yunchuan touched the black cat's tail that was swinging in dissatisfaction and coughed lightly: "Mister Miko, that shouldn't be what you mean, right?"

Miroku's smile was still gentle, but there was a rare blush on his delicate face, and he explained: "It's not what you think. In fact, Miko don't need to give birth."

"Or in other words, every generation of Miko has no father."

Hearing this, Yahiko with a weird look in his eyes and Jiyun with a flaming hair were stunned.

Yunchuan was not too surprised, but asked curiously: "Then what do you mean by letting me help you 'grow offspring'?"

Miroku didn't rush to answer his question. He stretched out his hands from his wide sleeves and raised them in front of him with his palms facing up.

The next moment, the bright light spots around her became dim, and a black and purple aura gradually emerged.

The originally solemn and cold Hall of Heroes was tinged with a faint sense of gloom, and even Yahiko shuddered subconsciously.

"This is..."

Looking at the misty black and purple energy on Miroku's left hand, Yunchuan felt something familiar, and a little surprise appeared on his face.

Zero tail? 'Dark Chakra'?

No, it is purer and more manic than the 'Dark Chakra' of Zero Tail.

Looking closely, it looks like a gloomy ghost, forming a looming ghost face.

It seems that you can hear the roar of a monster, which is full of greed, evil, resentment, anger...

The longer you stare at the strange purple mist, the more obvious the roar will become, which will make people have evil thoughts of killing and destruction.

Obviously, this strange purple mist can affect human will and induce evil thoughts and malice in people's hearts.

However, for Yunchuan, it is not enough to affect his mind.

"This is part of the monster 'Wangliang'."

I don't know if it was the influence of the strange breath, but Miroku's gentle smile faded a little: "You don't seem surprised, I think you know something about 'monsters'."

"In that case, can you see the essence of this power?"

Hearing this, Yunchuan narrowed his eyes, the light flickered, and he pondered: "I have indeed studied things similar to the monsters you mentioned... However, the 'evil thoughts' of your monster seem to be too pure."

"Zero Tail" is a chakra creation similar to the tailed beasts, which is purely composed of "dark chakra", and "dark chakra" is a combination of "chakra", "vitality" and "negative emotions".

Shennong has now become the "Zero Tail" Jinchūriki. With the almost endless and powerful vitality after becoming a "ghost", he no longer needs to restore the power of "Zero Tail" by squeezing the lives of thousands of people as before.

But the so-called "negative emotions", or the so-called "evil thoughts" and "desires", still need to be slowly absorbed and stored.

However, there are already 2,000 "ghosts" now, and there are also hundreds of "ghosts" subordinate to Shennong.

"Ghosts" undoubtedly have the most negative emotions, and they can all establish a connection with Shennong through "blood".

They can all provide "negative emotions" for Zero Tail, and the person being absorbed will not have any adverse effects, but will be beneficial to the stability of his own mental state.

The monster "魉鉉" should be similar to "Zero-Tail", and its power comes from the "evil thoughts" in the hearts of humans.

Whether it is "Yin Dun chakra" or "negative emotions", human emotions are very complicated things, not to mention that there are tens of thousands of people gathered.

Compared with the chaotic breath of " Zero tail ", the power of "魉鉉" seems too pure.

"It's just like..." Yunchuan touched his chin and said with interest, "'evil' cut out from a person."

Hearing this, Miroku's eyes swept across a touch of surprise, and then he looked at Yunchuan deeply, and spread his other right hand forward.

The next moment, pink and white mist rose from the palm of his hand, dispelling the cold chill around him.

Pink and white mist in one hand, black and purple mist in the other, perfect neutralization and balance...

"Is this the power of a shrine maiden?" Yunchuan said with a surprised expression, "It's as pure as the breath of a sprite, but..."

The essence displayed by the two is completely opposite.

If we talk about the power of monsters, it is like all the dark and dirty parts of human hearts.

The power of the witch gives people a feeling of being supreme and inviolable.

Comfort, tranquility, nature, stability...

