Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 163 Send back

Two days later, Liu Yu returned to Zewang Mountain. After estimating the number of ninjas stationed near Ukyo Bridge by Kumogakure, Ryūha sent a shadow clone back to inform Shimura Ken of the news in advance.

After receiving the news, Shimura Ken did not dare to neglect. He immediately abandoned the previous Konoha camp and concentrated all his forces on Zewang Mountain, which was easy to defend but difficult to attack. While declaring a state of war readiness, he also sent a signal for help to the village.

After receiving the news of Liu Yu's return, Shimura Ken summoned the main jounin of Zewang Mountain for a meeting.

"let's start!"

Seeing that everyone was here, Shimura Ken glanced at Liu Yu and said softly.


Looking at the jonin in the room, Liu Yu nodded slightly, and then unfolded a map on the table in the center of the meeting camp. What is drawn on the map is the area near Ukyo Bridge, but there are dots and lines of various colors, which are the results of Liuyu and her several shadow clones in the past two days.

"These small red circles represent the fixed warning points installed by Kumogakure outside Ukyo Bridge. They are equipped with a standard team of four people, a total of eighteen."

While Ruiyu kept pointing on the map, he explained the meaning of his drawings to the surrounding Konoha Jonin.

"What does the little red circle with the red dot mean?"

A Konoha jounin asked doubtfully.

"Don't interrupt, Liuyu will explain it later."

Shimura Ken glanced dissatisfied at the jounin who had just spoken. When Shimura Ken stared hard at him, the jounin cast an apologetic look at Liu Yu.

Liu Yu waved his hand to show that he didn't care, and then continued: "These small circles marked with red dots represent that the security team stationed here is equipped with sentient ninjas. There are six in total."

"These green lines represent the fixed patrol routes of the Kumogakure Patrol Team, which is equipped with a team of 8 people. The frequency is once a day, a total of five. The blue lines also represent the fixed patrol routes of the Kumogakure Patrol Team, but the number of people equipped is 12 people, the frequency is once every two days, a total of three.”

"The big white circle means that the patrol team in this area has no fixed patrol route. The patrol range is the area in the circle, equipped with 8-person teams. The frequency is once a day, a total of three. The big purple circle is the same as the big white circle, except that it patrols The number of people is 12, and the frequency is once every two days, a total of two.”


As soon as Liu Yu finished speaking, there was a soft hiss in the camp. Looking at the various lines and circles on the map, Konoha present could not help but feel moved. They did not expect that it was so easy to obtain Kumogakure's defense map of Ukyo Bridge.

There were many Konoha Jonin present who had participated in the Battle of Zewang Mountain, but at that time they only knew that there was a little girl from the Kusasen clan who had made great contributions in the Battle of Zewang Mountain. They didn't take it seriously at the time, but only now did they realize how huge a role Liu Yu, the reclusive blood successor, could play in the war.

It was not that they had not investigated Yunyin's intelligence before, but they were unable to break through the warning points arranged by Yunyin on the outside. On the contrary, they lost a lot of manpower. Unexpectedly, Liu Yu could complete this task alone this time. No wonder it was so easy to capture Zewang Mountain before.

"With this map, we can launch a surprise attack on the Kumogakure ninjas at Ukyo Bridge and recreate the glory of the Battle of Zewang Mountain."

Looking at the Ukyo Bridge defense map on the table, a radical Konoha jounin said excitedly that he wanted to use offense instead of defense to regain the initiative on the battlefield. As soon as this jounin said this, several more Konoha jounin seemed to be interested.


Ken Shimura poured a basin of ice water on his head and rejected the proposal. Then he continued: "Because the terrain of Pujing Bridge is not as dangerous as Zewangshan, Yunyin Village has deployed a lot more security forces on the periphery than Zewangshan. It is much more difficult to eliminate the perimeter security points than last time. ”

"Besides, last time we were able to successfully deal with the sentient ninjas in the periphery, we mainly relied on the hidden escape blood successors of the Kusaki clan. This time, Kumogakure's side has obviously strengthened their vigilance. If we want to carry out a sneak attack, we don't have that many The reclusive ninja.”

"Also, in the battle at Zewang Mountain, Yunyin Village did not have a numerical advantage, but this time Yunyin Village has an absolute numerical advantage."

"If this sneak attack mission fails, it means that the village's defense line in the Moon Country will completely collapse, and the war will once again reach the Fire Country itself. Therefore, what we should do now is to hold Zewang Mountain and wait for reinforcements from the village ”

After Ken Shimura stated the reasons for his objection, the camp fell into silence. Judging from the current comparison of combat power, Konoha simply cannot afford to take risks. Looking at the Pujing Bridge defense map spread out on the table, everyone seemed helpless. What is the use of this map now?

"I think we can send this picture back!"

At this time Liu Yu spoke softly.


As soon as Liu Yu finished speaking, the other Konoha Jonin in the camp became uneasy. Although we can't use this picture for the time being, there is no need to send this picture back, right?

"That's right! We can send this picture back to Pujing Bridge."

Shimura Ken agreed on the side. As a smart man, he quickly understood what Liu Yu wanted to do. Based on the current comparison of combat power between the two sides, Konoha can only be on the defensive, so this Ukyo Bridge defense map is of little value.

If this map is sent back, it can serve as a good warning to the Kumogakure ninjas at Ukyo Bridge. Tell the Kumogakure ninjas in Ukyobashi that everything they have is under Konoha's control, and maybe they can delay the attack by the Kumogakure ninjas in Ukyobashi.

The other Konoha Jonin in the camp quickly realized Riyuha's plan and sent back the Ukyo Bridge defense map. This map was indeed the most useful one.

In a temporary prison made with earth escape in Zewang Mountain, the prisoners that Liu Yu had brought back by Hoshino Bungo were placed here. The Yunyin prisoner was tightly tied up, staring blankly at the stone wall above his head. If he was lucky, he would be able to return to Kumogakure after Kumogakure concluded a peace agreement with Konoha. If he was unlucky, his life might end here.

"Hey! Wake up."

A Konoha ninja kicked the Kumogakure prisoner on the ground hard with his foot, his attitude seemed very bad. During this war, many of his companions died at the hands of the Kumogakure ninjas. It was impossible for him to be harmonious to these Kumogakure guys.

"What? Are you sending me on my way?"

Seeing the arrival of the Konoha ninja, a trace of despair flashed in the eyes of this Kumogakure prisoner.

"You're lucky, I'm letting you go back today."

The Konoha ninja replied coldly. Seeing the despair flashing in the other person's eyes, this Konoha ninja really wanted to kill him just like that, but this time he had a mission and couldn't do that.

The Konoha ninja then took the prisoner to the exit of the camp, untied his bonds, and threw a package to him.

"Go back, don't let us see you again!"

Looking at the slightly confused Kumogakure prisoner at the exit, the Konoha ninja said coldly.

"Do you really want to let me go back?"

Looking at this posture, the Kumogakure prisoner asked himself blankly. However, seeing that no one in Konoha had any intention of catching up, soon the Kumogakure prisoner's dazed eyes glowed with light again, and he ran out with the package without looking back.

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