Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 288 Old friend!

S: Please collect and pay attention!

After the third generation old man said what he should pay attention to, Liu Yu, who had made a small fortune, was going to take his students to have a barbecue to celebrate. The barbecue restaurant he chose was also his favorite when he was still in Konoha.

But before waiting for the barbecue restaurant, Liu Yu met an old friend.

At this moment, on the street, two Konoha ninjas, one big and one small, wearing green tights, with thick eyebrows and watermelon heads that seemed to be carved out of the same mold, with forehead protectors tied around their waists, were walking upside down with heavy loads.

There is no doubt that the older one is Konoha's blue beast, Metkai, and the younger one is Rock Lee.

"Li! This time you failed the Chuunin exam, you will be punished by walking around the village 100 times while standing on your head and carrying weights. You will not be allowed to eat until you finish walking. At the same time, as your teacher, I am also responsible for this failure. I will accompany you. Complete these 100 laps.”

Akai encouraged Xiao Li loudly while setting punishment training for him.

"Yes! Teacher Kai!"

Xiao Li seemed to be moved by Akai walking upside down with him, and his eyes were watery as he answered.

Then the two of them walked upside down while shouting something like this is youth! Completely ignoring the looks from the people around him like they were idiots.


The corners of Liu Yu's mouth kept twitching. After so many years, A Kai still looked the same. I just don’t know who has won more times in the competition between him and Kakashi?

"Is this so hard?"

Seeing this scene, several little guys from Yueyin Village were also surprised. They did not expect that there would be such an almost perverted way of practicing.

“No wonder this watermelon head is so powerful.

Cang Yeming, who had a tie with Xiao Li, seemed serious at the moment. He was not as cheerful as usual. He obviously didn't expect the other party to work so hard, and at the same time he admired the other party's efforts and persistence.

"How far did you push him?"

Liu Yu also asked casually. He only knew that Cang Yeming and Xiao Li had a tie, but he didn't know the specific situation.

"Four doors, but that should be his limit."

Cang Yeming replied with lingering fear, presumably because he was afraid of Xiao Li's stormy attack.

"You are wrong, he should be able to open another door!"

Liu Yu shook her head. Knowing the original text, she naturally knew that Xiao Li's current limit was five gates, but Cang Yeming was able to push Xiao Li to four gates without falling behind. It was already very good.

"Fifth door, right? Then I underestimated this watermelon head!"

Cang Yeming nodded cautiously. On this trip, Cang Yeming found that he was not Minato in this ninja world. There were too many people who were stronger than him in the ninja world.

He still needs to strengthen his strength!

After the two of them were far away, Neji and Tian Tian, ​​who were lagging behind, dared to step out. After all, they were not shameless enough to ignore the eyes of the people around them.

"It's you!"

After all, the two of them were not walking upside down, which blocked their sight, and they were not like Akai who couldn't recognize people. Therefore, as soon as he saw Riuyu and his group, Neji stopped in his tracks and stared at Gen Uchiha with a pair of white eyes, his eyes flashing with a strong fighting spirit.

"I will definitely defeat you next time!"

Looking at Uchiha Gen among the crowd, Neji said slowly. As a renowned genius of the Hyuga clan, Neji had never failed before the Chunin Exam. This was his first taste of failure.

"Always waiting!"

Facing Neji's invitation to fight, Uchiha Gen just smiled softly and then agreed. This was the confidence derived from his own strength.

Meeting Kaiban on the road was just an interlude, and then Liuyu and others continued to the barbecue restaurant under the leadership of Liuyu.

As soon as he arrived at the barbecue restaurant, Liu Yu heard a few conversations coming from the store.

"Waiter, twenty more barbecues!"

This was Choji's voice. As he spoke, he put the meat rolls on the remaining plates into the baking pan to make room.

"Hey! Choji, eat less! You are now"

This was Shikamaru's voice. It was obvious that Shikamaru felt that Choji was too fat now, but before he could finish speaking, Ino on his side covered his mouth. At this moment, Choji's eyes suddenly widened, waiting for Shikamaru's next sentence.

