Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 201 New mission

Three months after Orochimaru defected, in the courtyard of the Kusanagi clan.

"Is this daimyo ever going to stop?"

Liu Yu leaned against the railing, looking at the letter in his hand and complaining helplessly. The gilded envelope indicated the noble status of the sender. This letter was an invitation letter from the daimyo of the Land of Fire, inviting Liu Yu to go to the City of Fire to serve as the daimyo's personal guard, the Twelve Guardian Ninjas.

This was the second invitation from the daimyo, but Liu Yu refused the last time on the grounds that he would serve as the guard of the fourth generation of Hokage.

Now Liu Yu has become the leader of the new generation of ninjas in Konoha, especially his battle with Orochimaru, which made Liu Yu's reputation even higher.

Although Liu Yu was at a disadvantage throughout the battle with Orochimaru. But Liu Yu is still young and has great potential for development. The outside world has no doubt that Liu Yu can reach the level of Orochimaru. There are even many people who think that Liu Yu will succeed the third generation Hokage as the fifth generation Hokage after he retires.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the Daimyo of the Land of Fire has set his sights on Liu Yu. The stronger the guardian ninja, the more secure the Daimyo's personal safety.

For this invitation, the Daimyo seemed extremely sincere. Not only did he offer very generous treatment conditions, the annual salary was as high as 10 million taels. If Liu Yu was not satisfied, he could negotiate, and he even said that Liu Yu could become the leader of the twelve guardian ninjas.

In Liu Yu's cognition, each guardian ninja was parallel and independent of each other, but the Daimyo even set up the position of Guardian Ninja Leader in order to recruit Liu Yu.

This treatment condition is not to be underestimated, so generous that Liu Yu was tempted to agree to the Daimyo. Liu Yu did not care about the Daimyo's so-called Guardian Ninja Leader. What moved Liu Yu was the Daimyo's annual salary of 10 million taels.

If Liu Yu wanted to save up 10 million taels, excluding the village's commission, he would need to perform nearly 20 "S"-level tasks.

Liu Yu, who grew up in an orphanage in her previous life, naturally understands the importance of money. The pillars of the Kusa Sen clan are now her and Kusa Sen Fudou, two senior ninjas. Although there are subsidies from the village, the Kusa Sen clan is not actually rich. If she goes to the Fire City to serve as a guardian ninja, the family's daily expenses will be much easier.

Even if she wants to be a Hokage in the future, the identity experience of the guardian ninja and the support from the daimyo will give her an advantage in the competition for the Hokage.

But after thinking about it carefully, Liu Yu decided to give up. After all, going to the Fire City to serve as a guardian ninja means that she has to put down the family affairs in her hands.

In addition, going to the Fire City is likely to be entangled by the unruly Princess Himeko. What should she do if the princess wants her to teach her ninjutsu?

"Naruto, come here." After making up his mind, Liu Yu put away the letter, clapped his hands and called out to the little Naruto who was playing on the other side. Liu Yu is now Naruto's guardian, and it is not right for the guardian to be away all year round. Liu Yu also wants to send Naruto to a ninja school when he grows up, teach him ninjutsu, and give him a completely different childhood experience from the original.

As for Naruto's long-term obsession with Sakura and neglect of Hinata in the original, Liu Yu, as a guardian, also intends to correct Naruto. It can be said that Liu Yu now cares more about Naruto than other members of the Kusa Sen clan.

Naruto was entrusted to Naruto by the Kushina couple. Liu Yu also promised Kushina to take good care of Naruto. If she wanted to take good care of Naruto, she would not be able to go to the Fire City as a guardian ninja.

After coming to this world, Liu Yu has been trying to break the original trajectory, but in fact, raising Naruto by herself and giving Naruto a different childhood is the biggest breakthrough in the original trajectory.

"Yiyi----Ya Ya------"

Hearing Liu Yu's call, Naruto, who was holding a pacifier, was shouting something vaguely and slowly crawled towards Liu Yu. But before Naruto crawled to Liu Yu, the little Naruto stopped crawling and sat up.

"Not good!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Yu screamed in his heart that it was not good. Not long after, a pool of yellow liquid slowly seeped out from the floor where Naruto was sitting.

"Sure enough! "

Liu Yu patted her forehead helplessly. The little guy had peed on himself again. After peeing, little Naruto actually stretched out his two little hands excitedly and patted the urine pool.

Looking at Naruto's excited face, Liu Yu patted her forehead helplessly. Then she stood up and planned to wash Naruto's body and change his clothes. Fortunately, she grew up in an orphanage in her previous life and was familiar with these things.

"Lord Liu Yu, let me do these things! "

But someone got there before Liu Yu, picked up little Naruto and turned around to say to Liu Yu respectfully. The person who picked up little Naruto was a middle-aged woman named Jiujo Jiko, an ordinary villager in the village, and also a nanny specially hired by Liu Yu to take care of Naruto.

After all, the family is basically full of inexperienced children, and he often goes out on missions, so he still needs a professional to take care of little Naruto. Having an adult at home always makes people feel more at ease.

So far, I don’t know if it’s because of Liu Yu, the news that Naruto has the Nine-Tails sealed in his body has not spread within the village, but the news that Naruto may be the orphan of the fourth generation has spread like wildfire. Therefore, as an ordinary person, Jiujo Jiko does not have any aversion to Naruto. On the contrary, because of the rumor that Naruto is the orphan of the fourth generation, she has become very fond of Naruto.

Liu Yu wanted to refuse. Anyway, she had nothing to do now, but the next moment, Liu Yu frowned without any trace, and then said a little apologetically: "Then I'll bother you, Auntie Zhenzi."

After saying that, Liu Yu quickly left the courtyard. And Kujo Hoshi didn't find it strange. After all, Ryūha was a ninja and was often sent out to perform missions.

After the battle between Ryūha and Orochimaru, the village's senior officials had a deeper understanding of Ryūyu's strength, and along with this, the level of tasks assigned to Ryūyu became higher and higher.

These tasks are often directly assigned by the village's top leaders, requiring Riyuha to go out to detect intelligence and assassinate traitorous ninjas or even enemy ninjas. There is no client for these tasks, or the client behind these tasks is the village and the country.

When they arrived at the door, an ANBU wearing a patterned cat mask appeared in front of Liuyu. Without saying anything, the ANBU ninja took out a scroll and handed it to Liuyu. After taking the scroll, Liu Yu nodded slightly, and the ANBU disappeared again.

"Trouble is coming again!"

Looking at the scroll with the words "Top Secret" in his hand, Liu Yu sighed softly.

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