Naruto training king

Chapter 30 Snowy Night

Hinata Kiyomi organized the books and notes he brought back, took some money and hurried out.


Sasuke nodded slightly: "Let's go."

Then the three of them walked towards Konoha's training ground together. When they passed a bustling commercial street on the way, Qingmi looked left and right for a while, then lowered his head in thought.

Seeing his dillydallying, Sasuke couldn't help but ask, "What are you thinking about?"

Qingmi held his chin in thought and replied: "Oh, I heard Shikamaru say this morning that Naruto's birthday is the day after tomorrow, and I was thinking about what gift would be better."

Sasuke was stunned for a moment and wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he remembered what happened in the morning.

However, Kiyomi did not notice Sasuke's abnormality, but looked at the gift shop aside and continued: "I originally planned to buy some limited edition ramen, but Choji took away the good idea, so I was confused about what to buy. good."

What Naruto needs most is friends, so he, Dingci and others have made an appointment to go to Naruto's house to play together the day after tomorrow.

The suddenly quiet atmosphere after friends left was uncomfortable, especially for Naruto. The loneliness would definitely be more uncomfortable than usual.

At this time, the surprises and memories brought by opening gifts would be a good way to transition, so Qingmi didn't want to be perfunctory in choosing gifts.

At this moment, Qingmi noticed the bookstore he had visited in the morning. He suddenly remembered something, his eyes suddenly lit up and he walked in.

After a while, Qingmi came out with a book and muttered: "This book is almost out of print. I really didn't expect it."

"What book?" Hinata was curious.

Kiyomi handed the book in his hand to Hinata: "Here, "The Story of Strong Perseverance," a book written by Jiraiya-sama."

"Is it Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas?"

"Yeah." Qingmi nodded.

Hinata thought thoughtfully: "Since it is a book written by Jiraiya-sama, it is normal for it to be so popular that it goes out of print."

However, when he heard her words, Qingmi laughed out loud and shook the book in his hand.

"No, no, it's just the opposite. The reason this book is out of print is because its sales are so poor that no one is willing to continue printing it."

"Eh?" Hinata was stunned on the spot.

"Even the book I have in my hand is a special item that I asked the bookstore owner to find out. However, Jiraiya-sama's other works are very popular, but the owner won't sell them to me... ugh."

At this moment, Sasuke, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "Qingmi, can you lend me some money? I will bring it from home for you tomorrow."

Hearing Sasuke's words, Qingmi's eyes narrowed with a smile: "Of course, are you... planning to reconcile with Naruto?"


Sasuke crossed his arms and turned to look at the gift shop in front of him and said, "Just go and pick out whatever you want. Anyway, it's for that idiot Naruto."

"That's just in time. I'll go buy a gift box by the way. Once you've picked it up, I can check out together."

After saying that, Sasuke walked in at the lead, followed closely by Kiyomi and Hinata.

After entering the gift shop, everyone was looking for their own thing, and Hinata also walked around until she stopped in front of a snow globe.

Since meeting Kiyomi, Hinata is much more cheerful than before. She began to take the initiative to chat with Ino and others, and joined in everyone's conversation.

After improving her gentle and timid character, the temperament of the eldest lady of the clan that Rizu had cultivated began to emerge. Today, Hinata is very popular among girls.

But even so, there were times when she couldn't get a word in at all, because everyone always liked to talk about Sasuke, especially Ino, who made no secret of her liking.

Finally one day, Hinata couldn't help but ask: "Ino, why do you like Sasuke?"

Ino thought for a while and said: "First of all, he is very handsome, which completely fits my fantasy of a boyfriend. Secondly, I admire him because Sasuke is the most handsome and strongest among his peers."

At this moment, Hinata reminded in a low voice: "But it seems that Sasuke never beat Kiyomi in the last sparring session."

Faced with Hinata's critical attack, Ino's face darkened, and then he said reluctantly: "Although...but...well, that is indeed the case. But even if Sasuke loses, he loses very handsomely, especially That teleportation technique was like it was instantly in my heart."

"As for Qingmi, it's not that he's not good-looking, he's the more delicate-looking type. Maybe it's because everyone is still young... Oops, he's not my type anyway."

"That's it." Hinata nodded thoughtfully.

Not knowing what she was thinking of, she hesitated and asked, "Ino... what is worship and what is liking?"

"Admiration, probably means that I think a certain person is very powerful, and it would be great if I could be like him. I admire Tsunade-sama very much, and I also want to become a female ninja who is as independent as her."

"And liking means wanting to stay with that person and live with him..."

At this moment, Qingmi, who had finished picking out the gift boxes, came over and patted her on the shoulder: "What are you thinking about?"


Hinata shook her head, then picked up the snow globe in front of her: "Qingmi, help me wrap this snow globe. I will give you the money when I get home."

Qingmi reached out and picked up the snow globe and asked casually: "Is this a birthday present for Naruto?"

"Well, I'll ask you to help me take it there then."

"Eh? Aren't you going to the birthday party?"

"I'm not going." Hinata's face remained as usual and her eyes were calm.

Qingmi couldn't tell what she was thinking, so he could only say: "Okay."

Then he took another gift box for Snow Globe, then turned and walked towards the boss.

Hinata followed him, her white eyes reflecting his back. Until then, the blush on Hinata's cheeks was long overdue.

Sasuke stood next to his boss, with one hand in his trouser pocket and the other holding a gift box. He saw the two people approaching: "Why are you so slow?"

Qingmi's eyes fell on him and asked with a smile: "What gift did you buy?"

"You don't care what I bought." Sasuke curled his lips and shouted, "Boss, pay the bill."

Just when Kiyomi walked over to pay the bill, the feeling that had appeared in the Hyuga clan before appeared in Sasuke's mind again.


He turned his head sharply and looked outside.

Qingsi came over after paying the bill and asked: "What's wrong?"

"I feel like someone is following us."

"Following us?" Qingsi looked outside suspiciously, but he didn't see anyone suspicious.

He just raised his hand, was stunned for a moment and then put it down again: "It's not convenient for me to open my eyes and look for people on this busy street. Let's walk towards the training ground first."

Sasuke nodded and put away the gift in his hand.

"Well, let's go."

I wish all the grandfathers who are following me can see Daniel Wu by turning off their mobile phone screens!

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