Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 216: Rain of Shinobi


Putting his clothes into the system warehouse, Moonlight Chiba jumped down into the magma and rolled and shuttled in the magma unceasingly. Although it was more viscous than water, as long as you control the strength, this thing can also swim inside!

"His hiss~ I wipe it! The anger is consumed so fast~" Moonlight Chiba sighed, and slapped the surface of the magma with both hands, turned over in the explosion, and jumped to the ground on one side.

The temperature in the magma is much higher than [volcanic fire] and [magma fire]. The closer it is to the center, the higher the temperature. Even the moonlight feels that the temperature in the depths of the magma is higher than the surface at the center. More than twice as high!

"It seems that this place is really a treasure in a short time!" Moonlight Chiba smiled. He thought that the volcano had no effect on him. Who knew that the temperature inside the volcano would actually increase so much.

In two months, although he absorbed [Pure Sun Flame] and his vindictive energy was more than twice as strong, Moonlight Chiba was still not satisfied. What he wanted was the strength to dominate the Naruto World, and [Pure Sun Flame] increased. Too slow, and the accumulation of vindictiveness is too long.

Xiao Yan, who was fighting against the world, seemed to step up and upgrade all the way, but in reality, he also practiced for a long time. It only took two years to do a retired fiancee!

Moreover, he had all kinds of medicinal aids from Yao Lao, and the aura of Dou Po World was so high that the general world could look up to him. Putting it in the Hokage World, Xiao Yan could still only be a scum after a few months.

Moonlight Chiba has been practising for three months now. He thinks he is a thousand miles stronger than Xiao Yan, but if he wants to reach a new level step by step, I’m afraid it will take a long time to make people collapse. However, the four-star Flame [Amaterasu Fire], he was ready one step earlier!

The training in the crater is faster than other places. The temperature in the magma is higher than that in the crater. It stands to reason that the training speed will definitely be faster!

Moonlight Chiba is now facing the temptation of increasing strength, and is not too lazy to return to Konoha, Danzo, and Uchiha to fight each other, sinking, and continuing to immerse themselves in cultivation.

Tsunade did not at all oppose Moonlight Chiba’s decision not to return to Konoha, and even strongly agreed. Settling in a place with a casino, there are hundreds of thousands of pocket money to go to the casino every day, and there are happier people in the world than this. Matter?

Xiao Nizi Lavender has always been obedient to her brother Chiba, as long as Tsunade and Moonlight Chiba are by her side, wherever she lives is the same.

Practice [Fen Jue] in magma during the day, absorb the four-star flame [Amaterasu Fire], enter [Xuanhuangzhu] at night to develop [Light Fruit], practice [Navy Six Types], and occasionally go back to accompany Tsunade and Lavender Doudou bored, although the days of Moonlight Chiba are not chic and cozy, they are very fulfilling.

The maiden of the country of ghosts accidentally knew that after the three had arrived, she had come here in person, but she saw that they did not have any malicious intentions, just came for cultivation, so she stopped taking care of them, but often sent people to send some precious treasures of the country of ghosts. specialty.

After playing with Tsunade for a period of time, Lavender focused on her practice. He practiced [Meditation Thoughts] in the morning, physical exercises and ninjutsu in the afternoon, and [yijinjing] during sleep at night.

[Yi Jin Jing] In essence, the exercises for cultivating internal strength have their own victories compared with Chakra. Its greatest effect is to improve the body’s aptitude, but the limits of Chakra are far from being able to reach the [Yi Jin Jing] .

After practicing Chakra to the limit, her strength is terrifying, and Kaguya Ji can control the entire Hokage world as a human being.

Even today, the moon in Naruto World is just a shell made by Otsuki Yui and Otsuki Yumura to seal Kaguya and Togo.

But Chakra's cultivation relies too much on blood and physical aptitude, and the [Yi Jin Jing] is something that enhances aptitude. The superimposed effect of the two is that Hui Yeji saw it, and it is estimated that it will be confused.

Nowadays, the external physique of the Uchiha clan of Lavender has greatly improved, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a peerless genius once in a century.

The pupil power of Sangouyu writing round eyes grows like flying in these times, and even Tsunade sometimes fails to respond after an illusion. The energy of a chakra and internal force can make the elites feel desperate. .

Tsunade went crazy in the casino for more than half a month. After seeing Lavender's progress, he became anxious. He realized that his eldest sister's position was threatened, and he began to work hard.

Practicing physical exercises in the morning and digging into his own unique ninjutsu and medical ninjutsu in the afternoon. At night, he doesn't sleep anymore. Instead, he uses practice instead of sleep. Only occasionally go to the casino to release it.

Time passed quietly in the middle of the three men, and the turmoil in the Ninja World seemed to have little to do with the three.


In a remote town in the land of fire, twenty Yuren teams all gathered to rest at this time, surrounded by the corpses of some civilians.

The leading Yunin Village ninja hugs his arms and sits on a half-person-high stone mill, with a very gentle expression on his face, closing his eyes and feeling the climate around him far more comfortable than the rain country.

The country of rain is a weeping country. It rains most of the year. The air is full of humid and rotten smell. Konoha has a mild climate, not dry or humid. It feels like Any apprentice should be much more comfortable.

"Civil engineering, take people to clean up the mice, we have to stay for a while, the whereabouts can not be exposed." The leading ninja closed his eyes and did not open, but said softly to the people around him.

"Yes, Captain." The ninja of the famous civil engineering works bowed back and beckoned to the ninjas who were resting, and the few of them disappeared instantly.

More than 200 meters away, in the dense forest outside the village, four Konoha ninjas start to flee without even thinking about it. Twenty ninja squads say that the highest of them is only Zhongnin, and even the four upper ninjas do not dare. Go up.

"Damn! Can't run away!" The leading Inuzuka clan heard the sound of speeding through the dense forest behind him, with a certain color on his face, took out the pen and paper from the ninja bag and ran. OK, write down the information quickly.

"Onimaru, help me one last time and send the information back to Konoha."

The Shinobu of the Inuzuka clan has amazing spirituality. As the most loyal partner of the Inuzuka clan, after hearing this, he looked at the owner with a strong pleading. It would rather die together than leave.

"Please, I will not be here in the future, so I will accompany my sister and protect her." Nakanin from the Inuzuka clan said again, tears already falling from the corner of his eyes..

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