Naruto training king

Chapter 198 No matter how indifferent an angel is,

Chapter 198 No matter how indifferent an angel is,...

My first kiss.

It seems a little different from the hazy dream I expected.

The eldest lady closed her eyes tightly, not daring to look at him.

But even so, she had almost turned into a puddle of water, red from her neck to her ears, making him feel slightly dazed.

Then, Steam Girl didn't know where the strength came from. She put her left hand on his chest and straightened her limp body.

She released her right hand holding the collar, glared at Kurama Yakumo, and stretched out her lilac tongue to lightly brush her sore lips.

Those eyes that are fluttering and shining with moist luster seem to say: That's it?

Sure enough, everyone is a ninja, how could they not notice the movement under the table.

Hinata has always disliked Yakumo's behavior of being sneaky and seducing men in secret. In the past, he used the dream spell, but now he does it across a table.

If you steal a man, do it openly!

This is what she wanted to express.

However, Kurama Yakumo's toughness was gone, and when facing Hinata Kiyomi, she softened again.

After eating, Hinata hurriedly said goodbye and fled back to the Hyuga clan with a blushing face.

Since Izumi went home, Yakumo took the initiative to stay and help wash the dishes and tidy up.

"Yakumo, you..."

"Don't worry, I'm not angry."

Before he could finish his words, Yakumo took the lead in speaking out, but this explanation was somewhat of a cover-up.

Seemingly realizing that there was something wrong with her statement, she added: "I'm telling the truth."

"Although it's a little late, getting to know you is already the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me."

The weather in May and June is always unpredictable and unpredictable.

Qingsi always felt that a woman's thoughts were like the weather in May and June. He couldn't figure it out and didn't know how to deal with it.

After sending Yakumo away, he stared at the gloomy sky without a single star.

"It's going to rain tomorrow..."

Sure enough, the last day of June will end with rain.

Kiyosi went to work with an umbrella, but not long after he sat down, he received an order from the ANBU.


Although I was reluctant in every way, I still walked out of the comfort zone of sitting in the office and came to the Hokage Building under an umbrella.

However, the moment he opened the door, he saw an unexpected person.

The White Tiger of Dawn, the Angel of the Land of Rain, Xiaonan.

Why is she here? !

Hinata Kiyomi was stunned for a moment, then closed the door and walked in: "Sister Shizune, what do you want from me?"

"This is the envoy from the Kingdom of Rain, Xiaonan. He will stay in Konoha for a few days. Please entertain him well."

While Shizune was talking, she glanced at Tsunade's desk.

Konan came to see the Hokage, but Tsunade was not here now, and she couldn't leave, so she asked Kiyomi to come over and take on the hospitality work.

Of course, entertaining guests can be done by anyone.

But the reason why he was called here was because he hoped that Qingmi could do some dirty work, such as surveillance and spying on intelligence.

First, because of his identity: a thirteen-year-old boy, a disciple of the Hokage, and a genin of Konoha.

These labels make it easier for Xiaonan to let down her guard and make it easier to approach her.

Secondly, Hinata Kiyomi's strength and appearance do not match her age at all.

If Konan has any restless thoughts and wants to harm Konoha, he won't be wary of Kiyomi as much as he is wary of Jonin.

"No problem, I'll take care of it." Qingmi nodded, with a bright smile on his face.

"By the way, Sister Shizune, have you arranged a place for Sister Xiaonan?"

Sister Xiaonan...

Although she had been prepared, Shizune still felt slightly speechless. She had already begun to use her own advantages. Is it close?

In this case, I'll help you a little bit.

So she shook her head: "The reception office set up by Konoha Village has not been occupied for many years, and it has been neglected to clean on weekdays. Now it is completely uninhabitable."

As a big country and a big village, Konoha certainly has a place to entertain foreign envoys, but the last time that place came in handy was to entertain envoys from Kumogakure Village nine years ago.

It is indeed true that the reception area cannot be occupied by people. Moreover, it is raining today, so cleaning it will be very troublesome.

But there is no other place in Konoha Village to entertain Konan, which is a lie.

Immediately afterwards, Shizune changed the topic and asked: "Is there a suitable room over there in the Thousand Hands Clan?"

Thousand-hand clan land?

Qingmi was stunned for a moment, but soon understood what she meant.

This is to let Xiaonan live in his house.

Qingmi's house is considered a large manor. The place where he usually lives is only the main building. It is more than enough to free up a side room.

He thought about it for a while and decided that this arrangement would be fine.

So Qingsi turned to look at Xiaonan and said in a slightly consultative tone: "If you don't mind, sister Xiaonan, you can stay at my house first."

