Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 257 Transaction!

On July 8th, the Uchiha clan held another family gathering. This gathering was nominally a routine gathering of the Uchiha clan, but both the top management of Konoha and the Uchiha clan knew what the real purpose of this gathering was.

When the gathering ended, the Uchiha tribesmen left the shrine one after another and began to return to their homes, and the last tribesman to leave was Itachi's mother-----Uchiha Mikoto.

At this moment, Uchiha Mikoto's expression was indifferent, but there was a trace of unnoticeable sadness mixed in it. As he walked down the stairs step by step, he didn't know whether he was worried about the fate of the clan or the differences between Itachi and Fugaku's father and son.

On a big tree outside the shrine, Itachi and his Anbu ninja watched all this quietly. They were assigned the task of monitoring the Uchiha clan, but the funny but sad thing was that the person leading the team to perform the task was another Uchiha clansman.

The intertwining of the dual identities of ANBU ninja and Uchiha tribesman is destined to be a tragedy in the current situation.

As a member of Uchiha, but the task he received was to monitor his parents and clan members. Ryūha, who was also lurking in the dark, didn't know what kind of mood Uchiha Itachi was carrying out when he carried out this task.

"Stand where you are!"

Seeing all the Uchiha tribesmen leaving, Itachi pushed his ANBU mask to take it off, and ordered to the two subordinates beside him. After much thought, Itachi finally decided to meet his father to see where Uchiha's fate would go. And this may be the last chance to save the Uchiha clan.

"But, Captain..."

Hearing this, an ANBU beside him couldn't help but become anxious, and said hurriedly. As the captain of the ANBU who monitors Uchiha, going to meet the leader of the Uchiha clan doesn't feel right no matter how you think about it.

Moreover, these two people were assigned from the Root Organization under Danzo. In addition to following Itachi on missions, they were also secretly tasked with monitoring Itachi to observe whether Itachi was on the side of Uchiha or Konoha. After all, their captain's last name is "Uchiha".

"Report the truth to Danzo-sama!"

After Itachi left these words, he ducked out of the hiding place. Uchiha Itachi knew exactly what Danzo thought of him. It was not clear to him what his two so-called "subordinates" were doing, but he was helpless. In this chaotic situation, we can only take one step at a time.

Under the moonlight, a figure in ANBU costume flashed into Nanga Shrine, the gathering place of the Uchiha clan. About half an hour later, this figure flashed out again, and then went back to resume his life with his two subordinates.

Watching the Itachi team leave, Liu Yu silently disappeared from the tree, and his figure flashed into the basement of Nanga Shrine.

In the basement, Uchiha Fugaku turned his back to Riyu and quietly looked at the ancestral stone tablet that recorded the so-called "redemption" path of the Uchiha clan.

"Got your answer?"

Liu Yu asked calmly after appearing.

After the meeting, in an underground secret room with only two people, Fugaku showed his son Uchiha Itachi the Mangekyō Sharingan that he had hidden for many years, trying to persuade Itachi to cooperate with him to complete the bloodless revolution and take power, and avoid a catastrophe in Konoha. Civil unrest on a massive scale.

After all, Fugaku still had feelings for the village and couldn't bear to see large-scale civil strife in the village. It's a pity that his concerns about Konoha are not understood by Konoha's senior officials and the Uchiha people.

According to the plot development of the original work, Itachi made the same decision as Shisui, and immediately reported Uchiha's preparations for revolution to Konoha's top brass after the meeting.

Uchiha and Konoha.

Itachi chose Konoha after all!

It's sad to think about Fugaku. The son he had high hopes for had already betrayed his clan.


Fugaku responded calmly, presumably knowing everything from his son's hesitant attitude.

"So? What is your choice?"

"I'm sorry? I can't agree to your request?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu couldn't help but frown. Things have come to this point. Faced with Uchiha's life and death, Fugaku actually refused his request for cooperation!

Facing Itachi who betrayed the clan and the top management of Konoha, unless Fugaku took the risk of controlling the Nine-Tails, the Uchiha side would have a chance of victory. But controlling the Nine-Tails to participate in the coup is something that Riyuha will never allow. In this case, the Uchiha clan's only trump card is the unknown ability of Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan, and such an Uchiha clan has no chance of winning. .