"You are right." Maitreya sighed softly, "Mikos and monsters are opposite existences, because we are two sides of the same body."

"In other words, ghosts are the dark side that have been stripped away from the witches of the past generations."

Hearing this, Yun Chuan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, remembering Shennong's horrified expression when he saw his "evil thoughts".

If Shennong knew that the "dark side" of the witch was strong enough to create a "monster", I don't know what expression he would show.

"But is there really no problem in stripping out one's dark side?" Yunchuan asked curiously.

The dark side actually exists in everyone, and he also understands it.

In the original work, in order to learn how to control the power of tailed beasts, Naruto, Metkai and Yamashiro Aoba went to Turtle Island for training.

There is a temple on Turtle Island. There is a special waterfall in the temple, called the "True Waterfall". That waterfall can illuminate a person's dark side.

When Naruto stood in front of the waterfall, his dark side emerged. The dark side reflected Naruto's inner inferiority and his past experience of being bullied and ostracized by the villagers because of his status as a jinchuriki.

However, Kumokawa did not expect that the miko could actually peel off her "dark side", and it was enough to become a "dark side" of a "monster".

"We have no choice."

Maitreya shook his head and said calmly: "This is the inheritance of the 'Witch' and the fate of the 'Witch'. Just like the three holy places, if you want to gain power, you have to pay the price."

"In the distant ancient times, chakra did not exist at that time. Due to lack of mastery and understanding of nature, people were unable to understand natural disasters and phenomena such as lightning and thunder, solar and lunar eclipses, landslides and floods."

"So, attribute it all to the control of gods, and then respect nature and believe that all things have animism."

"This also gave rise to the worship of nature and primitive witchcraft, hoping to master the power of controlling nature through certain rituals and methods."

"Later, due to its extremely harsh cultivation conditions and the spread of more popular chakra, this power that humans call witchcraft gradually disappeared."

Yunchuan had also heard of the existence of "witches" in his previous life, and it was somewhat similar to the "witches" mentioned by Maitreya.

Witch, Zhu is also a woman who can do invisible things. She can also dance to subdue the gods. It looks like a person dancing in two clothes, and agrees with the work. In ancient times, Wu Xian first became a witch, and all witches are followers of witches.

However, the "witches" in the previous life were just natural leaders respected by the ancients. Their power was based on natural knowledge, creative contributions in production technology, and noble conduct that benefited the whole people.

The actual ability is to master astronomy and calendar, knowledge of meteorological laws, geographical knowledge, tool measurement, construction technology, medicine, divination, etc. to guide the production and life of the ethnic group.

And in this world where the power of "natural energy" exists...

The power of witches can really connect the heaven and the earth, control the movement of the sun, the moon and the stars, mobilize the "power of ghosts and gods" to eliminate disasters and bring good fortune to people, seducing gods, interpreting dreams, prophesying, praying for rain, healing diseases, and astrology...

The so-called "power of ghosts and gods" is the power of this world, which is also the so-called "natural energy".

"In other words, the power inheritance of the witch is a human's 'magic'?"

After hearing Maitreya's explanation, Yun Chuan's eyes flickered brightly.

It is also a way of utilizing natural energy. It is the same as the immortal mode of the three holy places. There is no doubt that it is also a kind of "immortal art".

"..." Maitreya was silent for a moment, then smiled, "Whether it's magic or witchcraft, do you think humans who have lost their 'evil thoughts' are still humans?"

Among myths, there are legends about the power of the will of all living beings.

It is a kind of power generated by the emotional fluctuations of sentient beings with their yearning for a better life, and it contains the purest blessing.

Witchcraft is through human beings' belief in themselves, gathering the "will power" of all living beings into themselves, and using this to mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

"But if you want to gain power, you have to pay a price."

Maitreya spoke slowly and said in a complicated tone: "To use the power of witchcraft, you need to accept people's faith and reverence, and use the inheritance ability of witchcraft to absorb the 'wish power' of all living beings."

"But while accepting worship, if you don't have enough concentration to insist on yourself, you will be assimilated into what the believer wants, and your mind will even be polluted by the believer's evil thoughts."

