Naruto: The villain template of me is regarded as the savior

Chapter 197 A beast is just a beast, it can never become an immortal

"Disaster, the son of disaster..."

Hearing the title uttered from the mouth of the Great Toad Sage, the ominous and malicious words that could not be concealed in it made Jiraiya's flickering pupils slightly stagnant.

If the "Son of Prophecy" contains "hope" or "war", then the "Son of Disaster" is only "disaster" and "destruction".

If possible, Jiraiya would not want to believe this bad news.

But the one who made the prophecy was the Great Toad Sage.

Although the Great Toad Sage is forgetful and sleepy, and looks like a demented old man, it not only has powerful immortal arts, but also has the mysterious ability of accurate prediction.

Since it can be called the "Son of Disaster", it means that the human will inevitably bring disaster to the ninja world, making the already chaotic ninja world devastated.

"The Son of Disaster, is it really impossible to correct it?"

Jiraiya's head was a little confused. Holding the best hope, he looked up at the Great Toad Sage: "If I find him and guide him to good..."

"If possible, I also hope that you can correct his distortion. After all, not only your five major countries and even other countries, but even our three holy places will be affected by the disaster he brings."

Before Jiraiya finished speaking, the Great Toad Sage shook his head, interrupted him and sighed: "Unfortunately, what you can't do, no matter who it is, can't be done. Everything is too late."

"The Son of Prophecy can be guided by you because I see two possibilities in his future. They have the potential to change the world. Whether it is good or bad, someone needs to guide them."

"And that 'Son of Disaster'... I don't know why, in my dreams, the content involving him will be extremely vague. I can only see that a palm like a sky curtain has grabbed the ninja world."

Hearing this, Shima and Fukasaku, who had originally had a heavy expression, both changed their faces.

The disaster brought by the "Son of Disaster" will actually affect the three holy places? !

For the three holy places that have been peaceful for hundreds of years, hidden in the dark side of the ninja world, and extremely mysterious, this is a situation that has never happened before.

This means that even with the ability of the old master and the other two great sages of the holy places, they cannot completely protect the holy places they belong to.

"Can the 'Son of Disaster' interfere with the old master's ability to predict now?" Shima asked.

Although the old master can only see some fragments of the future through intermittent dreams, Myoboku Mountain can still enjoy a high reputation in the ninja world without showing up, just because of its predictions that have been unfavorable from thousands of years ago to the present.

The process of selecting "spiritual contractors" is actually the process of selecting "spokespersons". Almost every generation has a "contractor" who is a human who appears in the old master's prediction.

"Maybe it's because I'm old." The big toad sage replied calmly as if jokingly.

For a while, Fukasaku and Shima looked at each other in silence, and the color in their eyes was unclear whether it was uneasiness or coldness.

"The hand of the sky-like hand that cannot be changed will even affect the holy land..."

Imagining the horror of the disaster, Jiraiya's expression was extremely solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Big Toad Sage, can you tell me the specific details of the prophecy?"

The Big Toad Sage half-closed his eyes, was silent for a moment, and said in a tone that was neither happy nor sad: "Sage? Tell me, will you bleed..."

"Those who are terrified, bow down, serve your master, and accept my teachings."

"I will give you the inheritance of all countries, and everything to the end of the earth will be yours. I will send the usurpers to the path of destruction, and the life and death of all things will be in your hands."

"These are all I heard, but unfortunately, I can't tell who said it."


The Big Toad Sage's tone was calm, but it revealed a sense of overbearing coercion, which made the one man and two frogs feel uneasy and cold, and a layer of haze was cast over their hearts.

"He is indeed an arrogant and cruel guy." Jiraiya frowned, revealing a heavy expression.

For the "son of prophecy" in the prophecy, Jiraiya wanted to find him before he grew up, educate and guide him.

But for the hopeless "son of disaster", obviously, there is no other choice but to kill him.

The future that the Great Toad Sage described for him was too terrifying.

Compared with the "disappearance" of all ninjas including Konoha, and the disasters and deaths that swept the entire ninja world and even the holy land, killing one person to save the world is undoubtedly a better choice.

Although killing directly goes against the philosophy that Jiraiya has always adhered to, he will never be soft-hearted in killing an ambitious person.

"The key to 'stopping' the Son of Disaster is the Son of Prophecy who is on the right path."

