Naruto: The villain template of me is regarded as the savior

Chapter 198 Yahiko: You want my boss to have a baby with you? !


In the Hall of Heroes, looking at the gentle and delicate miko in front of him, Yunchuan narrowed his eyes and showed a sincere smile and said: "Your Majesty the miko said, 'Son of Disaster'. This title was given to me by the old toad..."

"But you prefer to call me a 'rebel'? In other words, you and that old toad have different attitudes towards me, an anomaly?"

At this moment, after listening to Maitreya's explanation, Yahiko beside him was already in a state of confusion and murmured: "What the hell is all this?"

What is the "Big Toad Immortal", what is the "Three Holy Lands", what is the "prophetic ability", what is the "Son of Disaster", what is the "Destiny"...

Has the water in the ninja world always been this deep?

Yahiko felt extremely awkward and uncomfortable, especially for that "Big Toad Immortal", who always felt like he was naked and being seen through.

Angry, frustrated, and powerless...

If Kumokawa knew how he felt, he would know how to describe it vividly.

A serious and cute new player with a passionate heart will encounter a wall hanging with full picture perspective, or a wall hanging that has been played since the game was launched.

Fortunately, as the GM, Sage of Six Paths has not yet come to an end, otherwise Yahiko's world view will be refreshed again.


Ignoring Kumokawa's disrespectful name for Toadmaru, Miroku nodded slightly and said in a gentle tone: "What the great Toad Immortal can see, I, as a miko, can also see a little."

"However, what I want is different from him, and our natures are also different. Naturally, our views on one thing are also different."

Thoughts quickly passed through Yunchuan's mind, and he said, "If I guess correctly, that old toad is trying to maintain the rule of Miaomu Mountain, so that he can live forever as an 'immortal'?"

"So, in its view, I, who will pose a threat to the three holy places in the future, will undoubtedly be the 'son of disaster'..."

After that, he raised his eyes, looked at the witch in front of him, and said with a smile: "What about you? What does your so-called 'rebel of fate' mean? And from what angle do you get it?"

Maitreya did not rush to answer his question, but instead asked a seemingly unrelated question.

"Your Excellency Tsukimi, you didn't seem surprised when you saw me. You probably knew about my existence. Do you know anything about the 'Kingdom of Ghosts' and the 'Monsters'?"

Yun Chuan's eyes flickered slightly and he said bluntly: "I understand, but not much."

The only major countries in the ninja world are the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Earth, the Kingdom of Water, the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Thunder, but apart from them, not all small countries will be classified as neutral countries.

For example, the Country of Rain, the Country of Rivers, the Country of Grass... Although these countries are small countries, they are still in danger of being destroyed by big countries.

Only small countries with very remote locations and special significance, such as the Country of Snow, the Country of Iron, and the Country of Tang, can become neutral countries.

The Kingdom of Ghosts is also a member of the neutral country, and is even the most special existence among them.

Its governance model is different from most countries in the ninja world.

Because, the country of ghosts is a country without the rule of "Daimyo".

The supreme ruler is not a daimyo, but a being named "Miko", who can be regarded as an outlier in the ninja world.

As a "miko" who holds the power of the Kingdom of Ghosts, she has the mysterious power to see into the future, and also possesses the unknown and mysterious sealing ability, shouldering the responsibility of guarding and sealing "monsters".

As for the upper limit and principle of prophecy, as well as the existence of monsters, Yunchuan didn't know much about it.

He only knew that the monster named "Sprite" seemed to be unable to be completely killed, and only a "witch" could seal it. This was one of the reasons why the Kingdom of Ghosts became a neutral country.

The ability of shrine maidens to predict the future is only widely spread in the Kingdom of Demons and surrounding countries.

As long as you ask the nobles and commoners of the Kingdom of Ghosts, they will tell the inquirer that the ability of miko to predict the future is 100% accurate, and there has not been a single error so far.


After Yun Chuan finished speaking, the black cat that had been huddled up in his arms stretched out, yawned widely, opened his eyes and looked at Maitreya, and said calmly: "But, as far as I know, the fact seems not to be the case. So."

"The witch's ability is not so much predicting the future, but rather...predicting death?"

Hearing this, Maitreya glanced at Jiyun in Yunchuan's arms, and a hint of surprise flashed across his originally smooth eyes.

