Naruto training king

Chapter 199 Angel, Sun and White Dress

When the bright green light disappeared, Xiaonan suddenly felt that the pain in her abdomen was relieved a lot.

Hinata Kiyomi took back his right hand: "Sister Xiaonan, this technique can only temporarily relieve the pain. Let's get a good check-up when we get to the hospital later."

"No need, it's just some old problems left over from the early years."

"Is it gastroenteritis?"

"Yeah." Xiaonan nodded, picked up some noodles with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

It turned out to be this, he guessed it right.

The human body is very strong. It is generally difficult to get sick, but most of the diseases are difficult to recover from. Chronic gastroenteritis is a disease that can only be dealt with by adjusting the diet and relying on the body's self-regulation system.

That's why Konan rejected Hinata Kiyomi's proposal. After all, she had already seen a doctor.

The morning wind blew through the rustling leaves, and Konan followed Qingmi into Konoha's hospital.

The early morning mist has been dispersed by the sun, and the sunlight shines in through the bright and wide windows, hitting Qingmi who has just put on a white coat, adding a bit of light of hope.


These two words made Xiaonan fall into deep thought.

Because of the constant rain in the Land of Rain, many people suffer from rheumatism and other diseases. Whenever it rains, my joints will feel pain.

In her opinion, pain is just a trivial matter, which is better than the precarious life she once had. Just like when it rains and your clothes get wet, it's no big deal, just tolerate it.

Akatsuki's eyes only need to be on "peace".


She raised her head and looked at Hinata Kiyomi who was rummaging for something at her desk.

He said that tempering the will is just because suffering cannot be avoided, and suffering itself is not worthy of praise.

At this moment, the office door was pushed open, and a gray-haired young man wearing round glasses walked in.

Seeing the pharmacist Kabuto, Kiyomi immediately stopped what he was doing and turned to ask: "Kabuto-senpai, can the art of extracting small lesions treat inflammation?"

The technique of extracting minor diseases is a technique that can extract almost all disease-causing factors from the body, and inflammation is actually a defensive reaction of the body in response to stimulation.

In the ninja world, there is not much research on inflammation, and most of the research on medical skills is for ninja combat.

Yakushi Kabuto thought about it carefully: "The technique of extracting minor diseases can remove the irritating substances that cause inflammation."

"I also know this method of treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

"This is the best way." Kabuto shrugged, took off the white coat hanging on the shelf and put on it.

"Then there's no way."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Xiaonan also understood that Qingmi was worried about her stomach problem, but before she could say her rejection, Qingmi had already pulled her by the corner of her clothes and walked out.

I had no choice but to let him go.

But... what exactly is the art of extracting minor troubles?

Konan knew nothing about medical ninjutsu. It wasn't until Qingmi took her to lie down on the hospital bed and asked her to lift the clothes on her lower abdomen that Konan came to her senses.

"Wait! I don't need..."

"Sister Xiaonan, if you can't be kind to yourself, who can you expect to be kind to you?" Qingsi was holding the medical record, hands on hips, nagging.

The white coat worn on him made Xiaonan almost ignore his age.

He is obviously only 12 or 13 years old, but when he talks, he sounds like a stern old doctor, with a certain air that no one can refuse.

Does he treat other patients this way on weekdays?

Xiaonan was thinking randomly in her mind, and her hand was already on the zipper of the black robe.

The zipper was pulled down to reveal the all-black tights underneath, and then he grabbed the corners of the top and lifted it up, revealing a white and tender waist.

The skin is very white, the kind of white that looks a little unhealthy.

Probably because it rains all year round in the Land of Rain and she doesn't see the sun much, and because she doesn't like to hold an umbrella, this color only appears after her skin has been soaked in water for a long time.

Her eyes fell on the sophisticated-looking instruments in the ward: "Don't you need an examination?"


Qingsi laughed, and the meridians around the corners of his eyes also started to rise: "No instrument can compare to my eyes."

Roll your eyes.

