Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 255 Night talk!

The underground secret room of Uchiha Minaga Shrine.

Under the flickering lights, two figures were elongated diagonally.

"You know the truth about that!"

Looking at the woman in white in front of him, Uchiha Fugaku asked lightly. During the Nanga Shrine gathering two days ago, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi were absent from the family gathering they were supposed to attend.

Not long after, news came that Uchiha Shisui destroyed his eyes and threw himself into the river, leaving behind only an incomprehensible suicide note.

Because of the unexpected departure of Uchiha Shisui, the most powerful figure in the Uchiha clan, the originally planned coup had to be postponed.

Although the coup was postponed due to Shisui's "suicide", the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha intensified. Some tribesmen believed that Shisui's death was by no means a suicide. They naturally focused their suspicion on the high-level officials of Konoha. In fact, their guess was correct. It was indeed Danzo, one of the high-level officials, who forced Shisui to death.

Senior guards such as Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Tekka, and Uchiha Inari even suspected Itachi, who also did not attend the family gathering and worked in the ANBU. They had reason to believe that Shisui's death was related to Itachi.

With this idea in mind, the three came to their home and had a conflict with Itachi, warning him not to try to betray Uchiha and escape his fate as an Uchiha. But what surprised Fugaku was that Itachi effortlessly defeated three people who were considered strong in the Uchiha clan. This made Fugaku wonder whether Itachi had activated the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Similarly, Fugaku's intuition told him that the woman in front of him, who was paying attention to this incident and had a certain friendship with Shisui, knew the truth behind it.

"Shisui tried to use his Mangekyo Sharingan to rewrite your will to stop Uchiha's coup, but Danzo didn't trust him and found an opportunity to seize his right eye. Shisui who successfully escaped entrusted the remaining left eye to He killed your son Itachi, and finally chose to die to help Itachi open the kaleidoscope and delay the date of the coup. "

Liu Yu nodded slightly and did not hide the matter too much from Uchiha Fugaku. He simply said the matter.

After hearing this, Fugaku was silent for a while. I don’t know how to evaluate Shisui’s behavior. After all, Shisui’s behavior is a betrayal of the Uchiha clan. At the same time, Fugaku also felt the slightest fear in the face of Danzo, who did not trust Uchiha and hoped to completely eradicate the Uchiha clan.

"How do you think about my proposal?"

Ryuyu didn't give Fugaku much time to think about this problem. Uchiha Shisui was dead, but the problem before Uchiha had not been solved. She came here this time to know the answer to Uchiha Fugaku, whether to cooperate with her to save Uchiha's fate, or to just let Uchiha disappear in the conflict with Konoha.


Fugaku did not answer Liu Yu's question directly and remained silent.

He and Riuha teamed up to eradicate Danzo and his subordinates who were most dissatisfied with Uchiha among the top management, and then reorganized the Konoha Guard to give up their power and take the initiative to show Uchiha's determination. This is indeed the best way to save Uchiha at present. The best solution, but putting the so-called best solution into practice is not an easy task.

"You have to know that I am not the one who has the final say on the Uchiha clan."

After a long time, Fugaku spoke again. In the original work, Fugaku was never a supporter of the coup. He was just pushed to that point by the excited tribesmen. Especially the radicals Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Tekka, Uchiha Inari and others even put forward the slogan "Either Konoha or Uchiha"

Just like Danzo said, Uchiha Shisui can use other gods to rewrite Fugaku's temporary will, but this cannot solve the root cause of Uchiha's coup. The contradiction between the two sides will only usher in a more violent outbreak in the suppression.

Seeing this, Liu Yu couldn't help but feel sorry for the Uchiha clan.

Among the four powerful men in the family, Obito Uchiha in the dark has been sparing no effort to intensify the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha, instigating the top brass of the security force to fight against Konoha, and step by step pushing the Uchiha clan on the road to destruction. . There is no doubt that Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi are on the side of Konoha's top leaders, and in the end, Fugaku, as the clan leader, has never firmed up his determination to make a coup, otherwise he would not ask to join forces with Itachi to launch a bloodless coup. There was a coup, and in the end he actively chose to fall under his son's knife.

All the powerful men in the clan disapprove of the coup. How could such a coup succeed?

"Of course I know about this, but it's not just the roots of Danzo and his men that need to be eradicated."

Liuyu's eyes narrowed and he looked directly into Fugaku's eyes.

Fugaku was shocked by Liuyu's cold words. He naturally understood what Liuyu meant. The roots of the top management are in Danzo, while the roots of Uchiha are in the top brass of the security force, headed by Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Tekka, and Uchiha Inari. The three of them were dissatisfied with the limited power of the police force and wanted to seize higher power.

If you want peace, you must make sacrifices, and it is undoubtedly the best way to let people like Danzo, Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Tekka, and Uchiha Inari make "sacrifice" for peace.

Danzo's death can solve the source of the prejudice of Konoha's high-level officials against Uchiha, and correspondingly, Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Tekka, and Uchiha Inari are also a guarantee from Fugaku to the third generation and the two advisors.

At such a time, as the clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku should be more ruthless and establish his absolute authority in the Uchiha clan, instead of being led by Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Tetsuka, and Uchiha Inahiro.

"You should know that the Uchiha clan is not without a chance of winning?"

After a long silence, Fugaku looked directly into Liu Yu's eyes and said. If nothing unexpected happens, Itachi should have opened the Mangekyō Sharingan from Shisui's death. With two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan, and then with the power of the Nine-Tails, the Uchiha clan is not without a chance of winning. Since the Uchiha clan is planning a coup, they will naturally not be unprepared. As the first wealthy family in the ninja world, the Uchiha clan has never been a fish on the chopping board to be slaughtered.


"Do you think Itachi, who inherited Shisui's will, will stand on the side of the Uchiha clan or you? And if you really intend to do that, I will not agree." Liu Yu snorted coldly, obviously disdaining Fugaku's statement. Apart from anything else, Uchiha Itachi, the new owner of the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan, would never stand on the side of the Uchiha clan, not to mention that Fugaku himself had no determination to launch a full-scale coup.

At the end, Liu Yu's voice suddenly turned cold, with a hint of warning. If the Uchiha really planned a coup, the Nine-Tails under the control of the Mangekyō Sharingan would undoubtedly be the Uchiha's trump card, but Liu Yu, who was entrusted by Kushina, would never allow such a thing to happen.

Hearing Liu Yu's words, Fugaku stared at Liu Yu's pale blue eyes, and the three magatama in his eyes had turned into a mangekyō in the rotation. And Liu Yu was not afraid that Fugaku would suddenly perform an illusion, and just stared at Fugaku.

"Let me think about it!"

In the end, Fugaku lost in this "eye" contest and said dejectedly.

"You'd better hurry up! There's not much time left for you Uchiha."

After saying this, Liu Yu ended the conversation and disappeared in an instant. Looking at the few fallen bamboo leaves left behind by Liu Yu's instant death, Fu Yue sighed, wondering what he was thinking.

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