In her current state, it is natural to see that the strangeness of this "cat" is not some transformation technique.

The human soul combines the colors of "wind" and "cat"? It is not a fusion that is cobbled together by "external forces", but an extremely natural fusion, with no rejection at all.

"I don't know this. Is it true, Your Majesty the Miko?"

Yunchuan touched the cat's head, looked up at the miko in front of him, and smiled slightly: "If the miko's real ability is to predict death, since I appear in your prophecy, does that mean..."

"Did you see my 'death'?"

Maitreya came back to his senses, met those blue eyes with deep meaning, and subconsciously shook his head: "No, just the opposite."

She paused, calmed down a little, and said in a gentle tone: "Yes, you are right. Maybe for other people, this is just a conversation piece after dinner, but witches throughout the ages do have the ability to predict death."

"This ability comes from the inheritance of witches. It is both a gift and a curse. I can only see death but cannot change it. I can only watch death coming as scheduled. There has never been any mistake for thousands of years."

"Until one day, I inexplicably foresaw the death of a noble son of the Kingdom of Rain..."

Having said this, Maitreya looked at Yunchuan with a deep look in his eyes and smiled: "After that, I seemed to have lost the ability to predict death, and I never saw the future where anyone died."

The son of a noble from the Kingdom of Rain?

Kumokawa immediately understood that it was the moment he was killed by the Sunagakure ninja on his first day in this world.

Could it be that the witch's loss of the ability to predict death was related to his resurrection?

"I know this must be related to the noble son, but because the Second Ninja World War has started again, the sealed monster 'Sprite' shows signs of escaping, so I have been busy strengthening the seal of 'Sprite'."

Maitreya folded his hands in front of him and said with a smile: "It wasn't until recently that I once again foresaw information about you and received a 'reminder' from the big toad immortal, so I decided to take the time to visit here in person."

"Now it seems that it was in vain that I came from the Kingdom of Ghosts to the Kingdom of Rain to have a look, and I did not believe the 'disaster' mentioned in its letter."

Hearing that the old toad specifically "reminded" her, Yunchuan couldn't help but smile, followed her gaze to the white monument, and asked, "So, what do you think?"

Maitreya shook his head and said, "Can you please tell me first, why are you doing this?"


Yun Chuan turned around and looked at the huge white monument, his eyes sweeping over the name on the monument.

His eyes were cold and cold, and the blue candlelight on both sides shone on the side of his face, but he suddenly smiled and asked: "Do you want to hear a good explanation, or do you want to hear a bad explanation?"

Maitreya pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Listen to the former first."

Yunchuan lowered his eyes and said in a deep tone: "Nature is to bring benefits to the living, to give hope to those who travel, to give glory to the dead, to give peace to those who are resting, and to give respect to those who have passed by. "

"In order to make him have no worries in life and death, have direction in his actions, peace in rest, and dignity in his life, so that he will have no regrets during his life and no resentment after his death."

His voice became deeper and deeper, as if he was telling an ancient fable. The front of the monument became his stage, and his voice echoed in the empty hall.

It wasn't until his words gradually faded that he became silent and completely calm.

"Old, boss?"

Yahiko was stunned for a short time, then looked at Yun Chuan with burning enthusiasm in his eyes.

The boss’s ambitions are so lofty? !

It's really exciting...

"What about the latter?" Maitreya asked with a smile.

"I really have no respect for death."

Yun Chuan touched the soft black cat in his arms, turned to look at Miroku and said frankly: "But I admire their courage to die, and the brilliance of their humanity when they die, just like the dazzling brilliance of fireworks when they bloom."

"So, if you ask me why I do this, you can say that I did it when I was inspired. I am not stingy in praising their courage."

Hearing this, Yahiko, who was originally full of enthusiasm, suddenly froze, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him from head to toe.

Is this the art of language?

If you think about it carefully, it obviously means the same thing, but when you say it, why are there two completely different feelings?

"He is worthy of the name of 'Destiny'."

Compared to Yahiko who was worried about gains and losses, Maitreya's smile was deeper and he said with emotion: "Although the future you want is difficult to achieve, everyone here is not afraid of death, so I think you may really be able to do it."

Why do humans value the continuation and inheritance of descendants?

One of the very important reasons is so that someone can remember you after you die.

