Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 261 Uchiha Spring!

"You bastard!" Uchiha Tetsuka, who was in charge of the police force, looked at the masked man who was killing people in the police center, shouted with a ferocious face, and then drew out a katana and rushed forward. Obito did not dodge and let Uchiha Tetsuka's katana chop down. Just like before, Uchiha Tetsuka's katana went straight through Obito's body as if it hit the air. Then Obito restored his physical form, turned his right hand and pinched Uchiha Tetsuka's wrist, and exerted force suddenly. "Crack-----" A burst of pain came, Uchiha Tetsuka could feel the bones of his wrist being crushed, and the katana fell to the ground weakly. Then Obito seized the opportunity and aimed a knee at Uchiha Tetsuka's abdomen. This heavy blow made Uchiha Tetsuka curl up in pain. "Why why?" Uchiha Tetsuka, with a pale face, struggled to raise his head and asked. Until now, he still didn't understand why. Wasn't the masked man from the Uchiha clan? Didn't he want to help Uchiha seize power in Konoha?


The cold words came from behind the mask, seemingly asking himself, but actually asking back.

"Because you guys don't deserve the name of Uchiha, let alone the Sharingan! Your existence will only tarnish the reputation of Uchiha."

"The eighth one!"

In the dark night, a cold light flashed, and then a body of a root member fell to the ground. Looking at the Sharingan she collected, and then sensing the chakra movement around her, Liu Yu knew that she didn't have much time.

The bodies of the root members she had killed before should have been discovered by now. Danzo, who was sitting in charge, must have known that an uninvited guest had broken in here. The scale of the root members in his perception began to grow, and the next action must be more careful. After all, Liu Yu didn't want to leave too many records in this incident.


At this time, Liu Yu's eyes condensed, and her expression instantly turned cold, because she sensed a "familiar" chakra fluctuation.


With a scream, the last member of the police force flew up and hit the curtain wall heavily. The lights in the building went out as the last person died.

After dealing with the last member of the police force and collecting their Sharingan, Obito swaggered out of the police force building.

As soon as Obito walked out of the building, he heard several metal sounds approaching. Obito turned his head and looked at the flying shuriken without dodging, just letting it pass through his body and pierce the stone pillar behind him.

"Oh! Good eyes."

Turning back to look at the girl who threw the shuriken, looking at Uchiha Izumi's pair of Sharingan, Obito sneered twice, his harvest could be increased again.

On the other side, Uchiha Izumi, who was "praised" by Obito, seemed even more nervous. Looking at the police force building full of death and the bloody smell in the air that had never been seen before, how could he not know what the mysterious man with a striped mask in front of him had done.

Seeing the mysterious man staring at him, Uchiha Izumi threw two kunai again. But this time, just like before, the kunai pierced through his body again.

"How is it possible?"

To be honest, Izumi was panicking at the moment, a little regretful of his previous rashness. The mysterious man easily killed everyone in the police force, which was definitely not something he could deal with. And the weird ability that could make his shuriken attack invalid, he was definitely not his opponent. After thinking this through, Uchiha Izumi hurriedly turned around and left, wanting to escape from this killing ground.

But before Uchiha Izumi could escape far, the iron chain in Obito's hand flew out and tightly wrapped around Uchiha Izumi's body, pulling him to Obito's position.


Uchiha Izumi's body fell heavily to the ground, feeling Obito's constant approach, Uchiha Izumi fell into despair.

"Help, Itachi!"

At this desperate moment, Uchiha Izumi instinctively called for Itachi, hoping that Itachi would appear in front of her. But what the girl didn't know was that this night of killing was started by the person she had been thinking about.


A long sword suddenly stabbed out from the side, accurately piercing the chain in Obito's hand, and then stood diagonally on the ground.

The next moment, Liu Yu followed Sankazuki Munechika to the middle of Obito and Uchiha Izumi, using Sankazuki Munechika as a fulcrum, twisting his body lightly, and aiming a whip kick at Obito's head.

As expected, Liu Yu's right leg passed through Obito's head, and Obito immediately entered the materialization after Liu Yu's leg passed through his head, and his right hand also stretched out in a claw and grabbed Liu Yu's right leg that passed through his head.

But the next moment, Obito's body was hollowed again, and the hand that had been holding Liu Yu's leg also passed through Liu Yu's leg. All this was because Sankazuki Munechika in Liu Yu's hand had approached him again.

"Very cautious!"

Seeing Obito re-enter the hollow, Liu Yu turned over and stood still, looking at Obito and said coldly.

"What? Do you really want to wade into this muddy water?"

Looking at Liu Yu who was blocking Uchiha Izumi, Obito snorted coldly under the mask. He didn't expect that Liu Yu would insist on going against him in this incident. He is really haunting!

"Same here!"

Liu Yu said coldly with murderous eyes. Obviously, he remembered the last time Obito blocked him and stopped him from saving Shisui. If it weren't for Obito's obstruction last time, the Uchiha incident would never have been so corrupted.

"This power does not belong to you!"

Seeing Ryuyu's move to protect Uchiha Izumi, Obito said without any emotion. This is an internal matter of the Uchiha clan, and Ryuyu, an outsider, has no right to interfere.

"Whether it belongs to me or not, it's not your turn to judge. What's more, the guy who betrayed the clan and forced the Uchiha clan to the point of annihilation has any right to call the so-called clan."

To this, Liu Yu replied tit for tat. Regardless of whether his words made sense or not, he couldn't lose his momentum anyway, not to mention that he was now the "acting" leader of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Izumi, who was protected by Ryuyu behind him, also broke away from the chains and stood up again. Hearing the conversation between Ryuyu and Obito, Uchiha Izumi couldn't help but be shocked. "Has the Uchiha clan been exterminated?"

Noticing the fear of the person behind him, Liu Yu stretched out his right hand to block her face and said softly: "Don't be afraid, as long as I'm here, he can't hurt you."


Uchiha Izumi responded softly. The hope that emerged in despair made Uchiha Izumi want to rely on the person in front of him.

"Are you going to save that little girl?"

Obito was not interested in continuing the discussion with Riyu on the topic of Uchiha. There would be no results if this continued, so he turned around and looked at Izumi Uchiha.

"I won't bother you with this!"

Facing Obito's questioning, Ryūha raised the Mikazuki Sokon in his hand to express his attitude. Although Uchiha Izumi was not part of the deal between him and Fugaku, Ryūha didn't mind saving one more person.


Listening to Liu Yu's merciless words, Obito snorted and did not get angry. After all, getting angry would not help solve the problem at all.

Then a burst of space ripples spread out from his right eye, and Obito disappeared. Apparently he didn't want to get entangled with Ryuyu anymore. The goals of destroying Uchiha, collecting Sharingan, and letting Itachi join the Akatsuki organization have been achieved. There is no need to worry about life and death with an Uchiha clansman.

PS: Just refer to the original work for the rest, I won’t write more!

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