Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 263: Bearing the hatred of a clan!

Outside Konoha Village, Ryūha and Izumi Uchiha stood on the top of a giant tree, silently looking at Konoha Village in the distance. With Ryukyu's familiarity with Konoha and his own strength, it is not difficult to sneak out with Izumi Uchiha.

Looking at Konoha Village in the distance, Liu Yu couldn't help but sigh. This time, I don't know if I have succeeded or failed. The original plan to solve Danzo and save the Uchiha clan has not been achieved.

But the development of things did not go as planned in the original work. The Uchiha clan left a legacy due to the transaction between themselves and Uchiha Fugaku, and they would not let Uchiha Sasuke carry the family banner alone like the original work. , the Uchiha clan will open a new chapter in Yueyin Village. As for Danzo, if he has been hiding in Konoha Village without support from within Konoha, there is really nothing he can do.

To be honest, Liu Yu didn't know whether he was right in accepting Uchiha's remnants. After all, Uchiha's special source of emotions and power might not produce another powerful clan member. What if after knowing the truth of the matter, they decide to fight against the Leaf Village? At that time, it is very likely to trigger a war between the two villages, and even a new ninja war is not impossible.

"Lord Liuyu, is all this true?"

Just when Ruiyu was thinking wildly, Uchiha Izumi spoke. There was a hint of hope in her voice. She wanted to know the truth of the matter, but she was afraid that the truth would be too heavy for her to face.

"What do you want to know?"

Ryuyu did not answer directly, but turned around and stared directly into Uchiha Izumi's eyes and asked.


Being stared at by Liu Yu, Uchiha Izumi subconsciously avoided Liu Yu's gaze, not knowing what to answer.

"Things may be too heavy for you to bear. You'd better think it through before asking me!"

Seeing Uchiha Izumi like this, Liu Yu didn't know what the little Guliang in front of him was thinking in his mind. It was Uchiha Obito who directly attacked the police force and her, which undoubtedly made her feel lucky.


A trace of struggle flashed in Quan's eyes.

"Please tell me! Lord Ryūha!"

But then, Quan strengthened his belief and bowed heavily to Liuyu, with a hint of determination in his voice!

"Have you really decided?"

Liu Yu was a little surprised that Uchiha Izumi made the decision so quickly. Originally, she thought it would take at least a few months for Uchiha Izumi to recover!

Uchiha Izumi nodded heavily. No matter how heavy the facts were, she had to bear them. This was the responsibility she had to shoulder as an Uchiha clansman.

"In that case!"

Seeing that Uchiha Izumi had made up his mind, Ryūyu no longer hesitated.

"You know the problems of your clan, right?"

Liu Yu asked back first. If he remembered correctly, as an open-eyed clan member, Uchiha Izumi also participated in the gathering of the Uchiha clan, and was also one of the few Uchiha clan members who supported Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Izumi was silent for a while, then nodded. The Uchiha clan's dissatisfaction with the top management of Konoha, and the village's rejection of Uchiha, basically anyone who has opened the Sharingan knows what is going on.

Seeing Izumi Uchiha nodding, Liu Yu continued: "The cause of the matter must start with the Nine-Tails Rebellion."

Later, Ryūha told Uchiha Izumi everything he knew, from the masked man releasing the Nine-Tails and causing tragedy, bringing the confrontation between Uchiha and Konoha to the forefront, to his meeting with Uchiha Shisui, and then with Uchiha Namifugaku's deal.

It can be said that, except that the masked man's true identity is Uchiha Obito, with the convenience of Ryūha, a time traveler, Uchiha Izumi knows everything that should be known and should not be known.

After listening, Uchiha Izumi's expression kept changing, and finally he smiled miserably. It was indeed Uchiha Itachi who participated in leading the genocide, and the masked man was just a helper invited by Uchiha Itachi. This fact made Uchiha Izumi, who loved Uchiha Itachi, temporarily confused.

Although the tragedy of genocide was driven by Konoha's top brass, Uchiha Itachi was undoubtedly the executioner who betrayed Uchiha and had his hands stained with the blood of his tribe.

"So? What's your decision?"

Seeing Quan's changing expression, Liu Yu sighed in his heart, not knowing whether what he was doing was right or not. Although people in the Naruto world are generally precocious, and Itachi was evaluated by the third generation as being able to think like Naruto at the age of 7, this truth is still too heavy for Uchiha Izumi, except for those who are still in the Moon Hidden Village. She had nothing left except the Uchiha children.

"I need power!"

After a long time, Uchiha Izumi, who had come back to his senses, looked at Liuyu speaking word by word. Although his voice was very soft, it contained a hint of firmness and determination.

If nothing else, she should be the only Uchiha who has opened the Sharingan except for the mysterious masked man and Uchiha Itachi that night, and those two are undoubtedly the current Uchiha clan's mortal enemies. In other words, the burden of the Uchiha clan has unknowingly fallen on her shoulders.

In order to protect Uchiha, she needs strength, and the person in front of her, this former legend of Konoha, is undoubtedly the best source of strength for her.


Seeing Uchiha Izumi's determined look, Liu Yu sighed in his heart. Sure enough, there are only a few beings like Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui who transcend the clan. In the hearts of most people, the ethnic group is still bigger than the village, and even I belong to the so-called majority.

Looking at Liu Yu's questioning eyes, Uchiha Izumi nodded heavily. This was her unavoidable fate as an Uchiha.

Faced with the tragedy of genocide, Uchiha Izumi still could not choose to forgive Uchiha Itachi. In other words, she couldn't find a reason to forgive Uchiha Itachi.

Sasuke in later generations could forgive Uchiha Itachi because his life was obtained by Uchiha Itachi at the expense of his clan. Uchiha Itachi was still the brother who loved him. And after his death, Sasuke was able to transfer his previous hatred for Uchiha Itachi to the top of Konoha.

To Uchiha Izumi and other Uchiha tribesmen who were supposed to die on the night of the genocide, Uchiha Itachi was just an executioner who betrayed his tribe and had his hands stained with the blood of his tribe.

When faced with enemies and traitors, people often hate traitors more. As for the entire Uchiha clan, the only one who can forgive Uchiha Itachi is Uchiha Sasuke after knowing the truth.

To other Uchiha clan members, the top brass of Konoha were enemies, and Uchiha Itachi was a shame to the Uchiha clan. The moment Uchiha Itachi chose to massacre the clan to save the village, they could no longer coexist.

"For the sake of a clan, would you not hesitate even if that person is your former lover?"

Looking at Uchiha Izumi, Liu Yu asked in a solemn voice, wanting to know whether Uchiha Izumi had really made up his mind. Carrying the burden of the clan at the tender age of thirteen, Liu Yu saw a few traces of his own past in her.

As Uchiha Izumi opened the Sharingan earlier than Uchiha Itachi, and achieved the existence of three magatama at the age of thirteen, his own talent is not bad. Coupled with the drive of revenge and the guidance of Ryūha, he may not be unable to achieve the same level as Uchiha Itachi. The height of Uchiha Itachi's battle.

Uchiha Izumi just looked at Liu Yu silently, but his firm eyes said everything.

PS: According to Naruto's official novel "The True Story of Itachi", Uchiha Izumi opened the Sharingan after witnessing the death of his mother during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and had reached the level of three Magatama on the night of the genocide.

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