The Great Toad Sage suddenly said, "I saw more about the 'Son of Prophecy' this time."

Hearing this, Jiraiya was instantly shocked, and said with a gleaming look: "Please speak."

"There may be two Sons of Prophecy." The Great Toad Sage said in a flat tone, "One of them has eyes as blue as the sea."

Eyes as blue as the sea?

Jiraiya's eyes flickered slightly, and he remembered it in his heart and continued to ask, "What about the other one?"

"..."The Great Toad Sage seemed to pause for a moment, and then said, "The other one was born when Konoha was destroyed."

Shima and Fukasaku were stunned for a moment, and then looked down together.

The thoughtful expression froze on Jiraiya's face.

"Konoha...destruction..." The corners of his mouth twitched, and he pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying.

In other words, according to the prophecy of the Great Toad Sage, is Konoha destined to be destroyed?

Can fate be changed?

Jiraiya opened his mouth, wanting to ask this question, but finally closed it slowly.

Because the answer to this question is meaningless.

One of the prophesied children was born when Konoha was destroyed, which meant that the two were inevitably related.

The reason why the Children of Prophecy became the Children of Prophecy may be because of the fact that Konoha was destroyed, or it may be because of the existence of the Children of Prophecy that Konoha will be destroyed by someone in the future.

One is the cause and the other is the effect.

"……I see."

After a long silence, Jiraiya lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes became deep, and he said: "Whether it is the child of prophecy or the child of disaster, I will try my best to find it."

The real culprit of Konoha's destruction is most likely the "Son of Disaster".

If we can guide a child of prophecy to the right path, can we solve the threat of the child of disaster to Konoha and even the ninja world before Konoha is destroyed without the need of a second child of prophecy?

There is such a possibility, no matter how small the probability is, he will try it.

The blue-eyed son of prophecy?

"Great Immortal, then..."

Jiraiya raised his head with a calm expression and was about to say goodbye to the Great Toad Sage, but the next second he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.


On the stone platform, the Great Toad Immortal had closed his eyes and let out sweet purring sounds. Fukasaku and Shima looked a little embarrassed.

Jiraiya scratched his head, looked at the two frogs helplessly, and said, "Then I'll leave first, time is very tight now."

Now the war is still raging with no sign of ending, and there is another task to find the Son of Disaster and the Son of Prophecy.

Fortunately, Orochimaru has become a mature commander after this battle, Tsunade has also recovered her fighting ability and gained stronger strength, and senior Hatake Sakumo's operations in River Country are progressing very smoothly.

If no other accidents occur, Konoha will continue to win like this until the Third Kazekage is completely defeated.

"Go ahead. If you have time, remember to come to the Holy Land a few times. You have made rapid progress in your immortality practice some time ago. You should be able to use the 'immortal mode' soon with the help of me and my child."

Fukasaku was also a little sad, and he sighed deeply, but he did not forget to warn: "You have a heavy burden now. If you encounter an unexpected situation, don't rush forward directly. Remember to call me and the child's mother."

"Don't worry, I'm not the same person I used to be."

Jiraiya patted his chest, put a smile on his face again, and bowed slightly to the sleeping Toad Sage on his seat.


As a burst of white smoke exploded, Jiraiya's figure disappeared into the hall.

After he left, the snoring suddenly stopped in the hall.

"Ahem, disaster..."

The Great Toad Immortal coughed twice, looking older and older. His wrinkled eyelids slowly opened, and a coldness flashed in the turbid brown-yellow frog eyes.

"Master! You..." Fukasaku and Shima, who were squatting on the stone platforms on both sides, looked at the Great Toad Sage hurriedly after hearing the cough, with uneasiness and worry on their faces.

"You can't die yet." The Great Toad Sage said calmly, "Fukasaku, Shima."

Fukasaku let out a long sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "Sir, please tell me."

Immortal Big Toad said softly: "Go and invite the 'Immortal Talisman' out."

Hearing the order from the Great Toad Sage, Fukasaku and Shima couldn't help but were stunned for a moment, but they soon realized something, and their expressions became extremely horrified.

"Immortal Talisman?!"

The Immortal Talisman is the most precious treasure in Miaomu Mountain.

