Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 176 Battle with Nine-Tails

"Damn it! Kyuubi, now is the time to release the burning power, come on! Let me be your opponent.

Seeing the Nine Tails suddenly appearing and wreaking havoc, Akai seemed very excited and wanted to burn the power of his youth here. After saying that, he planned to rush to the battlefield with Kyuubi.

"Don't be so anxious, Kai."

Seeing Akai's restless look, Kakashi quickly tried to dissuade him. Tailed beasts are not that easy to deal with, and you must not be reckless when dealing with such a collection of chakra.


However, before Akai could rush out, he placed his hand in front of the two of them, preventing them from planning to fight Kyuubi.


Looking at the person who suddenly stood in front of him, Akai couldn't help but be startled, but he quickly recognized the person. The person who came was none other than Konoha's elite Jonin Yuhihi Kurenai, who was also Yuhihi Kurenai's father.

"You guys must gather at the shelter right now"

After stopping the two of them, Yuhi Zhenhong gave the order loudly.


Seeing Kurenai Yuhi who didn't allow him and Kai to fight, Kakashi couldn't help but ask doubtfully. In times of crisis like this, shouldn’t the whole village be able to work together to overcome the difficulties?

"This is the third generation's order!"

Seeing that the two were unwilling to leave, Yuhi Mahong had no choice but to take out the Hokage's order. However, before Yuhi Zhenhong could finish her words, a figure quickly passed by from the other side, and Kakashi and Kai immediately recognized that it was Ryuyu.

"What a mess!"

Seeing Ryūha rushing directly towards Kyuubi, Yuhi Mahong said with slight dissatisfaction. However, before he could make the next reaction, two figures passed by him again, it was Akai and Kakashi. When they saw Liu Yu going to fight, they naturally wouldn't back down.

"Is this the power of the complete Nine-Tails?"

Arriving at the outskirts of the Nine-Tails destruction area, standing on a house, looking at the huge Nine-Tails raging in front of him, Liu Yu felt a little distracted for a moment. She once saw the three-tailed beast from a distance on the battlefield of Yuno Country, but she didn't feel it intuitively at that time. Only now does she truly realize how powerful the tailed beast is.

Likewise, Ryūha probably understands why the Kyuubi is the most powerful tailed beast. In the original work, Naruto is able to defeat five other tailed beasts with just one Nine-Tails, which is enough to show how powerful the Nine-Tails is. Although the tailed beast on the opposite side is in a controlled state and cannot exert its full strength, Naruto's nine tails are only half.

"This guy is so big!"

At this time, Akai and Kakashi also came to Liuyu. Like Liuyu, they were extremely shocked by the powerful power of Nine Tails.

At this moment, many Konoha ninjas were fighting hard on the periphery, trying to stop the Nine-Tails from continuing to move and buy time for the villagers to evacuate.

However, facing an opponent like Kyuubi who was obviously not of the same order of magnitude, many people were killed by Kyuubi's counterattack before launching any effective attacks. But their efforts at least had a certain effect. Nine Tails did not move again and continued to expand the scope of destruction.

"Go back quickly, this is not the place you should be."

At this time, Yuhi Zhenhong also caught up and shouted to the three of them. The three of them are all outstanding young talents of Konoha, and they must not be sacrificed in the battle with Kyuubi.

Liu Yu ignored Yuhi Zhenhong's advice and just started to form the seal silently. Stopping the Nine-Tails from destroying Konoha is the only thing she can do now.

"Bamboo Escape, Bamboo Prison Technique!"

Liu Yu turned over, shouted low, and slammed his right palm to the ground.

Following Liu Yu's right palm shot, the ground where Nine-Tails was located began to shake violently, and dozens of giant bamboos with a diameter of several meters suddenly protruded from the ground.

Four giant bamboos snaked up along Nine-Tail's legs, shrinking and growing at the same time, tightly binding Nine-Tail's four legs. Other giant bamboos grew curvedly, entangling Nine-Tail's tail and body. Kyuubi was temporarily restrained by Ryūha's sudden attack, and was unable to continue attacking for a while.

"Good opportunity, continue the attack, and be sure to hold it back before Lord Hokage comes."

Seeing that Kyuubi was temporarily restrained, the morale of the surrounding Konoha ninjas rose sharply, and dozens of Konoha ninjas, including Kakashi, launched another attack on Kyuubi.


Looking at the three Kakashi who had already joined the battle, Yuhi Mahong showed a hint of helplessness, and then stopped trying to dissuade them and joined the battle herself.

Riuyu restrained Kyuubi with Bamboo Release, but since Kyuubi was the most powerful tailed beast after all, he was naturally unwilling to be restrained by Riuyu and immediately began to struggle.

Kyuubi's struggle put pressure on Ryūyu who was performing the technique. Liuyu half-knelt on the ground, making a 'wei' seal with her hands and trying hard to maintain the restraint on the nine tails. But trying to restrain a monster of the Nine-Tails level would undoubtedly consume a huge amount of chakra, so Ryūyu's forehead was soon covered with dense beads of sweat.


Jiuwei raised his head to the sky and roared, his right front paw suddenly broke free from the shackles of the giant bamboo, and a large number of broken bamboo fragments scattered in all directions. The freed right front paw swung violently and hit two Konoha ninjas who jumped up and tried to attack. The two Konoha ninjas were instantly shot away.

The freed right front paw waved towards the giant bamboo that bound the left front paw. Soon, with the help of the right front paw, the left front paw also broke free. The two claws of the Nine-Tails broke free and danced wildly, quickly destroying the other giant bamboos used for restraints, and the Nine-Tails also completely broke free from Ryyu's restraints.

"damn it!"

Just as Kyuubi broke free from the shackles of the giant bamboo, Ryūyu, who was maintaining the technique not far away, felt a sweet taste well up in his throat. His body was temporarily paralyzed and was blown out by the huge air flow caused by Kyuubi.

Kakashi teleported behind Ryūyu and took Ryūyu into a princess hug.

"Is it okay!"

After picking up Ryūha, Kakashi asked with concern.


Liuyu suppressed the blood in his throat, shook his head, and then broke away from Kakashi's arms.

"I won't let you continue to destroy it!"

Seeing Kyuubi breaking free from the restraints and continuing to wreak havoc, Ryūha changed her Indian style again and said coldly.

"The roots of Ninja are bound."

The ground where Kyuubi was standing began to fluctuate violently again. Soon, dozens of huge bamboo stems suddenly burst out of the ground and entangled Kyuubi's limbs and tails. After entangling the nine tails, the bamboo stems continued to shrink to increase the strength of the binding.

Bamboo stems have better toughness than giant bamboos, and also have the ability to absorb chakra, so their binding ability is stronger than the bamboo prison just now. After absorbing the Kyuubi's chakra, the bamboo stems gradually became stained with a bit of scarlet color.

Kyuubi was struggling fiercely, and the bamboo stems suddenly shrank downwards under Liu Yu's control. Kyuubi, who was still standing and struggling, was suddenly pulled down.

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