"In order to avoid such consequences to the greatest extent, monsters are alien clones separated by witches of all generations to withstand evil thoughts. The remaining will of all living beings is the pure spiritual power that can be absorbed and digested."

This is a method of using "natural energy" that is unique to "witchcraft".

However, after the Sage of Six Paths established the "Ninja Sect" and sowed the seeds of chakra, the "shaman" with harsh training conditions gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

Nowadays, only the lineage of shrine maidens from the Kingdom of Demons has been passed down.

"Interesting." Yun Chuan said to himself, "But from this point of view, the flaws of the magic of 'witches' are obvious. The evil thoughts in the will must be eliminated, and there must be enough 'quantity', so it cannot be popularized at all."

Despite this, there is still value for reference in the miko inheritance.

Thinking of this, Yunchuan looked at Maitreya again, smiled slightly and said: "Miko, what do you want?"

As if he could see what Yun Chuan was thinking, Miroku showed a gentle smile again on his face: "You must also understand that forcibly peeling off one's dark side is a failed and undesirable approach."

"It was precisely because of the miko's first attempt that it caused endless trouble for subsequent mikos."

"Because the sprite and the miko are two sides of the same body, the miko can only choose to seal the sprite, but there is no permanent seal in this world."

Yunchuan nodded in agreement.

Even the "Six Paths Earth Explosion Star" jointly performed by the two brothers Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Hamura, the powerful sealing technique performed by such a powerful being will gradually dissipate over time, let alone the seal performed by the miko.

As time goes by, various flaws will inevitably appear in the seal, and every occurrence of flaws is a test of life and death for the witch.

Because the strength of "monsters" and witches are close, and "monsters" obviously have no such thing as a moral bottom line, so witches are often at a disadvantage in confrontations.

Therefore, stripping and sealing the dark side from one's body is nothing more than drinking poison to quench thirst and causing endless harm.

"For this reason, the responsibility of each generation of witches is to burn their own lives and souls when the monsters escape from trouble, break them up and seal them again, and leave strength and hope to the next generation."

"This is the fate and curse of the miko, and it is also the responsibility that the miko must bear. This has been the case for thousands of years."

There was no so-called sadness in her tone, and she seemed not to care about her own death: "If I am no longer here, my daughter will also become a witch and die in the hands of monsters... That's what I originally thought."

Having said this, Maitreya paused for a moment, looked up at Yun Chuan, and said with a slight smile: "However, I have lost the ability or curse to predict death, and I also see hope in you as a 'fate rebel'."

"As a miko, I can die as a matter of course, but as a mother, I cannot stand by and watch my child die as a matter of course."

"Change destiny, even if my daughter becomes an ordinary person, grows up in an ordinary way, and lives an ordinary life."

"If we want to do all this, we must let the war end completely in my generation and let the monsters completely lose hope of recovery!"

Compared with the indifference that seemed to see through everything in the world, Maitreya seemed more like he had seen too many unchangeable facts, and finally accepted his future and death calmly.

Because of the power passed down from generation to generation, the witch can see the fate of human death and should lose his own negative emotions.

But such a person shows the "selfishness" of a mother.

For the sake of her children, she is willing to surrender to the neutral Kingdom of Ghosts, and is willing to help Yun Chuan who "starts a war for peace."

Thinking of this, Yun Chuan couldn't help but reveal an interesting smile on his face: "You should know a lot of inside information, the goddess of Mao, the Immortal of Six Paths, the three holy places... Why do you believe that only I can do it?"

Maitreya shook his head, and the smile at the corner of his mouth seemed to be a little more sarcastic and self-deprecating: "If you can't even become a 'disobedient', this unchanging world will really be hopeless."

Hearing this, the smile on Yun Chuan's face deepened, he stretched out his left hand and said with a smile: "Then, you are welcome to join us, and we will worship Maitreya."

Maitreya was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and stretched out his left hand to shake it gently.

"Please take good care of me in the future, Lord Kumokawa."

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