Konan murmured in his heart, and the information about Byakugan flashed in his mind. Insight, farsightedness and... perspective.

Perspective is not a good word.

A faint blush appeared on Xiaonan's frosty cheeks. She looked towards Qingmi and found that the child was staring at her abdomen very seriously.

Then his hands lit up with a bright green light. When these hands were placed on her waist, Xiaonan suddenly became nervous.

No one has ever touched this place before.

"Sister Konan, relax a little. The muscles are too tight and it is not conducive for the medical ninjutsu to work."

"I know."

Although he said so, Xiaonan's body showed no tendency to relax at all.

As a ninja, every part of the body should be controlled as if commanded by an arm, but as a woman, and a woman who has never had such close contact, this nervousness is completely out of instinctive protection.

Konan thought for a while and felt that she should shift her attention. Her eyes began to search around, and finally fell on Qingmi's eyes.

"Kiomi, are you a ninja?"

He nodded slightly: "I am a genin who graduated last year, but I have already planned to take the chuunin exam in a month."

"By the way, I heard from Sister Shizune that the Kazekage of Sunagakure Village submitted an application not long ago."

Luo Sha Xiaonan from Sand Hidden Village felt nervous when he heard: "Isn't it okay for you to tell others about this kind of thing?"

"This is not a secret." Qingmi shook his head.

"What application is that?"

"The Kingdom of Wind, together with the Kingdom of Tian, ​​the Kingdom of Grass and other small countries, submitted an application to Konoha to host the joint Chunin Examination. Speaking of which..."

Qingmi paused for a moment, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Seeing his appearance, Xiaonan urged: "What do you want to say?"

"The Joint Chuunin Exam covers almost all capable countries around the Land of Fire, but there is no Rain Ninja Village. I originally thought that Sister Konan came to Konoha to make up for the application."

In the original plot, Rasa was to make the Kingdom of Wind great again, and Orochimaru was greedy for Uchiha Sasuke's body.

It was just because of the Third Hokage that Orochimaru wanted to stage a drama of master's kindness and disciple's filial piety, so he poisoned Rasa.

And now, the situation Konoha will face next may be even worse, because Orochimaru has no reason to attack Rasa.

At this critical moment, Xiaonan suddenly came, which made Qingsi think about it all afternoon in the hospital yesterday.

If the Akatsuki organization is also involved in the plan to collapse Konoha, then he can only flip the table and get some Hashirama cells from the roots to use the Earth Reincarnation.

When it's over, declare to the entire ninja world: We promise not to use "nuclear weapons" first.

Konan looked at Qingmi carefully. As a ninja's instinct, she felt that Qingmi's words just now were trying to probe for information. But seeing him treating her so seriously, Xiaonan laughed to herself inwardly.

"The Kingdom of Rain has its own way of life and will not participate in external disputes."

Hearing this, Qingmi smiled and said, "That's such a pity."

"What's a pity?"

"The Country of Rain has always been mysterious. I'm quite curious about what the ninjas there are like."

Was it just curiosity?

Children's minds are really simple, but I thought too much.

Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Haven't you already seen it?"

"Don't you like holding an umbrella like Sister Xiaonan?" He teased with a smile.

After getting the answer he wanted, Qingmi didn't want to talk any more on the topic of the Kingdom of Rain, so as not to alert the enemy.

So the two of them changed the topic in a tacit understanding and started talking about Qingmi's medical technology.

Looking at the black ball of chakra on his hand, Xiaonan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Is this the real culprit that caused my stomachache?"

"Strictly speaking, it's just a direct factor, not the root cause."

"What about the root cause?"

"It's Sister Xiaonan, why don't you eat well?"

Being scolded by a child like this, even the proud angel of the Kingdom of Rain couldn't help but feel a little ashamed at this moment.

In fact, gastrointestinal problems are left over from childhood.

Although she, Yahiko, and Nagato were wandering in the Land of Rain at that time, there was actually no shortage of food. On the contrary, their hoard of supplies almost filled the cave.

