The next day, morning.

Konoha, Hokage building.

It was unusually lively.

Today was Konoha's monthly meeting. The

Hokage high-ranking officials, all the senior ninjas, and important figures in the village all came to the venue.

More importantly, the daimyo of the Land of Fire also came from afar to attend the meeting.

In a short while, all the participants arrived at the meeting site.

The venue was arranged in a rectangular shape.

The third Hokage and the daimyo of the Land of Fire sat in the center.

On the left were the staff and think tanks brought by the daimyo of the Land of Fire.

On the right were Danzo Shimura, Koharu Utatane, and the heads of the Hyuga, Shikamaru, Uchiha and other clans. Senior ninjas such as

Hatake Sakumo, Might Dai, Yuhi Shinku, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru.

And some other famous figures. They were all present around.

In addition, Uchiha Yehuo also brought the great elder, Uchiha Setsuna, to attend around.

The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes fell on Uchiha Yakashi, his eyes slightly focused, thinking in his heart:

"Oh? Fugaku has always been the one attending meetings."

"This time, it was a different person, the genius boy - Uchiha Yakashi."

Shimura Danzo glanced at Uchiha Yakashi with his eyes slanted:


"Did that Uchiha brat really replace Uchiha Fugaku?!"

In fact, the Anbu and the Root have been monitoring the Uchiha clan's every move.

"The Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo had long known about the news that Uchiha Heihei would replace Uchiha Fugaku.

Therefore, when they saw that it was Uchiha Heihei who attended the meeting, they were only shocked, but not too surprised.

In their eyes, Uchiha Heihei would not cause any trouble.

The Third Hokage glanced at the meeting, slowly turned his head, and said to the Daimyo:

"All the participants are here. I think the meeting can start now."

"Well! Let's start the meeting now!"

The Fire Country Daimyo, wearing a fan-shaped hat and holding a folding fan in his hand, said with a smile.

The Third Hokage, as usual, reported on the recent development of Konoha Village.

When talking about the problems of Konoha Village, the Third Hokage glanced at the people in the meeting room:

"Everyone, do you have any questions or want to make comments?"

No one in the audience spoke.

After a moment of silence, the Third Hokage was about to speak:

"Since no one reported the problem……"

Suddenly, a clear, loud, and full-bodied voice interrupted the Third Hokage.

"Wait a minute! I have a question!"

Uchiha Yehuo, neither humble nor arrogant, said in front of everyone:

"I request that the Uchiha clan be moved back from the remote suburban prison to the center of the village!"

When the words fell, everyone's heart trembled!

Everyone's eyes turned to Uchiha Yakumo at the same time.

At this moment, Uchiha Yakumo became the focus of the whole audience.

Might Dai showed a youthful smile at the corner of his mouth, thinking in his heart:"Yakumo, you really raised this question."

Hatake Sakumo nodded lightly:"As long as you support Yakumo,"Yakumo Snack Bar" can operate normally." Yuhi

Shinku thought to himself:"Well! We had a secret meeting at Yakumo's house and reached an agreement."

Orochimaru curled the corner of his mouth and showed an evil smile:"Yakumo, I will support you."

However, there were some people in the venue whose faces suddenly became solemn, frowning and looking at Uchiha Yakumo.

Shimura Danzo, with an old face:"What the hell is this Uchiha Yakumo doing?"

"Why do you suddenly ask such a ridiculous question?"

"How could the Uchiha clan move to the center of the village to live?"

Utane Koharu:"How ridiculous!"

"The Uchiha clan is a hidden danger to the village!"

"Absolutely cannot move to the center of the village!"

"This is impossible!"

After hearing what Uchiha Yehuo said, the expression on the Third Hokage's face froze instantly!

The Third Hokage knew that this problem involved a historical legacy and was difficult to solve in a short period of time.

After thinking for a while, the Third Hokage planned to stall Uchiha Yehuo first and solve it slowly in the future.

The Third Hokage was about to speak...

At this time, the Fire Country Daimyo suddenly became interested and spoke first:


"I remember that the Uchiha clan was the clan that founded the Ninja Village."

"Why do we need to move to the center of the village?"

Uchiha Yehuo spoke slowly, his voice clear and bright:

"We, the Uchiha clan, originally lived in the core area of the village"

"Later, during the Second Hokage period, he was worried about the unrest in Konoha Prison."

"Sending our Uchiha clan to live near the remote suburban prison to maintain the peace of the village and make great contributions to the village"

"Now the hidden danger of Konoha Prison no longer exists"

"There is no need for us, the Uchiha clan, to continue living near a remote suburban prison."

"I request that the entire Uchiha clan move to the center of the village!"

The Third Hokage was shocked when he heard Uchiha Yehuo's reply. He could not think of a suitable reason to refuse in such a short time.

Shimura Danzo was furious, his eyebrows were raised in anger. How could he let the Uchiha return to the prosperous area in the center of the village?

Utatane Koharu also had an extremely ugly expression.

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire picked up the fan and gently fanned it, looking thoughtful...

Suddenly, an aide sitting on the left said:

"I think what the Uchiha clan leader said makes sense."

"The Uchiha clan has made contributions to Konoha Village, and the mission has been accomplished"

"In this case, the Uchiha clan should be allowed to relocate to the prosperous area in the center of the village.

The Fire Country Daimyo shook his fan and smiled.��:

"Well, it's decided!"

"Let the Uchiha clan move back to the prosperous area in the center of Konoha Village."

The whole audience was shocked when they heard the decision made by the daimyo.

Might Dai:"Oh? It seems to be going smoothly."

Hatake Sakumo:"It seems that the leader of the Hellfire clan does not need our support." Yuhi Shinku looked at the Konoha high-level officials:"It seems that the atmosphere in the venue is a little bit wrong. The Konoha high-level officials……"

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen had a droopy face, looking solemn and embarrassed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen firmly implemented the policy of the Second Hokage and did not want the Uchiha clan to return to the prosperous area in the center of the village.

However, now the Fire Country Daimyo agreed.

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen did not know how to refuse the Daimyo for a moment:

"Hmm... this……"

Uta-ne Koharu frowned, eyes flashing fiercely, staring at Uchiha Yakao viciously.

Shimura Danzo gnashed his teeth, his teeth itching with hatred, and suddenly stood up:

"My Lord!"

"Moving the Uchiha clan to the prosperous area in the center of the village must take into account the actual situation of Konoha."

"The prosperous area in the center of Konoha, where the Uchiha once lived, has long been turned into a commercial district and cannot be relocated at all.

The Fire Country Daimyo was immediately in trouble:

"Huh? There's no room in the center of the village."

"What should I do?"

Uchiha Yehuo said slowly:

"The area where Uchiha once gathered has now become a commercial district."

"However, the Senju clan is now dwindling in numbers. The area where they once lived is now vacant."

"We can move to the place where the Senju clan once lived."

The Fire Country Daimyo smiled:

"Well! Let's do it this way!"

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a serious look:

""My Lord Daimyo, I think this matter needs further consideration."

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to delay the matter and not solve it until it was left unresolved.

Uchiha Yakao immediately refuted:"There is no point in delaying this matter!"

"We, the Uchiha clan, have made contributions to the village, and now we ask to move to the place where the Senju clan once lived."

Shimura Danzo, a cruel look flashed across his face, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"My Lord, I think we can hold a plenary vote on the spot."

"If everyone agrees, the request made by the Hellfire Clan Leader"

"Then the meeting will decide - let the Uchiha clan move back to the center of Konoha Village - the area where the Senju clan once lived!"


The Fire Country Daimyo patted the folding fan in his hand:


"That’s it!"

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