Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 262 Afterwards!

The night can cover up all guilt. When the sun rises again, the Hokage will still be the glorious Hokage. The guilt of massacring his compatriots and betraying the village will be shouldered by Itachi Uchiha alone.

Ichiraku Ramen House.

"Uncle, please give me two orders of miso barbecued pork ramen."

The woman in white tightened the hat on her head and lowered her voice. At the same time, she motioned for the other girl next to her who was shrouded in black robe to sit down. They looked like a pair of biological sisters.

"Welcome, please wait!"

The old man greeted him warmly and did not bother with the two men's actions of hiding their faces. After all, this was the world of ninjas. It's completely normal to cover one's face or something.

As for their true identities, they don't need to worry about it as a ramen shop owner. There will naturally be ANBU to find out their identities.

Ten minutes later, the noodles were served, and the two of them ate the noodles in silence without saying a word. Around the two people, the diners naturally started talking about the big events that happened last night.

"Hey! Did you hear that? The Uchiha clan was exterminated last night. I heard that in the entire Uchiha clan, only Uchiha Sasuke survived."

The first person started the topic, and there was still a trace of disbelief on his face. After all, there were many strong Uchiha people, and they were known as the largest clan in Konoha, the largest ninja village.

"No way! Isn't Uchiha known as the largest clan in Konoha? It's possible that someone can wipe out this clan silently."

"Of course it's true. The murderer is Uchiha Itachi, who is also from the Uchiha clan, and the surviving Uchiha Sasuke is his biological brother. I heard that Lord Hokage has issued a wanted order and classified him as an S-class traitor. Tolerate."

"S-class rebellious ninja! He became an S-class rebellious nin at the age of 13. This is really crazy! The last S-class rebellious ninja in Konoha was Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas."

When hearing this, one of the Konoha ninja couldn't help but sigh. This is the first time for an S-class rebellious nin of this age, not to mention Konoha, to the entire ninja world.

"Have you forgotten? And that one, the captain of the Fourth Hokage's escort team?"

Another ninja next to him disagreed with his statement and reminded him. At the age of fourteen, Ryūha killed the Fire Country Daimyo and defected to the village with the entire Kusachi clan. This "feat" is no less than Uchiha Itachi's massacre of the Uchiha clan.

"oh oh!"

After being reminded by his companions, the Konoha ninja quickly reacted. However, when it came to this topic, several other people were obviously not very interested, and they obviously did not want to discuss this issue further.

"By the way, how could Uchiha Itachi, a member of the Uchiha clan, massacre his own compatriots? And since he even killed his own parents, why did he leave Uchiha Sasuke behind?"

At this time, a Konoha ninja asked the question again to Uchiha Itachi.

"You ask me, how do I know? I'm not one of those lunatics from the Uchiha clan."


While listening to the conversations of the people around him, Uchiha Izumi's body was obviously shaking uncontrollably. Just last night, everyone in the clan was killed, and the person who caused all this tragedy was his favorite Uchiha Itachi.

Such a drastic change appeared in front of the girl, who seemed unable to accept it for a moment. Seeing this scene, Liu Yu sighed deeply in his heart. Only time can heal this kind of thing. Then Liu Yu reached out his hand to comfort Uchiha Izumi, who was trembling.

Because she also had the experience of having her family wiped out, she could roughly understand Quan's mood. The only difference is that there is no such person as Itachi in the Kusanagi clan. This is the lucky thing among the Kuasen clan's misfortunes.

Feeling the warmth coming from Liu Yu's palm, the girl's trembling body gradually returned to calm, and her emotions gradually stabilized.

In the dark underground space of Root Headquarters.

A member of the Root Organization half-knelt in front of Danzo and presented a statistical list of the corpses of the Uchiha clan members.

Danzo looked through the records expressionlessly, then waved his hand to signal his subordinates to leave. After his subordinates left, Danzo's complexion changed dramatically, turning blue and white, and he squeezed the scroll in his hand tightly.

The body count of the Uchiha clan last night was abnormal. Children between the ages of four and eight in the Uchiha clan had all disappeared. Coupled with the reports from the ANBU about Fugaku's abnormal behavior, Danzo had reason to suspect This group of Uchiha tribesmen successfully escaped from Konoha before the incident.

Although it is very confusing how these children escaped from Konoha, with the lessons learned from the Kusanagi clan, it is not impossible. In addition to the Uchiha children between the ages of four and eight, there is also an Uchiha tribesman named Uchiha Izumi who has opened the three magatama sharingan eye and is also missing.

In addition to these Uchihas who were supposed to be corpses, there was another thing that made Danzo feel extremely bad. That is when his men went to the police force headquarters to harvest the Sharingan, they found that those eyes had been taken away in advance.

What made Danzo even more angry was that during this operation, about ten members of the root organization responsible for harvesting the Sharingan were killed, and all the Sharingan in their hands were also taken away. Because of this, the number of Sharingan that Danzo finally obtained was greatly reduced, making Danzo's plan to make a fortune from the Sharingan by taking advantage of this incident in vain.

Through the analysis of the above-mentioned events, it can be determined that at least one unplanned person was involved in this genocide against Uchiha.

With this series of accidents, the operation to annihilate the Uchiha clan could only be said to be half successful, but this half-successful plan made Danzo feel even more uneasy.

Danzo is very aware of the potential of the Uchiha clan's bloodline, and hatred can maximize Uchiha's potential. The thirty or so Uchiha clan members outside were a hidden bomb to Konoha. Danzo had reason to believe that the person who took away those children knew the truth about the genocide of the Uchiha clan, and it was even very possible that this person was the one who did this to the root ninjas under him. If this person told the truth to the Uchiha people, let them If one develops hatred towards Konoha and attempts revenge, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Thinking this, the white figure flashed through Danzo's mind. Danzo had reason to suspect that Ryūha was involved in this incident, and she also had the strength to participate.


Danzo gritted his teeth in a low voice and said that in Danzo's mind at this moment, the Kusachi clan led by Kusachi Ryuu was far more threatening than the Uchiha who couldn't even find a few Kaiyan clan members. After all, Uchiha's threat comes from the future, but Kusachi Ryūha's threat is real.

Thinking of the last time the root elites had no choice but to face Ryūha, Danzo felt scared. But at this critical moment, the third generation actually ordered that he be relieved of his position as the Hokage's assistant and let the ANBU directly under the Hokage to strictly enforce the roots of himself and his subordinates. Monitor.

PS: In the conversation between Itachi and the third generation after massacring the clan, it can be seen that the third generation knew about the existence of the masked man and Akatsuki.

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