It's just that their cooking skills are too poor, so they can only keep trying and groping.

Sometimes they are too raw, and sometimes they are too burnt, but no matter what, Xiaonan will eat them in the end.

Even though there were a lot of supplies, in that era of war and strife, any waste of food was shameful.

Now that I think about it, their first successful attempt was a grilled fish. Later, Teacher Jiraiya always took them to catch fish and then grilled the fish.

On the other side, Hinata Kiyomi was still talking about the doctor's instructions. But after listening for a long time, Xiaonan only heard the last sentence.

"Eat on time. You can eat greasy and spicy food, but you can't eat it all the time."

Hearing this, Xiao Nan subconsciously asked: "Is grilled fish a pungent food?"

"Relatively speaking, yes."


Xiao Nan zipped up the robe and hid her exquisite mature body in the robe again.

After her matter was settled, Qingmi started today's work.

As a disciple of Tsunade, although his skills are not as good as Kabuto Yakushi, he is still one of the few in this hospital.

Generally speaking, almost all the patients who can be sent to him are seriously ill.

Although the number was small, every operation required his full concentration, which was more tiring than going to the battlefield to kill people.

It wasn't until lunch time that Qingsi had time to rest.

Do you still remember the content of his chat with Kabuto Yakushi when he first went to work in the hospital?

Kiyomi complains that the hospital doesn't have a cafeteria, and Kabuto tells him to report back to the Hokage.

So Kiyomi found some time to talk to Tsunade at the dinner table. But there was no suitable place to build a canteen around Konoha Hospital, so Tsunade simply paid the money directly, and every doctor and nurse working in the hospital could get extra food supplements.

After the announcement came out, Hinata Kiyomi's name became slightly famous in the hospital.

"It turns out there was such an interesting experience. So, is this meal invited by you or the Hokage?" Xiaonan said with a smile.

"Then I must have invited you!" For some reason, Qingmi gritted his teeth when he said this.

While chatting, the two of them returned to the hospital's office. As soon as Xiaonan walked in, she saw Kabuto the pharmacist taking off his white coat and starting to sort out the things on the table.

In the chat just now, Xiaonan learned that the doctor's off work time was four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was just after noon now.

Seeing some doubts in Konan's eyes, Kiyomi explained: "Today is Tuesday, Kabuto has to get off work early and go home to help."

Hearing this, Xiaonan was silent for a while: "Is it more important to go home and help than to work in the hospital?"

"For Kabuto-senpai, working in the hospital is for livelihood, and going back to take care of his family is what he likes to do most."

"Go back and take care of your family?" She frowned slightly, obviously not understanding the information revealed in this sentence.

"Kabuto-senpai grew up in an orphanage, and that is his home."

This sentence seemed to touch Xiaonan. She looked at Kabuto who was packing things and was silent for a long time.

Just when Kabuto was about to leave, she suddenly took a step forward: "Yakushi Kabuto, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

"It doesn't matter."

"Um...can I go to the orphanage?"

Hearing Konan's request, Kabuto turned around and glanced at Kiyomi, asking for his opinion with his eyes.

Qingmi nodded: "Of course there is no problem, Konoha is not so stingy yet."

"Please come with me."

At Kabuto Yakushi's invitation, the two of them walked towards the orphanage.

It's just... As soon as they left, Kiyomi split a shadow clone from the back and rushed towards the Hokage Building.

As for the documents for the Joint Chuunin Exam submitted by Rasa, it only arrived yesterday. Tsunade doesn't know about this yet. She will have to wait until she comes back to make a decision, but there is a high probability that she will agree.

If Konan didn't show up, Qingmi still couldn't find any suitable reason to convince Tsunade, so he could only make some preparations in private.

But now, he can falsify the intelligence a little and sound the alarm in advance.

In addition, this is also a good opportunity to take out Shimura Danzo.

If Konoha Village is in crisis, but the root cause has not taken action, then what is the need for a useless organization to exist?