"How about we wait until the renovation of the reception area is almost complete and then trouble Sister Xiaonan to move there?"

Live in this child's home for a while?

Konan frowned, a little unsure of Konoha's thoughts.

Forget it, just wait and see.

"No problem." She agreed.

Regarding the issue of Konan's reception, Shizune said again: "By the way, Kiyomi, can you contact Jiraiya-sama?"


Did Xiaonan take the initiative to reveal this relationship?

Qingmi suppressed the doubt in his heart, and then said: "It should be no problem, I can try."

"That's no problem."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaonan stood up on his own initiative.

She wore a black robe that hung down to her calves, wrapping her body tightly, leaving only a pair of jade feet painted with black nail polish exposed.

Then the two of them left the Hokage's office together and walked side by side to the Hokage's hall downstairs.

Qingsi paused, and just as he held up his umbrella, he saw Xiaonan walking straight into the rain.

"Sister Xiaonan."

He shouted, and Xiaonan moved when he heard the sound, and slowly retracted his stepped foot.

"What's wrong?"

He raised the umbrella in his hand: "Aren't you going to hold an umbrella?"

Xiaonan was silent for a moment, and then said: "No need."

But Qingmi didn't care what she said, he just raised the umbrella and covered her head.

"How can we do it without an umbrella? The rain will make our clothes wet and it will be uncomfortable to wear them."

"I'm used to it."

"Habit is not an excuse. If you feel uncomfortable, you are uncomfortable. No matter how you get used to it, it can't change the fact."

Qingmi stood with Xiaonan holding an umbrella. The pitter-patter raindrops hit the umbrella, making a strange sound that made her feel upset.

"I can live with it," she added.

Qingmi tilted his head slightly and asked in confusion: "Why do you have to endure it?"

"Why can't you bear it? Isn't this a common thing for ninjas?" Konan asked twice, with a hint of impatience in her tone.

After hearing her words, Qingmi lowered his head slightly, with a look of loneliness on his face.

...Did I go too far just now?

A thought flashed through Xiaonan's mind, and when she was about to speak, she heard Qingmi's voice coming through the rain curtain.

"Sister Xiaonan, does it often rain in the Land of Rain?"


At this moment, Qingmi suddenly let go of the umbrella, and Xiaonan subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the umbrella handle.

Immediately afterwards, I saw him running into the rain, breaking off a summer chrysanthemum on the side of the road, and then running back again.

Looking at his wet hair and clothes, Xiaonan frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Flowers need sunlight to bloom, and it rains a lot in the Land of Rain."

He raised the Xia Ju in his hand and handed it to Xiao Nan: "I just think that suffering is not worth praising. We temper our will just because suffering cannot be avoided."

Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, silent for a long time, and then reached out to take the flower, with light shining in his eyes.

"...Don't do such stupid things next time. There is no shortage of flowers in the Rain Country."

Then she held up the umbrella and lowered it slightly to block the raindrops that fell on Qingmi.

"And what's your name?"

"Hinata Kiyomi."

"Which direction is your home? Go back and change clothes. You made my robe wet."

Qingmi laughed and glanced at the robe she was wearing. Even if the black robe is wet, there are no traces visible.

He raised his hand and pointed to an intersection in front of the street: "Let's go that way."

Xiaonan stopped talking and walked in the direction he pointed. After a while, they stopped in front of a house.

At this moment, Qingmi reached out and pressed the doorbell.

Who would go back to their own home and ring the doorbell?

"Where is this?" Xiaonan asked.

"A friend of mine's house."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened and a yellow figure came out of it.

When the two of them walked in and changed their shoes, Naruto asked in a low voice: "Qingmi, um...who is this sister? She looks so fierce."

Hearing this, Qingsi suddenly laughed: "You have to call her Senior Sister."

"Senior sister?" Naruto paused for a moment before reacting, "She is the apprentice of the lustful immortal?"

A lustful fairy?

Hearing this title, Xiaonan's icy face suddenly evoked a smile, but she only took it back for a moment.

Qingmi took off his wet shirt, picked up the hair dryer and plugged it in. While blowing his hair, he said, "Use your psychic skills to contact Jiraiya-sama and ask him to come back as soon as possible."

"oh oh."

Naruto formed a seal with his hands, channeled a contact child from Mt. Myoboku, and told it the news that "there is a big sister with blue hair who is looking for the lustful immortal".

Then the contact girl nodded, glanced at Xiaonan, took note of her characteristics, and then lifted the psychic spell and returned to Miaomu Mountain.


Xiaonan's heart tightened slightly, and she felt a little uneasy.

Although he had been prepared before coming, the moment he contacted Jiraiya, Konan suddenly became a little scared again.

