Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 200 Orochimaru's Defection

When the barrier was broken, except for Orochimaru whose expression became more gloomy, everyone else in the barrier showed expressions of relief.

"Lord Orochimaru, can you explain why these people are here?"

Kusanagi Futou glanced at the group of experimental subjects who were still wearing Konoha forehead protectors, and respectfully asked Orochimaru. Although Kusa Senbutou's tone seemed very respectful, he was secretly prepared for battle, and would attack immediately if Orochimaru made the slightest mistake. The other two Anbu behind Cao Qianfudang were also ready for battle, and at the same time fired signal flares to summon reinforcements.

In recent days, ninjas have been missing mysteriously in the village, which has attracted the attention of senior officials. The Third Hokage has sent a large number of ANBU to investigate this matter, and the Kussenfudou team, which is good at perception, has also been assigned this task.

Looking at the situation in front of them, the two Anbu ninjas were not only alert but also confused. Each of these people had haggard faces, and it was obvious that they had been subjected to inhuman torture for a long time. It could be seen from their frightened eyes that it was Orochimaru who tortured this group of people. In other words, the mysterious disappearance of ninjas in the village during these days was caused by Orochimaru. But Orochimaru is one of the legendary Sannin of Konoha and the direct disciple of the Third Hokage! Why would Orochimaru do such a thing and betray the village?

Looking at the several Anbu who were on guard in front of him, Orochimaru's face became more and more gloomy, but not long after, Orochimaru actually sneered "Hehe-----". This sudden sneer made the people around him confused.

"Kusu Qianruyu, I remember you!"

Seeing more and more people gathering around him, Orochimaru knew that he could no longer stay here, so he ran directly towards the outskirts of the village, and left a message to Liu Yu before leaving.

"Don't try to escape!"

Seeing that Orochimaru was trying to escape, Sosenbutou shouted and chased after him with two ANBU.


Seeing the two Anbu chasing after her, Liu Yu hurriedly shouted that she didn't think these people could keep Orochimaru alive.

Before the three of them had chased it far, the ground suddenly broke apart and a big snake rushed out. It opened its bloody mouth and looked like the three of them were rushing towards it.

Cao Qianfutang stretched out his hands, and several leaves of strong grass grew from his palms. He pushed the two Anbu away, but he was swallowed into the mouth by the big snake.

The next moment, the big snake let out a painful hiss, and the snake's neck suddenly exploded. Cao Qianfutang held the pole spear in his right hand and smashed the snake's neck into pieces. He was bathed in the snake's blood and rushed out.

"team leader"

Seeing that the captain was okay, the two Anbu who had been rescued by Sossenfudo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although Cao Qianfutang is younger than the two of them, he has already conquered them with his strength. Although Cao Qianfutang usually seems cold, he still takes good care of his companions during the mission. Just like this time, the two People recognize Cao Qian Fu Tang from the bottom of their hearts.

Then there were several more explosions in the distance. It seemed that there was a fight between Orochimaru and the Konoha ninjas who came after getting the news.

Orochimaru's residence was originally on the remote outskirts of the village, which made it easier for Orochimaru to escape.

The day after Orochimaru's defection, the Third Hokage personally summoned Ryūha and asked about the details of the matter. Liuyu didn't hide much, and basically told the truth, but instead of directly killing Orochimaru's lair, he found it through an accidental search. The Third Hokage didn't have any doubts, and after asking, he waved his hand for Ryūha to retreat.

In this matter, Ryuyu could see that the Third Hokage was very heartbroken. He did not expect that his most promising disciple would be tainted with taboo human experiments, and even attack the ninjas in the village for human body materials.

Although the Third Hokage had vaguely guessed this when ninjas in the village disappeared one after another, when the results actually came out, the Third Hokage still seemed unable to accept it for a while.

In the next few days, the investigation of Orochimaru's lair began in an orderly manner. The ANBU of Konoha followed the clues to find several other lairs arranged by Orochimaru around Konoha, and rescued some of the experimental subjects imprisoned in them.

According to final statistics, a total of six Orochimaru secret strongholds were destroyed and 87 experimental subjects were rescued. Nearly half of the experimental subjects were ninjas from Konoha Village, and several of them were confirmed to have been killed in the war. Their names were engraved on commemorative monuments. However, they did not expect to die. Instead, they were captured by Orochimaru. Go for human experiments.

A small part of the experimental subjects were ordinary people captured from the outskirts of the village, and the rest were people from other villages captured by Orochimaru in previous wars, including those from Iwagakure, Sunagakure, and Kirigakure.

Most of the experimental subjects were very weak when they were rescued, and it took them a while to recover in the hospital before they could barely move.

This incident also attracted the attention of more people in the village. Unexpectedly, a little girl like Liuyu, who had only become a jounin for less than two years, would dare to confront a long-established master like Orochimaru, and even succeed. So many experimental subjects were rescued from him.

Through this incident, Liu Yu also became a real hero in the eyes of many family members of the experimental subjects. This was an unexpected gain for Liu Yu. She originally only wanted to save her own people, and the others were just a helper.

A few days later, news spread throughout the ninja world that Orochimaru, a direct disciple of the Third Hokage, a strong competitor of the Fourth Hokage, and one of the legendary three ninjas, had defected.

As soon as this news came out, the entire ninja world was in an uproar. They couldn't believe that Orochimaru, a core figure of the village, would actually defect. Some villages even sent spies to Konoha to find out detailed information.

This is also the highest-level defection of Konoha in recent years, and it can even be said that the highest-level defection of the entire ninja world in recent times. In comparison, the defection of the former elite ninja of Kirigakure, Kizuna, and the seven ninja swordsmen, Kuroho Raiga and Biwa Juzo, is not unacceptable.

Soon, Konoha issued a notice confirming Orochimaru's defection, listing Orochimaru as a super "S" level defector, and at the same time offering a reward of 50 million taels.

However, this reward is just a formality. Konoha will not do useless work such as sending the Anbu to hunt down Orochimaru. Ordinary Anbu will only give up their lives to hunt down Orochimaru. Those bounty hunters will not be so blind as to find trouble with people of Orochimaru's level. After all, if you lose your life, you will lose everything. If someone threatens Orochimaru's strength, then perhaps this money-grubber might take the risk.

"I'm sorry, this happened!"

In the garden of Liu Yu's house, Jiraiya whispered, apologizing to Orochimaru for kidnapping Liu Yu's people for human experiments.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but Jiraiya met the defected Orochimaru outside the village. After a fierce battle, Jiraiya was ultimately unable to change Orochimaru's mind, and Orochimaru successfully defected.

"This is none of your business, Jiraiya!"

Looking at Jiraiya with a gloomy face, Liu Yu shook his head slightly to indicate that he didn't care. Orochimaru was once Jiraiya's best friend, but as a close friend, Jiraiya was unable to stop his close friend from falling, which must have made Jiraiya very tired.

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