The real death of a person's life is not when the heart stops and the breath disappears, nor is it when the body is buried and people dress in black to attend the funeral.

But in this world, the last person who remembers you will forget you, and the whole world will no longer be related to you.

But in this world where human life is as cheap as grass, death means death, and there is nothing left. Not to mention the grave after death, not even a handful of loess is left. It is like water dissolved in water, as if it has never appeared in this world.

But now, the Hall of Heroes and the Monument of Heroes built by Yunchuan, with Maitreya's vision, it is natural to see its intention, and it can be said that these problems have been perfectly solved.

If someone unfortunately dies in battle, his name will be engraved in the Hall of Heroes, and there is also the hope that his spirit body will be returned to the Tomb of Heroes to live another life.

From now on, as long as Yunchuan survives and as long as Yunchuan really gets the "Pure Land", then the person whose name is engraved on the Heroic Spirit Monument can live another life in the "Pure Land" as the "God of Death" even if he dies.

Even if you can't see your loved ones again, you can always live in the memories of others and enjoy the worship and reverence of everyone.

This is the true meaning of resting with the country, worshiping with the country, and immortality with the country.

In Maitreya's view, once the news about the Hall of Heroes and the Monument of Heroes is made public, all the people recruited here will be fearless of death, and can even "seek death" to die with the enemy on the battlefield.

Because they had nothing worthy of attachment during their lives, but they could enjoy full honors when they died as heroes on the battlefield.

During his lifetime, he was awarded titles based on his merits and benefits, which made people happy to hear about the war.

There is also a monument to the hero's soul after death, giving full mourning and glory, so that people can die without fear.

Such a move will surely create an invincible army with united will, unity and loyalty.

Of course, in this world where there are extremely strong personal powers, the premise is that Yunchuan also has the corresponding strength.

Thinking of the "kind" "reminder" of the big toad immortal, Maitreya sighed in his heart and said sorry.

"So, Your Excellency the Witch, have you decided to help me?" Yunchuan asked directly at this time.

Maitreya came back to his senses, his body was shining, and he smiled and nodded: "I am willing to bring the entire Ghost Kingdom and offer insignificant power. I may not be able to help in times of need, but I just hope to add icing on the cake."

"However, before that, I have one more thing to ask for."

Standing directly on the opposite side of the Holy Land, giving a great gift for no reason, and bringing the entire Ghost Kingdom to Yunchuan, she will naturally have her own requests.

Yunchuan was not surprised, he just raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Let me guess, is it 'Wangliang'?"

He had heard about the demon "Wangliang" in the Land of Demons a long time ago, and he had also collected some information from the ancient books of the Uzumaki clan.

The existence of demons has existed since ancient times.

Before the Six Paths Sage founded the Ninja Sect, ninjas were not mainstream. At that time, the Ninja world was still in a chaos of demons. Countless demons were born, feeding on human flesh and blood, and their personalities were brutal, bringing terrible damage to the human kingdom at that time.

However, there are only intermittent information about the demons, and many things cannot be verified.

It is only known that the demons have the immortal characteristics similar to the tailed beasts, and can only be sealed by the power of the witch.

Once controlled a stone statue army similar to the Terracotta Warriors, invaded and killed various countries, and also caused extremely bad effects.

It is precisely because the ghosts can only be restrained by the power of the witch that it is very difficult for ordinary humans.

"Yes, and no."

Faced with Yunchuan's guess, Miroku nodded first, but soon shook his head: "The power of the ghosts comes from human desires. Whenever there is a war in the ninja world, the seal that binds the ghosts will loosen."

"If you want to realize the future you hope for, it will inevitably be accompanied by war and sacrifice, and the ghosts' escape is an inevitable result."

Hearing this, Yunchuan asked curiously: "So? Do you want me to help you seal the ghosts again? Or, find a way to get rid of the ghosts once and for all?"

For some reason, Miroku suddenly fell silent.

After a moment, she pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, and slowly said: "No, actually, I hope you can help me... give birth to the next generation."


Yahiko slowly opened his mouth.

Yunchuan stopped stroking the black cat.

Jiyun's comfortable snoring also stagnated.

For a moment, the palace fell into silence, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.


After a long while, Yahiko stared with an incredible look on his face, and shouted: "You want my boss to have a child with you?!"

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