Hinata Kiyomi kept sorting out the thoughts in her heart, writing and drawing on the paper in the office, leaving a graffiti that looked like a child's pen.

After thinking about all the major things about the village, he suddenly remembered a very important person, Temari.

It must be hard for her to be caught in the middle.

Once people cannot make a choice, they usually choose to escape, and the best escape method in the world is death.

No wonder she suddenly felt so generous that day, directly stuffing a pair of jade feet into his arms and letting him play with them.

"Haha, I haven't had enough fun with those legs yet. I want to die. Do you have my permission?"

Qingmi sneered, took off his white coat, and left the hospital.

It really makes me anxious, let these people in the ninja world see the fear of being dominated by the Warring States Period!


Xiaonan has been in a very irritable mood recently.

One is because the weather in the Land of Fire is too hot and it hardly rains; the other is because Hinata Kiyomi.

It's not that he fell in love with this young man, but after understanding what he did, he couldn't help but sigh that there really are angels in this world.

Compared with Hinata Kiyomi, she, the angel of the Land of Rain, only has an extra pair of wings in appearance.

Especially yesterday's experience at the orphanage. Through the communication with the director of the orphanage, Yakushi Nonou, Xiaonan learned more about Hinata Kiyomi, and she also understood more and more what kind of boy he was.

Do you want to hold an umbrella for others because you have been caught in the rain?

But how old is he?

Since I was five or six years old, I have been doing my best to warm this cold world.

If Yahiko and Nagato are the bridge to peace, she is the pillar supporting the bridge.

Then, Hinata Kiyomi is the sun that warms the world behind that bridge!

Peace is Akatsuki's pursuit, but if peace can be achieved, Akatsuki will not stop. But to move forward, Akatsuki will need the power of Hinata Kiyomi.

When she thought of this, Xiaonan began to worry.

Tailed beasts are a must for the path Akatsuki has chosen. And Konoha owns Kyuubi, so sooner or later they will stand on the opposite side of Konoha because of Kyuubi.

To be an enemy of Konoha is to be an enemy to Jiraiya-sensei, and to be an enemy to Hinata Kiyomi.

Konan knows herself very well, and when that time comes, she will definitely not be able to make a move, but Nagato can be ruthless.

Once there is hatred between Akatsuki and Konoha, then...will Kiyomi really forgive her?

She can't expect Qingsi to be an "angel", she must put down her hatred for the sake of justice. After all...even she herself couldn't forget Yahiko's pain.

Finally, Xiaonan gave up thinking.

She came to the Hokage building, found Shizune and asked for news about the Hokage, and left after getting the news that the Godaime would return to Konoha in two days.

Today's sky is so clear that it's astonishingly clear. It's as if if you just reach out your hand, your skin will turn as blue as the sky.

Xiaonan put down the hand covering her eyes and continued walking on the street.

The sun's rays shone unstintingly, and within a moment, she felt that the clothes inside her black robe were already soaked.

Looking at the foreign streets, Xiaonan felt that she was an alien.

Not only because she is a foreigner, but also because in such weather, she is probably the only one who would dress like this.

Forget it, don't think about these things.

Xiao Nan kept walking forward with his head lowered. All he had to do was go back to where he lived and take off his robe.

As I was just walking, a clear voice suddenly sounded in my mind: Why must you endure it?

There are too many unsatisfactory things in this world, and most people's thoughts are probably to "endure it and get over it."

Only Hinata Kiyomi can tell people: Suffering is not worth praising. We temper our will because suffering cannot be avoided.

Is it because he has such an idea that he becomes a warm "sun"?

Konan lowered his head and stood on the streets of Konoha, thinking, until a drop of sweat accumulated on the tip of his nose fell to the ground.

"Go change your clothes."

She said this, and then she randomly picked a clothing store on the roadside and walked in.

Looking at the dazzling array of clothing, Xiaonan's eyes were immediately attracted by a white dress.

I originally wanted to write another 1,000 words and then post it at 6,000 words, but the chapter has to end here, otherwise the plot will not flow smoothly.

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