Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 215: Time to fulfill the bet

"...Moonlight Chiba! You... Damn it! The deal!" Tsunade gritted his teeth and kicked his feet madly. Seeing Moonlight Chiba unmoved, he angrily agreed.

Less than five minutes later, there was a burst of crazy howling ghosts and wolves from the hotel, Tsunade, whose tears of laughter had already come out, patted the floor with one hand and couldn't help begging for mercy while holding Lavender in the other.

"Earthquake! Earthquake! Run away!" A panicked shout came from the next door. Moonlight Chiba looked at the crack on the floor hammered by Tsunade, raised his eyebrows, and let go of the girl's jade. foot.

"I'm dying! My stomach hurts... It hurts... Moonlight Chiba! My old lady has clearly given up!" Tsunade couldn't help laughing, rolling on the ground, and it took a long time to lie on the ground like tired and paralyzed. Looks unlovable.

"It's a ninja. "Sixty-five-zero", you do this." Moonlight Chiba squatted beside Tsunade, with a malicious smile on his face, Tsunade snorted and turned his face to the side, that ups and downs He breathed, proving that she hadn't fully eased up at this time.

Generally, only the ninjas of Anbe would learn how to resist torture. Tsunade's body is delicate and expensive, so it is naturally impossible to suffer that sin. He just scratched his feet and made this girl out of breath.

"Is it itchy?" Lavender scratched the soles of her feet incomprehensibly, and after making a strong stimulus, she no longer doubted Tsunade's reaction, pretending that she had nothing to do, and sat obediently. , As if afraid that Moonlight Chiba would find that she also had the same weakness.

"Stop making trouble, we should go to bed." Moonlight Chiba got up, blew out all the three oil lamps in the room, pulled Lavender and Tsunade on the soft couch.


"Ahem, it's time to fulfill the bet." At midnight, Moonlight Chiba touched her elbow far away, and whispered with her back to Tsunade.

Lavender Xiao Nizi is innocent by nature. She has been sleeping in the dark at this time, and under the faint light of [Yi Jin Jing] on her body, as long as it is not shaken by the earth, she will never wake up.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Tsunade's body was slightly stiff, but he tried to maintain a steady breathing, obviously trying to pretend to be asleep.

"Fell asleep, tsk tsk, it's better to start." Moonlight Chiba showed a smirk in his eyes, leaned to Tsunade's ear, and deliberately said.

Tsunade Ginga bit secretly, holding back the urge to turn around and hit an old fist, stiffened his body and did not dare to move, but his heart jumped wildly.

Moonlight Chiba heard Tsunade's heartbeat, and then saw the rapidly reddening neck and cheeks, her unconscious heartbeat quickly beaten, and she couldn't help but touch Tsunade's shoulder with one hand.

"You only have one minute! No! Half a minute! Nor! Ten seconds!" Tsunade knew that he couldn't hide, and today some bastard obviously couldn't let her go. She thought of lying on the spot and being touched by this guy. It's crazy and shameful again.

"Want to change your bet?"

"Wh...what?" Tsunade was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to hear a change of bet at this time. He turned his head in amazement, but Moonlight Chiba took the opportunity to roll over and press her under him.

Different scenes, but unusually familiar movements, made Tsunade's pupils shrink instantly. On the way back to Konoha from the country of Uzumaki last time, Moonlight Chiba seemed to have used this trick against her.

The distance between the two cheeks is not enough, Tsunade can even feel Moonlight Chiba's slightly thicker breath with a bit of scorching temperature.

"If you don't speak, you agree." Moonlight Chiba saw the stunned Tsunade, a smile appeared on his face, and after speaking, he went straight up.

"Um..." Tsunade was waiting to refute, and a small mouth was blocked, Moonlight Chiba's snake-like head easily pried away her zirconium teeth.

There was a slight pain in the tip. Moonlight Chiba opened her eyes. Seeing Tsunade's flushed complexion and slightly angry gaze, she didn't mean to stop at all, and said vaguely, "One minute."

Between the ghosts and gods, Tsunade never resisted under this minute's promise, and even under the constant teasing of Moonlight Chiba, he couldn't help but cooperate.

One minute...two minutes...three minutes...five minutes...

Moonlight Chiba opened her eyes and looked at her expression a little confused, and involuntarily cooperated with her own Tsunade, and her big hands began to move restlessly.

Unconsciously, Tsunade opened her skirt and plunged into the thin pajamas with one hand, and began to aggression unscrupulously. Under this kind of depressive aura, the big hand was familiar with it.. ...

Moonlight Chiba smiled on her cheeks, and her body became hot and dry. Just as she was about to attack, she felt a slight pain in her lower body, and bowed her body as a conditioned reflex.

"It's time." Tsunade bent over Chiba in the moonlight, rolled over and slid out, stretched his clothes, and whispered on the side of the soft couch.

"Tsunade, you almost ruined your happiness in the second half of your life." Moonlight Chiba's cheeks twitched. The moment just now was a complete threat and didn't have much strength at all, but the man's vitals were threatened, and anyone who put it on his body would be depressed.

"Sister, I am a medical ninja, and I know the structure of the human body better than you."

"You are cruel!"


Early the next morning, Moonlight Chiba waved his big hand and bought an exclusive small courtyard in the town, set up Tsunade and Lavender, and left part of the money, telling Lavender that he would give Tsunade five at most a day. After 100,000 taels, he went to the crater again.

After last night's events, he was in a good mood along the way, as if there was hope for the days, and the whole day was thinking about what to bet with Tsunade next time.

For more than two months, Moonlight Chiba spent most of the time sitting on the edge of the volcano, trying to absorb [Pure Sun Flame] a little bit. The more he absorbed, the more he could realize it, for Mao’s strong flame. , But only three stars!

[Pure Sun Yan] It is too difficult to improve!

Although the first point [Pure Sun Flame] was accepted, as the vigorous degree of vindictiveness continued to increase, the flames began to gradually heat up, but this range was slow to make people crazy.

In two months, he completely absorbed [Pure Sun Flame], and this flame may only increase its appearance by one-tenth. Although it has terrifying potential, this terrifying potential must have a long enough life and enough Strong strength can turn this potential into combat power.

"Hu~" Moonlight Chiba exhaled a suffocating breath, and the five fingers of his right hand buckled slightly. [Pure Sun Yan] appeared directly in his palm. The burning flame was much hotter than the volcano in front of him.

"Tsk tusk, volcano." Waved away [Pure Sun Flame] in his hand, Moonlight Chiba looked at the lava rolling in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face. He wanted to try it very early, swimming in the volcano. , How does it feel! .

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