Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 160 Confrontation

In the central tent of Pujingqiao garrison, everyone in the tent maintained a strange silence, and what kept them silent was only a map placed on the table in the middle.

Looking at the map on the table, the tall Yunyin man at the top frowned and smoked cigarettes one after another. Although the smoke in the camp made some non-smoking Kumogakure ninjas feel very uncomfortable, they said nothing and just stared at the map on the table with their brows furrowed.

This is a map of Pujing Bridge, but compared to ordinary maps, this map has more outlines of various colors and patterns. An ordinary person might not be able to tell the reason, but those present here are all the main jounin of Ukyo Bridge. Even if there is no comment, they will naturally understand what the outlined pattern above represents.

This is the warning picture of Yunyin's deployment outside Ukyo Bridge. The information in it is so detailed that everyone present here can break into a cold sweat behind their backs.

At this time, they knew why Konoha had taken Zewang Mountain so easily. If the Konoha ninjas on the opposite side were not at a numerical disadvantage, they would most likely have launched a sneak attack on Urakyo Bridge.

This map was brought back by a prisoner released by Konoha two days ago. At that time, they were still wondering why Konoha was so kind to release the prisoners, but after seeing this map, they understood everything. This was a warning, telling the Kumogakure people present that everything about them was under Konoha's surveillance.

After Kumogakure's reinforcements arrived, Konoha sent out several reconnaissance teams, but they were all discovered and stopped by their own sentient ninjas. In other words, the map on the table was only recently obtained by Konoha, and the only people in Konoha who could avoid detection by their own sentient ninjas were the reclusive ninjas of the Kusachi clan. This also reflects from the side, Konoha's reinforcements have arrived at the front line of Moon Country.

Thinking of this, the tall man Yunyin in the upper position unconsciously touched his chin. As a martial arts ninja village that values ​​swordsmanship and ninja physical skills, perceptive ninjas have always been a weakness of Kumogakure Village. In all the wars with Konoha, Kumogakure Village suffered from the lack of sentient ninjas. Especially in the battle of Zewang Mountain, Kumogakure Village lost the initiative on the battlefield because of the enemy's reclusive ninjas.

Most of the sentient ninjas are passed down by family blood. Even if Yunyin Village wants to cultivate and expand the scale of sentient ninjas, it has no way to start. Once faced with a large-scale war, the few sentient ninjas in the village will not play a big role at all. This time it was also because the other fronts had ceased fighting that the village was able to gather so many sentient ninjas to send to Ukyo Bridge. But unexpectedly, the enemy had thoroughly investigated our own defense plan, and none of our sentient ninjas could react.

"Everyone! What should we do?"

Yunyin, the tall man at the top, put out his last cigarette and asked in a deep voice. Now Konoha has concentrated all its power on Zewang Mountain. If it attacks by force, Kumogakure will suffer huge losses.

"I think we should postpone the implementation of the battle plan."

At this time, a Kumogakure jounin spoke softly.

After hearing what he said, the other Kumogakure jounin present remained silent and did not express their opinions. On the one hand, they don't want to give up just like that, but on the other hand, they can't find a better solution.

The tall Kumogakure man in the upper position glanced at the Kumogakure jounin who spoke, and remembered one more thing. The prisoner released by Konoha seemed to be a subordinate of the Kumogakure jounin who had just spoken. The last time dozens of them went out on a mission, they encountered Konoha's second user of the Flying Thunder God Technique. They suffered serious casualties and only a few people managed to escape.

"A hidden ninja and a user of the Flying Thunder God Technique. It seems that the reinforcements sent by Konoha were very timely!"

Thinking of this, the big man Yunyin in the top position had a hint of helplessness on his lips. These two abilities are very difficult to deal with!

"If you don't object, then I will take it as your tacit consent to postpone the implementation of the combat plan."

After waiting for a while, when no one spoke, Yunyin, the tall man at the top, spoke again.

The decision to send back the Ukyo Bridge defense map took effect. Kumogakure reduced his attacks on the Konoha patrol team, and Konoha and Kumogakure were once again in a stalemate in the Moon Country. After the reinforcements sent from Konoha's rear arrived and the two sides once again maintained a balance in combat power, Kumogakure even reduced his activities in the transfer area between the two sides.

This confrontation lasted until the end of the year. After that, I don’t know whether it was because Konoha and Kumogakure reached some unknown secret agreement, or because Kumogakure was unwilling to continue the stalemate like this. In short, the Kumogakure ninjas at Ukyo Bridge began a large-scale retreat backwards. Soon, the number of Kumogakure troops stationed near Ukyo Bridge dropped to a thousand.

At the same time, in response to Kumogakure's withdrawal, Konoha began to withdraw to the village, and the number of Konoha ninjas stationed at Zewang Mountain quickly returned to around a thousand. After several months of confrontation, the situation between the two sides in the Moon Country has returned to its previous state.

In this conflict initiated by Yunyin Village, both sides gained nothing except losing a lot of manpower.

During the months of confrontation between Kumogakure and Konoha, in addition to practicing hard, Ryūha would occasionally lead a team on patrol missions. The ninjas assigned to Liu Yu are also happy to have a strong leader. If the captain is strong, the survival rate of the team members will also be greatly increased.

Relying on Mikazuki Munechika's reverse summons, it can be said that during these days, Ryūha was able to dominate the battlefield of the Moon Kingdom, which lacked top powerhouses. Gradually, Liu Yu also made his name on the front line of the Moon Kingdom. After the Kumogakure ninja discovered that the Konoha ninja he encountered was Ryūha, he no longer chose to fight, but immediately ran away.

However, Kumogakure's side seemed to have some misunderstandings about Ryūyu, and mistakenly thought that Ryūyu was performing the Flying Thunder God technique. Even within Konoha, many people believed that Ryūha was performing the Flying Thunder God Technique. In particular, the identity of the captain of Liu Yuying's guard was ignored by their speculations.

Regarding these wrong speculations, Liu Yu initially planned to explain them, but the rumors that Liu Yu had successfully mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique after Namifeng Shuimon continued to become more and more intense. In the end, Liu Yu stopped caring about this matter and just let the God of Thunder fly!

After sending back the previously obtained defense map, Kumogakure quickly changed the deployment and patrol arrangements. After the enemy changed their defense arrangements, Ryūha went to the area near Ukyo Bridge several times to detect Kumogakure's new defense trends, and finally drew up the latest defense map and sent it back to Kumogakure.

Facing Konoha's repeated attempts to obtain its own defense arrangements, Kumogakure's side seemed extremely aggrieved. Their only sentient ninja could not find Ryūha at all. Kumogakure's side finally chose to withdraw their troops and restore their previous state, and Ryūha also played a big role in this.

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