This talisman is covered with magical chakra, which is the ultimate use of the power of nature, and can even bring back the dead to a certain extent.

The Great Toad Sage once used a "Sage's Talisman" to revive Ōtsutsuki Hamura, the younger brother of the Six Paths Sage, and this allowed Ōtsutsuki Hamura and Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo to achieve the final victory in the battle against Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Now the eldest master asked him to prepare the Immortal Talisman in advance, which means...

"What did you see?" Shima said in a serious tone, "Is someone important going to die?"

The last person to use the "Sage's Talisman" was Otsutsuki Hamura.

Who is worthy of the great master taking out the "immortal talisman" again?

However, faced with the common doubts of Fukasaku and Shima, the Great Toad Sage had no idea of ​​​​solving the doubts.

Because that cold voice seemed to still be echoing in its ears.

"Beasts, if you learn to speak human words, learn to show off your thoughts, learn to play tricks, do you think you can become an 'immortal'?"

"A beast is just a beast."

"I am hanging high in the sky, and I have been watching for a long time. Everyone is like an immortal or a dragon."

Recalling these words, the Great Toad Immortal felt that he had become the "Toad Pill" he once was, the weak "Toad" he once was.

Whether it is a "snake" hunting a "toad", a "toad" eating a "slug", or a "slug" eating a "snake" carcass.

In front of humans, they are just "animals".

Even if you master the power of nature and learn the "immortal arts", you are still just an "animal", a "animal" who claims to be an immortal.

What arrogant words? !

Even the former Immortal of Six Paths would not dare to be so offensive to it!

"Damn guy!" Thinking of this, the Great Toad Immortal's heart became colder and colder.

It was precisely because it realized the threat of the "Son of Disaster" to its holy land that it had just used words to guide Jiraiya in a biased way.

"Sage? Tell me, will you bleed?"

"Those who are terrified, bow down, serve your master, and respectfully accept my teachings."

"I will give you the inheritance of all countries, and everything to the end of the earth will be yours. I will send those who usurp the throne to the path of destruction, and the life and death of all things will be in your hands."

Of these three sentences, only the third one was said by the "Son of Disaster" to the other two.

And the other two sentences, judging from the voice and tone, were not said by the "Son of Disaster".

The former laughed like a madman, and the latter laughed like a believer.

It seems that there is more than one ambitious and arrogant human being...


Looking at the silent big toad sage, Fukasaku stepped forward a few steps and whispered.

"When the time comes, you will know the use."

Gamaru came back to his senses, his tone was no longer calm, he just said one sentence with fatigue, and then closed his eyes again.

"Ashura and Indra... Otsutsuki Hagoromo, I hope you can still do it..."

The moment the thought came up, Gamaru's consciousness was completely overwhelmed by the exhaustion that swept over.

Immediately, he fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing the old man fall asleep again, Fukasaku sighed silently.

The old man has lived from the ancestral country to the present, and created Myoboku Mountain with one hand. It took thousands of years to make Myoboku Mountain more and more prosperous, and it became a prestigious fairyland.

At the same time, he is still silently guarding the peace of the ninja world in the dark and maintaining the balance of the ninja world.

Whether it is Fukasaku or Shima, they all respect the big toad immortal from the bottom of their hearts.

But sometimes, they also feel that the old man's words and deeds are incomprehensible.

"Since the Sage's Talisman is to be used, it means that an important person will die, so why can't we tell little Jiraiya in advance?"

"Is it to ensure that the future will not deviate from the original direction?"

"Also, Master, you are injured after all?"

In addition to doubts, Fukasaku felt more and more uneasy. He looked far away, as if he saw the outside of Myoboku Mountain, and a trace of worry flashed in his frog eyes.

"No matter what, little Jiraiya, you must be careful."

If possible, I really don't want this Sage's Talisman to be prepared for little Jiraiya.

At this moment, Jiraiya, who Fukasaku had been thinking about, had already returned to Konoha's tent.

But at this moment, he didn't even have time to sort out his thoughts.

"Orochimaru, you mean..."

Looking at Orochimaru in front of him, who was pale and calm as if he had expected it, Jiraiya, who was covered in blood, clenched his fists and said coldly: "Your Highness, Daimyo, let us cut off Hanzo's troops from the rear and help the Kingdom of Wind defeat the Kingdom of Rain?!"

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