"I cannot go against the will of my tribe."

Fugaku turned around and smiled bitterly.

Undoubtedly, Liu Yu's plan can preserve the clan to the greatest extent. But the premise is that the Uchiha clan will completely lose power, and even the power of the police force will be deprived of it. Such a price is absolutely unacceptable to the angry Uchiha clan members.

What the Uchiha clansmen want is to overthrow the high-level officials of Konoha who oppress them, and then gain the highest power in Konoha. For the hardliners in the Uchiha clan, such as Uchiha Yashiro and Uchiha Tekka, losing power is definitely worse than death. Still uncomfortable.

If only a few people, such as Uchiha Yashiro and Uchiha Tetsubo, had such an idea, Fugaku could still suppress it with his status as the leader of the Uchiha clan and his own strength. Unfortunately, this is not the idea of ​​a few Uchiha people. It is the will of the entire Uchiha clan. As the clan leader, he cannot deviate from the clan's will.

"Perhaps, this is the fate of your family!"

Liu Yu thought for a while and finally said this silently. The Uchiha clan is different from the current Kusachi clan. Due to its own special reasons, the Kuszen clan can now be said to be completely in the hands of Ryū Yu. The clan members may have some objections to Ryū Yu's decision, but they It won't be turned into action.

But the current Uchiha clan is not monolithic. As the clan leader, Fugaku obviously does not want to intensify the conflict with the village's higher-ups, otherwise he would not keep hiding the fact that he possesses the Mangekyō Sharingan.

But Fugaku thinks so, but it doesn't mean that other Uchiha clan members think so too. They crave power and do not want to compromise when faced with the Konoha higher-ups who oppress them. Fighting is their way out.

Is it also because of the clansmen's desire for power? Therefore, Fugaku, who succumbed to the will of his clansmen, did not respond directly to Ryūha's request for cooperation, but chose to persuade Itachi to complete the bloodless revolution with him.

To be honest, in Liu Yu's view, Fugaku, who was swayed by the wrong will of his clan and ultimately led his clan to destruction, was not a qualified clan leader.

Fugaku may be a qualified father, but he is definitely not a qualified clan leader.

This scene reminded Liu Yu of the past of the Kusa Sen clan.

With the help of the black stone boundary monument, the Caoqian clan was not incapable of escaping from Caoyin Village. However, facing the oppression from the top of Caoyin Village, the clan members ultimately chose to fight to the death. That was a decision made by the will of the Cao Qian clan, and Cao Qianyu, who was burdened with the fate of the clan, could not deviate from the will of the clan.

The will of the clan!

The glory of the family?

Or is it the survival of the clan?

At this point, the fate of the Uchiha clan's demise seems inevitable. The will of the Uchiha people has destined that Ryūha's method will not work. There can only be one relationship between Uchiha and the current high-level officials of Konoha.

Even if Riuha had planned to save the fate of the Uchiha clan, facing such a situation, unless Fugaku was determined to make a coup, and then added the help of Kyuubi, the Uchiha clan would be destroyed.

And Liu Yu, who knew the plot of the original work, naturally knew that when faced with the final choice, Fugaku could not bear to fight with his son, but chose to entrust the clan to give up resistance and face death calmly.

The countdown to Uchiha's demise has begun!

"Let's make a deal!"

Just when Ryūha was about to leave, Uchiha Fugaku stopped her.

"Deal? Is there anything else we can trade?"

Liu Yu was stunned for a moment. Faced with the prospect of the demise of his clan, what else did Fugaku have to deal with at this moment.

The only thing the Uchiha clan deserves is their Sharingan, and among the Sharingan, the Mangekyo Sharingan is the most precious. Could it be said that Fugaku is planning to

"That's right!"

Fugaku's answer confirmed Ryūyu's guess.

"I will exchange my pair of Mangekyō Sharingan for the survival of the Uchiha clan!"

Fugaku, who was holding his hands across his chest, narrowed his eyes, and the three black magatama in his blood-red pupils quickly rotated and connected to form a rotating blade.

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