If one day we meet as enemies, will Mr. Jiraiya be disappointed?

Thinking of Xiaonan, she couldn't help but feel a little curious about the yellow hair in front of her.

Will this child inherit Mr. Jiraiya's ideals?

Just as he was thinking about it, Naruto started chatting very familiarly after being released from the psychic surgery.

He never thought that the disciples of the lustful immortal would be bad people.

No, to be precise, Xiao Nan is not a bad person, he just took a different path.

But, whose path is right?

Qingmi didn't know either. He touched his dried hair and pointed the hair dryer at the hanging top.

the other side.

Although it was basically Naruto's unilateral output, Konan was not bored.

When she looked at Naruto, she would always think of the past.

Once upon a time, we were all as naive as this child, firmly believing that the world described by Teacher Jiraiya existed.


At this moment, she saw Qingmi put on his clothes, stood up and said, "I'm leaving. Also, thank you for your help."

"Ha, it doesn't matter, it's a trivial matter." Naruto waved his hand and said goodbye to the two of them.

While passing by the coffee table nearby, Xiaonan suddenly noticed two photos on the table.

One, it was Uzumaki Naruto.

The other picture shows a very young couple, who should be the child's parents.

The people in both photos are smiling very happily. It would be better if they were taken together.

Xiaonan looked away and walked to the entrance to change into her shoes. She bent down to pick up the slippers she had replaced, and took a look inside when putting them back in the shoe cabinet.

Only this kid's shoes.


This door seems to be old and the sound it makes is a little extra loud.

"Naruto, I have long said that your door should be replaced." Qingmi opened the door, held up his umbrella, and walked into the rain first.

"Hehe, maybe next time." Naruto smiled, but looking at him, he probably didn't take it to heart.

Before leaving, Xiaonan paused and looked back.

Seeing her looking at him, Naruto couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"...I hope you can be as happy as you are today every day in the future."

After saying that, Xiaonan bent down slightly, walked under Qingsi's umbrella, reached out and pinched the handle of the umbrella and raised it.

Walking in this rain, Xiaonan suddenly felt that there seemed to be no difference between the rain in Konoha and the rain in the Land of Rain.

All crying.

She held the umbrella handle tightly, with a few blue veins bulging on the back of her white and tender hands.

Qingsi took her to buy some toiletries in the commercial street. As for quilts and the like, they were provided in the guest room at home.

Then the two returned to the Senju clan, and when they walked into Qingmi's home, Xiaonan finally knew why the Hokage's assistant arranged for her to be here.

This house is too big.

She couldn't help but be curious about Hinata Kiyomi's identity.

When changing shoes, Xiaonan subconsciously glanced at the shoe cabinet. There were many shoes in it, and some of them were difficult to identify how many people lived here.

After walking into the house, she started looking for photos but found none.

Maybe the photos are kept somewhere other than the living room.

She thought for a while, then found a place to sit down and waited for Qingsi to come out.

At this moment, there was the sound of the door opening at the entrance. She turned slightly and saw a girl in black clothes walking in.

Quan was slightly stunned when he saw Xiaonan, and then said: "I'm really sorry, please wait a moment."

Xiaonan didn't know why she was apologizing.

But soon, she saw Quan put on a maid outfit and put the brewed tea in front of her.

"Guest, please have some tea."

Xiaonan hesitated for a moment: "Are you a maid?"


As soon as he finished speaking, Qingsi's voice came from behind.

He held a scroll under his arm and his hands were full of cleaning tools: "Quan, come and help me."

Quan immediately walked over and took the things in his hands, and then the two of them walked out together.

However, when Qingsi closed the door, a piece of white paper fluttered in the wind and stuck to the door frame.

Then Xiaonan stood up and started walking around the house...

By the time Qingmi and the others came back, the teacup in front of Xiaonan had already reached the bottom.

Quan made another pot of tea, then put on an apron and walked into the kitchen to start preparing lunch.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was a little heavy. In fact, Kiyomi and Izumi seldom talked on weekdays, but if there were guests at home, they would rarely be so silent.

"Sister Xiaonan, does the food not taste good?"

"No, it's delicious."

"Then...why do you look so worried?"

"Nothing," she shook her head and asked after a brief hesitation, "Are you two the only ones living here?"

Qingmi nodded: "Yes."

"Won't you feel deserted?"

"It's okay. Before I picked up Quan, I lived alone."

After hearing his words, Xiaonan looked at Quan carefully.

Behind the long bangs, there is a gray-white eye hidden, and the temperament exuded by his whole body is somewhat similar to Yahiko.

Not the living Yahiko, but the current Pain.

She looks like a dead person.

Only when facing Qingmi, there will be a little more vitality in his body.

