
After Kyuubi was channeled, he looked up to the sky and kept roaring. In the huge beast eyes, three magatama flashed quickly.

"Do it! Kyuubi."

Obito jumped to the top of Kyuubi's head, looked at the Leaf Village in front of him, and said coldly.

After receiving the order, Kyuubi began to destroy wantonly, and buildings large and small were easily destroyed by Kyuubi. A roar can cause huge casualties to Konoha. A chakra filled with evil and hatred filled the air, and even the originally white full moon turned blood red under the influence of Kyuubi's monster chakra.

Konoha, which had fallen into tranquility, was suddenly awakened. Lights flashed around the village, and there were screams of panic everywhere. People who got the news fled in panic, trying to find a safe place.

The few ninjas near Kyuubi launched attacks on Kyuubi in twos and threes, trying to buy some time for the fleeing crowd. However, their attacks were no different than tickling Kyuubi, and several ninjas were killed by Kyuubi with just a wave of his claws.

The family residence of the Caoqian clan is in the family ancestral hall in the backyard. The black stone boundary monument flashed with a white light, and then, a figure walked out of the white light.

"Sister Liuyu. Why are you here?"

Before the figure walking out of the white light could breathe a sigh of relief, a slightly confused question rang out. Kusachi Yuta looked at Kusachi Ryūha who had just walked out of the ancestral hall space with confusion, wondering when she entered the ancestral hall space. I have been practicing here, but I didn’t see anyone coming to the ancestral hall!

"Yuta, you"

Seeing that it was Kusachi Yuta, Liu Yu was obviously relieved. He was about to say something, but suddenly he heard a huge roar coming from outside. Hearing this roar, Liu Yu's face instantly became extremely ugly. Is it still a step too late?

"Sister Liuyu, what is this?"

Hearing the roar of a huge beast coming from outside, and looking at Liuyu's face that instantly turned extremely ugly, Kusachi Yuta asked uneasily, as if something extremely bad had happened.

"Yuta, you take the other clan members and rush to the shelter. The Kyuubi has broken the seal."

After hearing Kyuubi's roar, Ryūha hurriedly gave Kusachi Yuta the task, and rushed out while talking.

"Sister Liuyu"

Kusachi Yuta wanted to say something else, but at this time Ryūha had disappeared. Seeing that Ryuyu had gone away, Kusachi Yuta took a deep breath and prepared to carry out the task assigned to him by Ryuyu. Now that neither Cao Qian Liu Yu nor Cao Qian Fu Tang is here, as the family's Cao Escape awakener, he must shoulder this responsibility.

"Has the worst outcome finally come?"

Looking at the Kyuubi wreaking havoc in the village, the Third Hokage looked extremely ugly. Although there were some speculations before, I didn't expect that the worst result would really happen. Wasn't even Minato unable to stabilize the seal?

But soon, the Third Hokage noticed something was wrong. Because the Nine-Tails suddenly appeared in the Konoha Village, that means that the Nine-Tails was channeled by someone, and people with the ability to channel the Nine-Tails have not long ago

But now is not the time to hold people responsible. The top priority is to drive Kyuubi out of the village and then seal it away.


At this moment, an ANBU suddenly came to Hiruzen and half-knelt down. Now that the Fourth Hokage is missing, he is in urgent need of someone to give orders.

"I understand. I will stop that guy. You are responsible for protecting and evacuating non-combatants."

After sorting out his equipment, the Third Hokage solemnly ordered.

In the village, Kyuubi was wreaking wanton destruction. With a wave of its huge claws, countless buildings shattered into pieces, and a large amount of stone and wood residues were swung away by Kyuubi.

In the chaos, a child of about four or five years old was running around with a baby in his arms, trying to find a safe place. It was Uchiha Itachi and the newly born Uchiha Sasuke.

A huge fragment of the rock wall fell, and Itachi hurriedly bent down to protect Sasuke in his arms. After the huge smoke and dust dissipated, Itachi hurriedly looked at Sasuke in his arms. Seeing that Sasuke was still crying, Itachi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, Sasuke is fine!"

However, when Itachi turned his attention to the surroundings, he found a large number of corpses lying around, including ninjas and civilians. They all lost their lives in the attack just now. Looking at the tragedy around him, Itachi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"The police force ordered that non-combatants go to Tatsuki's shelter immediately."

However, Itachi also knew that now was not the time to be stunned. It happened that the loud roars of the police force members were heard around him, and Itachi hurriedly held Sasuke in his arms and headed towards the shelter.

"Dad, Mom!"

Just when Itachi was about to take Sasuke to the shelter, he saw a little girl not far away crying and walking slowly while holding on to the wall. Itachi knew this girl and knew that she was Uchiha Izumi of the same race. It seemed that Izumi's parents were unfortunately killed in the Kyuubi's attack just now.

"Come to me!"

Now that he saw it, Itachi naturally would not ignore it and shouted hurriedly, wanting to take Uchiha Izumi to the shelter.


Seeing his parents die in front of him, Uchiha Izumi was at a loss and didn't know what to do except cry. Suddenly hearing Itachi's call, he subconsciously ran towards Itachi, trying to find a sense of security.

As soon as Uchiha Izumi came to Itachi's side, a huge flying rock attacked the three of them.


Looking at the flying boulders, Itachi shouted in his heart that something was wrong. He couldn't take the two of them away in this state.

However, before the boulder could fall down, dozens of broad blades of powerful grass protruded from the ground above the three of them, woven into a shield to firmly protect the three of them. It was Liu Yu's Qianye Liu Shield.


The boulder hit Qianye Liudun with a muffled sound.


Hearing the muffled sound coming from outside, Uchiha Izumi and Itachi in Qianye Liudun couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"You guys, go to the shelter quickly."

After coming to Qianye Liudun and untying it, Liuyu casually glanced at the three people inside and said quickly. However, the next moment, Liu Yu's eyes widened.

Turning around and taking a closer look, he saw that the people he had just saved were Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke. As for the little girl, she should be the Uchiha Izumi who was killed by Obito on the night of the Uchiha genocide.

"Sir! Is there any problem?"

Seeing Liu Yu's slightly shocked look, Itachi asked doubtfully, wondering what the man who had just saved him was wondering about.

"Nothing! You two go to the shelter quickly!"

After calming his mind, Liu Yu returned to his normal state and said in a deep voice. So what if it's Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, they are just little kids now. Besides, he came here to deal with the Kyuubi, and saving them was just a matter of convenience.

After saying that, Liu Yu rushed towards Kyuubi again. Stopping Kyuubi was the only thing she could do now.

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