Naruto training king

Chapter 29 Tracking

"Who are you calling an idiot?"

Naruto was uncharacteristically excited.

He envied Sasuke very much. There were so many people who were willing to make friends with him, but he ignored them and drove them away.

Sasuke closed his eyes and looked arrogant: "Only a fool would think that they are here to be my friends, and I don't need so many friends."

Although Sasuke's voice was very low, Naruto was sitting next to him. With such a close distance, Naruto naturally heard what he said.


Facing Naruto's questions one after another, Sasuke also lost his temper: "Why are there so many? If you don't need it, you don't need it!"

"Am I not your friend?"

Sasuke's temper had already risen, and he blurted out: "No!"

Hearing Sasuke's answer, Naruto's eyes suddenly turned red and he punched him in the face: "You bastard Sasuke!"

After receiving a punch for no reason, Sasuke was like a cat with exploded hair. He raised his fist and hit Naruto in the face: "Idiot Naruto!"

Naruto immediately regretted the punch, but Sasuke's punch knocked all other emotions out of his mind.

Now Naruto only has one idea, raise his fist and fuck him!

But just as the two of them raised their fists, Hinata Kiyomi had already rushed over, grabbed their hands and separated them.

"I was called to the office for fighting a few days ago and was made to stand in the office. You two want to try it too?"

Sasuke put away his fists, crossed his arms and snorted: "Hmph!"

Not to be outdone, Naruto turned his head to the other side and made a louder voice than Sasuke: "Humph!"

Seeing that the two of them stopped, Qingmi didn't bother to care anymore, turned around and returned to his seat.

After he left, Sasuke looked at the red mark on his wrist that had not faded, and his heart sank slightly.

Qingmi's power has become stronger again. Why is this guy progressing so fast?

Iruka gave everyone a break in the afternoon physical arts class, allowing them to move around freely.

Although this is a ninja school, in the end it is just a group of six-year-old children. Now is a relatively peaceful era, so there is no need to keep these children tense every day.

Hinata was lying on the lawn under the shade of a tree with Shirayuki in her arms, and they all fell asleep.

During this period of training, she had trained very hard, and with Qingmi using the system to secretly add points to her every now and then, Hinata could indeed be said to be making rapid progress.

As for Bai Xue, it was purely because she was tortured by Qingsi and didn't sleep well last night.

Because he couldn't find a suitable person, Qingmi channeled Bai Xue to experiment with his Byakugan illusion.

However, even though he was very serious about guiding the chakra flowing in Bai Xue's brain, he still couldn't make Bai Xue have any hallucinations.

Genjutsu is an extremely subtle technique. It is not just about disrupting the flow of chakra in the brain nerves, but it is about manipulation.

A series of factors such as the accuracy, method and even sequence of control will all affect the final result.

As for Kaguya's just a big mistake and has no reference.

After a night of hard work, Qingmi finally succeeded in proving that his talent was indeed mediocre.

So this morning, as soon as he got up, he ran to the bookstore and looked through all the medical books currently in circulation, and found that there was no book that recorded detailed research on the brain.

In the entire ninja world, it is estimated that only two people, Orochimaru and Tsunade, have research data related to the human brain.

The former is a poisonous snake, without enough strength, it will only become the material in the petri dish. The latter... is quite difficult, after all, Tsunade's heart is broken now.

At present, we can only take one step at a time, after all, Qingsi must not give up.

During these days of training, he had secretly observed the structure of Ningji's brain.

He unexpectedly discovered that the Caged Bird Seal was not just a sealing technique. The structure of this thing covered the white eyes, optic nerves, and cerebral cortex, and connected them together to form a whole.

Once there is a problem with any of the structures, the caged bird will launch itself and destroy the remaining structures.

Therefore, whether it is Byakugan·genjutsu or lifting the restrictions of a caged bird, research on the human brain is an obstacle that Qingsi cannot avoid.

So Qingmi bought all the basic medical books circulating on the market, planning to pave the way for his future with the honorable reason of becoming a medical ninja.


Qingsi rubbed his temples, closed the book and put it away, leaning against the tree trunk and closing his eyes to rest.

He finally understood where the phrase "to persuade people to study medicine will strike like lightning" came from.

The medical ninja system in the ninja world was gradually popularized in Konoha after being promoted by Tsunade Hime, the director of Konoha Hospital at the time, about ten years ago. Other ninja villages also followed suit.

But Tsunade left Konoha because of the war and some other factors. From then on, Konoha never had a medical ninja who was good enough to stand up and continue to integrate and optimize the medical ninja system.

Nowadays, almost everyone first studies some general basic medical books on their own, and then takes the medical ninja exam. The rest depends on the old and new, similar to the ninja system.

While Qingsi was going through this process, he also wanted to combine his own personal experience and write a good enough rectification plan based on the system of his previous life.

I hope that what I get in the end can be a stepping stone for Tsunade.

They rested until it was almost time for school to end. Sasuke suddenly came over and said, "Kiyomi, did you practice extra after school?"

Qingmi didn't open his eyes, just nodded.

Sasuke hesitated slightly and then said: "I feel that my training has reached a bottleneck. Can I train with you for a while?"

Kiyomi thought for a moment, then opened his eyes and replied: "I fight Neji every day. It's good to have an Uchiha for a change every now and then."

"But after school, you have to follow us back to the Hyuga clan land first. I have to go back and sort out some things. You can put anything you have at my house first. After all, the Uchiha clan land is too far away. It would be a waste to go back and forth. time."

Sasuke shook his head: "I don't have anything to store."

"Okay, school is just over."

After saying that, Qingmi picked up Shirayuki from Hinata's arms.

Before Bai Xue, who was suddenly awakened, could figure out what happened, Qingmi's voice rang in her ears.

"Get up and go back to sleep!"

Hearing this, Bai Xue's face first showed disbelief, and then she shouted angrily: "Meow!"

"Hahaha..." Qingmi smiled and dodged Shirayuki's claws. At this moment when one person and one cat were making a fuss, Hinata also woke up.

After coaxing Bai Xue, the three of them came to the entrance of the Hyuga tribe's land.

Then Kiyomi took the medical books he bought in the morning and walked towards his home, asking Hinata and Sasuke to wait at the gate of the clan.

And there was a person standing on the street not far behind them, with a pair of blue eyes, taking in the full view of Sasuke and Hinata.

At this moment, Sasuke seemed to notice something and looked back.

Seeing Sasuke's strange movements, Hinata also glanced back, but saw nothing: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just an illusion."

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