Regarding the proposal made by Uchiha Jika, since the Fire Country Daimyo was present, Shimura Danzo couldn't lose his temper on the spot.

Therefore, the shrewd Shimura Danzo came up with the bad idea of a general vote.

In the eyes of Shimura Danzo, the Konoha high-level officials firmly controlled the leadership of Konoha.

During the general vote, as long as the Konoha high-level officials disagreed with the proposal made by Uchiha Jika, the other clan leaders and senior ninjas of Konoha Village would also follow the will of the Konoha high-level officials and disagree with Uchiha Jika's proposal.

Hearing the suggestion made by Danzo, the Fire Country Daimyo smiled and agreed.:

"Hmm... this is quite interesting"

"The people of Konoha Village, hold a vote on whether the Uchiha clan should move back to the central area of Konoha."

After thinking for a moment, the gloomy expression of the Third Hokage instantly eased a lot:

"Well, that's fine."

"After all, the Uchiha clan's migration to the prosperous area in the center of the village had a great impact on the village."

"The opinions of all participants need to be sought."

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo had the same idea about this matter.

With a vote by all, the clan leaders and jonin of Konoha would support the will of the Konoha high-level officials.

In this way, the Third Hokage would have enough excuses to reject Uchiha Karka as a matter of course. The

Fire Country Daimyo covered his mouth with a fan and smiled:

"So, let the voting begin now!"


The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly:

"Now, all the participants in Konoha will vote on Uchiha Yehuo's proposal."

"Those who agree with Uchiha Yehuo's proposal, raise your hands!"

The scene suddenly fell into a silent atmosphere.

Some people wavered, as if they could not make up their minds, and cast their eyes on the Konoha high-level officials.

In the venue, the attitude of the Konoha high-level officials seemed to be very important.

Uchiha Yehuo, without any hesitation, raised his hand directly.

Because the Uchiha clan has gradually moved away from the core layer of Konoha.

The elders in the corner, Uchiha Setsuna, did not have the right to vote.

In the past, they did not even have the qualifications to attend the meeting.

This time, thanks to Uchiha Yehuo, the two were fortunate to participate in and witness the proposal of"everyone votes for the clan leader".

The elder Uchiha Huohe, with a solemn face, knew in his heart what Shimura Danzo was planning:

"Damn old Danzo!"

"If the Konoha leaders don't raise their hands, it will be hard for the other clan leaders and the jonin to support the clan leader's proposal."

At this moment, the elder was more disappointed and helpless.

Uchiha Setsuna, with a sinister look on his face, was furious and gnashing his teeth:

"Damn Danzo!"

"The Konoha high-ups are such a bunch of hypocritical guys!"

""Master, the clan leader is fighting against the hypocritical Konoha high-level officials alone!"

Uchiha Setsuna was not optimistic about this general vote.

In this general vote, the Konoha high-level officials would control the voting!

In other words, in Uchiha Setsuna's eyes, such a vote would not pass at all.

In the meeting room, the air was filled with a tense atmosphere.

Only Uchiha Yehuo voted.

After a moment.

Suddenly, a pair of delicate hands were raised.

The one who raised her hand was Tsunade:

"I also agree that the Uchiha clan will move to the area where the Senju clan once lived!"

In the venue, everyone was stunned when they saw Tsunade raised her hand.

The Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo, was slightly stunned...

Although they were a little unhappy, it was also expected.

After all, Tsunade is Uchiha Yehuo's woman, so it is understandable that she supports Uchiha Yehuo.

Shimura Danzo, with a sidelong face and squinting eyes, scanned the audience and snorted in his heart:

"Humph! A woman from the Senju clan actually married an Uchiha"

"It's really a disgrace to the Senju clan."

"I think Tsunade is the only one who supports Uchiha Heihuo."

After a brief hesitation, Senju Orange Water also raised his hand.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Utatane Koharu frowned slightly after seeing this.

Before the Konoha high-level officials could react.

Then, Might Dai, Hatake Sakumo, Yuhi Shinku, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Kato Dan, Gekkou Hayate's father - Gekkou Ye, Mitarashi Anko's uncle - Mitarashi Shishao and others also raised their hands. And under the leadership of Might Dai, Hatake Sakumo, Yuhi Shinku and others.

Shino, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru and other families also raised their hands.

Such a result was unexpected by the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, Utatane Koharu and other Konoha high-level officials.

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and looked at the many people who raised their hands around him, and was very puzzled:

"How come so many people support Uchiha Yehuo’s proposal?"

"Does everyone want the Uchiha clan to move to the center of the village?"

"Oh...! This is all Danzo's bad idea."

Shimura Danzo was also confused, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it:

"How can this be?"

"The Uchiha clan has clearly been isolated"

"How is it possible to get so many people's support at once! ?"

Utatane Koharu was also very surprised, her face wrinkled and her expression was extremely ugly.

The Fire Country Daimyo glanced at him and nodded slightly:

"Oh! Most people support the proposal of the Hellfire Clan Leader!"

"Lord Hokage, let's just leave it at that."

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little embarrassed, and said:


The Fire Country Daimyo said decisively:

"That’s what the meeting decided!"

"Move the Uchiha clan to the center of the village, where the Senju clan once lived!"

The vote was proposed by Shimura Danzo.

Although very reluctant

, the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo could only accept the defeat on this matter.��, Even the Great Elder, Uchiha Setsuna, was very surprised.

The Great Elder looked at the people who raised their hands in astonishment:

"Our Uchiha clan has been isolated."

"How could... so many people support us all of a sudden?"

Uchiha Setsuna was also deeply surprised, with a smile on his face.

"Hehe! Yehuo, how did you convince so many people to support you?"

"I have to say that I am really overjoyed to have the new clan leader, Ye Huo!"

At the meeting, after deciding to approve Uchiha Ye Huo's proposal, some other issues were briefly discussed.

However, in this Konoha regular meeting, other issues seemed insignificant compared to"the Uchiha clan moving to the center of the village."

The meeting lasted a whole morning.

After the meeting ,

""The Uchiha clan is going to move to the prosperous area in the center of the village." This news quickly spread throughout the Konoha village.

The villagers all felt a little incredible.

You know, since the time of the second generation Hokage Tobirama, the Uchiha clan has been living in the remote suburbs, in an isolated state, wandering on the edge of Konoha.

How could the Konoha high-level suddenly let the Uchiha clan move back to the center of the village?

""The Uchiha clan moved back to the center of the village" became the hottest topic in Konoha Village for a while.

The most shocked were the Uchiha clan.

At this moment, many members of the Uchiha clan gathered at the Uchiha Nanga Shrine, waiting for the return of the clan leader. The clan members were sharing the good news with each other.

Uchiha Yehuo, with the great elder and Uchiha Setsuna, just walked into the Nanga Shrine. The clan members waiting at the scene cheered and applauded.

Before this, the clan members did not believe that the Konoha high-level officials would let the Uchiha clan move to the core area of the village.

The clan members generally believed that this was completely impossible and unreliable.

However, the new clan leader did it.

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