Naruto Thief System

Naruto Thief System 217: Here, in the bath

The Ninja dog let out a wailing, and the tears in his big eyes fell back and forth, but facing the owner's two consecutive requests, it could only grit its teeth to speed up, rushed into the dense forest, and flew towards Konoha.

"Death also wants to drag a person to burial! Everyone, fight!" Zhongren of the Inuzuka clan took out the kunai in the ninja bag, looked at each of the three subordinates, and rushed towards the chasing enemy. , Since you can't escape, then try your best one last time.

Five minutes later, Tu Tumu returned to the leader of Yunin again, and the corpses of four Konoha ninjas were thrown at their feet.

"Captain, a beast ran away."

"It's really useless... Hmph, forget it, transfer it, leave a signal, and let those guys come to pick us up."


In Konoha's newly-built Naruto office, the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi kept his pipe in his mouth and kept swallowing clouds and mist, watching the information returned from his hands, with a satisfied expression on his face.

The information sent back from the country of water and the country of wind is more detailed one by one, mastering most of the movements of other countries and Shinobu Village, giving him a feeling that everything is under control.

And this feeling made him miss the moonlight Chiba even more. If he was tougher and didn't let things develop to that extent, I am afraid the other party would not make such an unmanageable move.

"If that bastard is here, I'm afraid that the intelligence bases of the country of the earth and the country of thunder have already been established... hey..." Sarutobi sighed, his eyes looked a little sad.

After Moonlight Chiba left, Sarutobi Hizen also asked Oshemaru to try and follow his original method to go to the two countries to establish intelligence bases, but these bases, let alone collecting information, would be very difficult to gain a foothold.

There is no such thing as the "Break Restoration Technique", which is beyond the scope of Naruto Ninjutsu. As soon as the Perception Ninja comes out, the spy, even if it pretends to be realistic, will soon be seen through.

As for the spies in the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Wind, Oshemaru also tried to woo them, but after Moonlight Chiba was dismissed, these ninjas seemed to have broken contact with Konoha, except for the constant transmission of information. Accept any order.

Da She Maru certainly has his unique personality charm, but Moonlight Chiba also has it. He never pretends to face all kinds of people, who are gangsters, or old-fashioned people.

These people who are fed up with prejudice in the village stay with him, and can feel what they can't feel from other people, that is equality, equality without the slightest scorn or underestimation!

Every word and deed in Moonlight Chiba’s life tells them that, except for their different positions, they are all equal. They have nothing to do with beliefs, attitudes to life, and styles. This is equality in the meaning of life.

This kind of equal vision is rare in the chaotic pattern of Ninja World.

People in the Naruto world are much simpler than people in many worlds. As long as they identify with one person, they will never be shaken easily. Osha Pill tried many methods, but none of them worked.

Sarutobi Hizhan sat in the office of Hokage for a long time thinking about it, before he came back to his senses, shook his head and threw out the problem of the intelligence department, knocked off the ash residue in the pipe, and felt that it seemed unsatisfactory, so he could only install a pipe again. .

"I have smoked the tobacco leaves that kid gave, and now these things really feel a lot worse... That kid, I didn't know that I would be given a box of tobacco leaves when I ran so far, and I didn't know how to eat. It was not kind...not kind ¨ ‖..."

Sarutobi murmured in a low voice, with a little helpless on his face, it was not the first time that he sent someone to summon Moonlight Chiba and Tsunade back to the village.

The people who were just sent, brought a box of tobacco leaves when they came back, and brought some specialties of the country of ghosts after they died. It was his one and the Uzumaki Mito.

Even once, the ninja who was sent was regarded as a messenger. After returning, it was a letter to Uzumaki Mito, a letter to the orphanage, and a letter to the property arrangement under his name, which really made him very angry.

"Do you want to send another person again? Who would you send this time... Take a tobacco leaf, Zhong Ren should be enough..."


There was a rapid knock on the door, and a ninja didn't wait for Sarutobi to make a sound, and he opened the door and rushed in, with a panic and anxious expression on his face.

"Naruto-sama! Emergency information! Twenty ninja squads from Yunin Village broke into the territory of Fire Country! The ninja squad who encountered them sent back information with ninja dogs!"

The ninja who broke into the office quickly reported the information that was just returned. Twenty ninja squads were already considered a large-scale attack. You know that twenty ninja squads are more than enough to destroy a small country.

"What! Call Moonlight Chiba back to me!" Hearing what the ninja said, Sarutobi Hizumi stood up from behind the desk in shock, and said without thinking.

Sarutobi Rizen, who was still thinking about tobacco just now, was obviously taken aback by the news, and before he even turned his mind, he gave the order directly.

". "Yes!" The ninja who came to report was stunned. Although I don't know what Moonlight Chiba is doing in this emergency, but in the ninja's vocation to obey orders, without any hesitation, he rushed out of the office and issued Sarutobi. The order to chop.

And Sarutobi Hizen himself, standing behind the desk with a hand raised, looked at the communication ninja who had disappeared, with a face of constipation.

"Say it..."


At noon two days later, after Konoha with a tired face couldn't find anyone in the small courtyard where the three people lived in Moonlight Chiba, he asked for a long while before boarding the crater of the country of ghosts under the guidance of the residents.

Seeing Lavender and Tsunade standing in the crater, Kamininho smiled and hurried over.

The country of ghosts and Konoha were separated by thousands of miles. For two days, he stayed sleeplessly and tried his best to drive the road. Only then did (Take Zhao) rush here from Konoha.

"Tsunade-sama...please, may I ask where is Chiba-sama? Hokage-sama is in a hurry." Konoha Shinobu held his knees with his hands, and the hot temperature made his ninja clothes smoke smoke, and he was extremely tired. The trance spirit made him completely unaware that his skin had been burned.

"Here, I'm taking a shower." Tsunade had just heard the footsteps, and saw that it was Konoha Ninja or someone he had met before, so he didn't care too much. Anyway, in the past six months, such a scene. It has appeared more than once.

"Wash... take a bath?" Konoha Shinobu stunned, and looked into the magma, only to see a figure without clothes on the magma, shuttled freely in the magma, changed various swimming styles, and even dived directly into the magma from time to time. Among.

With this scene, Konoha couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and muttered to himself, is he too tired and dazzled? .

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