"Where are your parents?" Xiaonan asked again.

"I've never seen them."

After the words fell, the atmosphere at the table became stagnant again.

Until the meal was finished, Xiaonan sat on the sofa and looked at the rain outside the window, and suddenly thought of Uzumaki Naruto.

The reason why she felt close to Naruto was because he was a disciple of Jiraiya-sensei and her junior brother.

But after getting to know Qingsi, Xiaonan felt a little more sympathetic to this child.

"No matter where they are, war will not show mercy just because he is from the Country of Fire and I am from the Country of Rain."

At least, she and Naruto both met Jiraiya-sensei, while Kiyomi met no one.

At this moment, there was movement behind him.

She looked back and found that Qingsi had already changed her clothes, holding an umbrella and getting ready to go out.

"Where are you going?" Xiaonan asked subconsciously.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Am I... caring about him?

Qingmi didn't think too much, and replied without raising his head while changing his shoes: "Go to the hospital."

Hearing his answer, Xiaonan immediately put aside the hesitation in her heart: "Why did you go to the hospital? Are you injured?"

Qingmi raised his head and couldn't help but laugh: "Thank you for your concern, Sister Xiaonan, but... I went to the hospital to work."


"Of course, if you don't work, where will you get the money to eat?"

"Really?" Xiaonan sat back on the sofa, "What do you do in the hospital? Cleaning? Or taking care of patients?"

Hearing this series of questions, it was as if relatives were asking questions during the New Year.

Qingmi laughed and replied with a slightly evil tone: "I am a doctor."

"Doctor?!" Xiaonan was stunned for a moment.

But at this time, Qingsi had already held up his umbrella, stepped out, and gradually disappeared into the rain.

[Suffering is not worthy of praise. We temper our will just because suffering cannot be avoided. 】

[Before I picked up Quan, I had always lived alone. 】

【parents? I've never seen them. 】

【I am a doctor. 】

Hinata Kiyomi.

In this crying world, is there such a rainbow?

It is clear that my life has been a mess, but I am still trying to mend the world.

She took out the summer chrysanthemum. The buds had collapsed a little because she had placed it in her arms...

The early morning of the first day of July was a bit humid.

But fortunately, the rain has stopped, and soon the sun will come out to drive away the moisture on the ground.

As soon as Hinata Kiyoshi opened the door, he saw a figure standing in the yard.

"Sister Xiaonan, good morning."

"Morning." She nodded in response.

When Qingmi passed by her, Xiaonan suddenly called him: "Um...shall I go to your place of work?"

"That's fine, but... you might feel bored."

After all, a doctor's job is actually quite boring and very professional. Even many trainee medical ninjas can't stand watching for a long time.

"Don't worry, I'm very patient."

Since she said so, Qingmi couldn't refuse anymore: "Then let's go."

I went out early in the morning and walked on the way to Konoha Hospital. Most of the scenery in my field of vision was shrouded in a thin layer of mist, and my skin could clearly feel the hazy layer of water vapor in the air.

"Has sister had breakfast?"


"Then let me take you to have breakfast."

"...Won't it delay you from going to work?"

Kiyomi shook his head, turned around and walked in the direction of Ichiraku Ramen: "It's okay, patients usually don't come so early. If there is an emergency, Kabuto-senpai will still be here."


"Kabuto Yakushi, a senior who works in the hospital, has excellent medical skills, much better than me."

This is the truth. If we want to rank the medical level of the ninja world, Tsunade is undoubtedly the first, and the second is Yakushi Kabuto.

His talent in this area is really outstanding. Even though Qingmi's own hardware has been improved twice by cheaters, it is still not as good as Kabuto.

It's no wonder that during the war, Orochimaru and him just met by chance, and they missed each other for several years after that.

Konan memorized this name, thinking that when he captured the Kyuubi in the future, if he wanted to attack Konoha, he would be a little more cautious when he met this person.

It is a pity that such an excellent doctor died like this.

Opening the curtain of Ichiraku Ramen, Qingmi ordered a bowl of tonkotsu ramen, but because he shouldn't eat anything too greasy and spicy in the morning, he didn't add too much chili pepper.

Konan looked at the menu and then ordered a bowl of tonkotsu ramen.

But when the ramen was served, Xiaonan hesitated to move his chopsticks, but looked at the ramen in a daze.

No, it's not in a daze, it seems to be something else.

She put her hands on both sides of her waist and abdomen, frowned, and looked a little pale.

Through the mist rising from the ramen noodles, Qingmi could see a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

He put down his chopsticks, a green fluorescent light lit up in his left hand, and he touched Xiaonan's abdomen.

"Sister Xiaonan, take your hands away."

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