Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 256 The so-called coup

In the next few months, Ryūha disguised her identity to avoid attracting the attention of Konoha ANBU, and stayed in the outlying villages and towns of Konoha. When Liuyu had nothing to do, she would go back to Konoha and walk around a few times. Among them, Naruto's location and Uchiha's station were the focus of her attention. Relying on his familiarity with Konoha and his reclusive advantage, Konoha's perception barrier and security squad are simply useless.

Due to the defection of the entire Kusana clan, Konoha has taken back and planned the settlements previously planned for the Kusana clan, allocating them to war orphans or allowing civilians to trade freely. After renovation, the originally large-scale family courtyard was replaced by multiple huts, and all the long bamboos that were once planted were destroyed.

Under the covert hints from the higher-ups, there are fewer and fewer discussions about the Kusa-sen clan within Konoha, and the higher-ups are deliberately erasing the traces of the Kusa-sen clan's existence.

Perhaps, when the new generation of children in Konoha grow up, they will not know that there was such a family in Konoha Village.

By coincidence, the house assigned to Naruto was located in the former residence of the Kusanagi clan. I don't know if it was a deliberate arrangement by the third generation or a coincidence. And this also made it easier for Liuyu to come back to visit Naruto secretly. However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Liu Yu did not appear directly in front of Naruto, but just stared at him silently.

As the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Naruto has two ANBU always stationed beside him to monitor him. Liu Yu also discovered this problem when he secretly observed Naruto, but with his own hiding ability, the two ANBU did not realize that there was someone secretly observing them while they were performing surveillance missions.

Originally, Ryuyu thought that these two ANBU ninjas were ANBU directly under the Third Hokage, but after Ryuyu discovered that an "acquaintance" had rotated the task of monitoring Naruto, he discovered something was wrong.

Because this "acquaintance" is none other than Kujo Hoshi, who was responsible for being Naruto's nanny in the Sosen clan.

And Kussenfudou's guess was correct. Kujo Hoshiko was indeed a member of Danzo's root organization. She used the root organization's unique secret method to seal the fluctuations of chakra in her body, which prevented Ryūha from noticing her identity as a ninja. Coupled with the secret operations of the Root Organization, Kujou was eventually hired by Ryūha as Naruto's nanny. That night, she was indeed the one who took Naruto away from the center of the incident in advance after receiving Danzo's instructions.

"It seems that the ANBU responsible for monitoring Naruto belong to the Root Organization and the Hokage!"

Looking at the nine evil spirits hiding in the tree, Liu Yu thought to himself. At this moment, as long as she wanted to, she could easily take the lives of nine poisonous people, and no one would find out that she did it. However, Liu Yu did not intend to pursue this matter. After all, given the situation at the time, it was the best choice for Naruto to stay in Konoha. Moreover, there is no life-or-death feud between her and Kujou.

During these days, Liu Yu also met many former acquaintances. However, in order to avoid trouble, Liu Yu just glanced at him secretly and stopped paying attention.

Time passed very quickly. Due to Danzo's secret manipulation and the silence of the Uchiha clan, Shisui's death did not cause much public opinion fluctuations. After all, the dead man's surname was Uchiha, and most of the villagers only regarded him as Shisui literally drowned himself.

However, some family patriarchs with high political sensitivity, such as Nara Shikaku, the patriarch of the Nara clan who has served as the Hokage's military advisor for generations, and Yamanaka Haiichi, the clan leader of the Yamanaka clan who was Ryūha's former teacher, have obviously been aware of the reasons behind Shisui's death. Abnormal, except that they did nothing except instructing the clansmen to keep distance from the Uchiha people as much as possible. They obviously did not intend to get involved in the muddy waters between Konoha and Uchiha.

The residence of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Tiehuo looked eagerly at the man in the black robe and spiral mask in front of him. This man was undoubtedly a member of the Uchiha clan, and from the pupil pattern of his Sharingan, it could be known that he had mastered the Uchiha clan. The medium to high Mangekyō Sharingan.

Mangekyō Sharingan, as long as they master this power, the Uchiha clan can definitely overthrow the high-level officials of Konoha who oppress them. As for who this person is among the Uchiha, it no longer matters. The important thing is that he opened the Mangekyo Sharingan and was willing to help himself.

Just as Obito and Uchiha Tiehuo were plotting a coup, Itachi, dressed in ANBU uniform, was quietly watching the two from secretly. This was not an ANBU mission, but a proactive measure taken by Itachi out of caution against that mysterious man.

He had long discovered this mysterious masked man who appeared at the Uchiha Clan's headquarters and frequently interacted with the senior guards. If nothing else, the man wearing the spiral mask was also a member of the Uchiha Clan, but it was recorded in the family's genealogy. No record of him could be found.

This man is terrifying!

This was Itachi's first instinct about him. He could feel the huge energy hidden under that man's body, and he could feel that he had opened the Mangekyō Sharingan just like him. An unknown Uchiha ninja who has activated the Mangekyō Sharingan is definitely not a blessing for the current Uchiha clan.

However, Itachi must not have expected that there was a third person lurking in this small courtyard.

Looking at Uchiha Tekka who was talking eagerly to Obito, Ryūha secretly said "Stupid!"

Blinded by power and hatred, the so-called cooperation between Uchiha Tiehuo and Obito will only push the Uchiha clan into the abyss, because Obito never wanted to help Uchiha seize power, all he wanted was to give birth to his own family Completely destroyed.

After some discussion with the masked man in front of him, Uchiha Tiehuo left and planned to discuss the specific details of the coup with Uchiha Yashiro and Uchiha Inahu.

When Uchiha Iron Fire left, Obito also disappeared along with the ripples in the space where his eyes expanded. After seeing that all the targets he was monitoring had left, a complicated dark light flashed in Itachi's eyes, and then he also left this place.

After everyone dispersed, Liu Yu slowly emerged from the tree. Looking at the huge Uchiha Uchiha clan emblem in the distant shrine, he couldn't help but sigh: "This clan is destined to perish!"

Then, behind Liu Yu, with a burst of space ripples, Obito who had left quietly appeared, and his black hand reached out and aimed at the back of Liu Yu's neck.

However, the black hand flew away, and before it could hit the green-haired woman in front of him, the man in black robe felt a slight chill on his neck, and a long knife flashing with cold light had already jumped towards him. Liu Yu actually moved behind him in an instant and counterattacked.

Han Dao jumped over, but the figure in black robe remained the same.

Obito, who failed in the sneak attack, distanced himself and had no interest in fighting Liu Yu anymore. He just turned around and stared at Liu Yu and said coldly:

"It seems that you are also very interested in Uchiha's power! What? Do you still have old feelings for Konoha and want to intervene to stop Uchiha's coup?"

"So what if I'm interested in this matter? Do you care? But you, as a member of the Uchiha clan, actually tried to exterminate the Uchiha clan!"

Ryūha didn't look directly at Obito's Sharingan, but casually glanced at the Uchiha clan emblem on the wall of the shrine and replied.

"Uchiha who have lost their ambitions do not deserve to be called Uchiha. They should have thought of their demise when they betrayed me!"

Seeing the unconcerned look of Liuyu in front of him, Obito didn't get angry. Strength is what counts. Even if he bears the name of Uchiha Madara, as long as he cannot defeat Ryūha, both sides have equal rights to speak.

Liu Yu was noncommittal about this, and said disdainfully in his heart: "You are so deeply involved in the drama, you really think of yourself as Uchiha Madara!"

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