"Haha! It's not in the way, it's not in the way. Just open it and eat it. Asuma-sensei pays the bill anyway."

This was Ino's voice, covering Shikamaru's mouth while trying to smooth things over. Shikamaru also reacted quickly, and he almost revealed Choji's taboo.

Hearing Ino's words, the corner of Asuma's mouth twitched slightly, and at the same time, his right hand reached to his waist and touched his purse, checking whether there was enough for Choji to continue eating like this.

Seeing this, Ryūha showed a trace of nostalgia. When she was still in Konoha, she would come here with Asuma and Kurenai to have barbecue to celebrate after every mission.

"Teacher, this way."

Dong Yuefeng didn't pay that much attention. After choosing a seat, she called Liu Yu to sit down.


After Liu Yu responded, she followed him. She didn't come back to reminisce this time.

As luck would have it, the only vacancy in the barbecue restaurant at the moment was right next to Asuma and the others, which also meant that there was only one aisle between them and they could see each other.

"It's them?"

Seeing Sata Akizawa and others take their seats, Ino's eyes narrowed, obviously he was upset about the fact that his team's scroll was taken away. Dingji didn't think much about it and was still eating the barbecue. Shikamaru had an indifferent attitude. For him, the Chuunin Exams were over, and it was better to stay away from such troubles.

"It's actually them?"

Seeing Shikamaru and others, Akizawa Yata was also a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet them while eating barbecue.

"Hey! Do you know each other?"

Seeing Ino's appearance, Asuma let out a light sigh. Because his student failed to pass the second chunin exam, Asuma did not go to the central tower to watch the preliminaries. At the same time, Asuma did not have high hopes for his students to pass the Chuunin exam this time. After all, they were just a group of newly graduated genin. There was no need to be too harsh on them. This time they should gain experience and open their eyes. .

Precisely because of this, Asuma didn't quite know what Ino and his party encountered in the Forest of Death. He only knew that they were eliminated.

"This is the team of guys that you and I told you to defeat us and take away our scrolls."

Ino stared at Sata Akizawa across from him and said through gritted teeth. After finishing speaking, he turned back to look at Choji who was holding a large piece of meat in his mouth, and Shikamaru who looked indifferent, lamenting in his heart why such a handsome person is enemy. Also, wouldn’t such a handsome guy know how to show mercy and let him go? He actually snatched the scroll from his hand so ruthlessly.

Souta Akizawa naturally noticed Ino's sizing, and turned around and smiled gently at Ino. Anyway, there is no deep hatred between the two parties, and it is good to look at the beautiful women to be eye-catching.

"What's wrong, are you interested in Konoha's little mushroom?"

Seeing this, Liu Yu got a bad taste and made a joke. At the same time, I began to imagine what would happen if Sata Akizawa robbed Sai's future wife?

"Otherwise, you can stay in Konoha!"

Perhaps due to Liu Yu's influence, Dong Yuelin also started joking.

"Teacher Lin, what are you doing?"

When the two said this, Akizawa Sata seemed a little embarrassed and his face turned slightly red. And Akizawa Souta's shy and sunny smile made Ino across from him even more angry. Why didn't his two teammates have such attractive smiles?

"Yueyin Village?"

After all, Asuma is Konoha's elite jounin, so he will naturally not stay on the surface when he sees problems. He remembered that this Yueyin Village seemed to be a small ninja village established a few years ago. He did not expect that their strength was so strong. This time, four people were promoted to the official selection, more than Konoha and Sagakure.

While thinking about it, Asuma looked at the two Tsukigakure Village instructor jounin opposite, and was a little curious about how they trained such powerful students.

"Why don't you say hello to your old teammates?"

Dong Yuelin asked jokingly while grilling meat skillfully. She knew that Asuma was Ryūha's teammate when they were in Konoha.

Liu Yu was speechless, raised her head and rolled her eyes at Dong Yuelin. She didn't know that their identities needed to be kept secret this time.

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