Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 289: Pervert and Bigger Pervert?

In a well-known hot spring inside Konohagena Village, Ryūha and others chose to enjoy it here. Hot springs are also considered a special sign of Konoha. After finally coming to Konoha, there is no reason to miss such a good opportunity.

Hot spring indoor.

Dong Yuelin gently stretched her waist, showing off her jade-white skin and graceful figure. Then she took off her bathrobe and gently stepped into the pool with her jade feet. When his whole body was submerged in the water and he felt the warm spring wrapping around him, he couldn't help but groan softly subconsciously.

However, all this has long lost its appeal to Liuyu, who has lived in this world for more than twenty years as a woman. As early as when Ryūha was a baby, Kusanagi always took her to take baths with her. If it were still the time when Liu Yu came to this world, maybe Liu Yu would still be looking forward to it, but now she has long been used to it.

"Teacher Lin still has such a good figure?"

Looking at Fuyuki Lin's proud curves, Fuuma Sasame at the airport couldn't help but feel inferior and buried his entire body in the spring water. I obviously drink milk every day, but why don’t I

"Why are you thinking about all this, little girl?"

Dong Yuelin chuckled twice, stretched out her hand and gently rubbed Fuuma Sasame's head.

"I'm not a kid anymore!"

Fuma Sasame muttered dissatisfiedly.

"By the way, Teacher Liuyu, why do you want He to use ice escape to create a protective curtain around the hot spring?"

Fuyuki Kaede didn't have the same worries as Fuma Sasame, but she was more curious about why Ryūha had to ask Minazukihe to create an opaque ice curtain after entering the bathhouse, and even refused to take off her clothes before the ice curtain was made.

Could it be that he was worried about the boys next door peeping?

"If they dare to look at me, I'll dig out their eyes!"

Shuiwu Yuehe said coldly. As soon as these words came out, the originally misty hot spring compartment instantly dropped by two degrees.


Hearing this, Dong Yuefeng rolled her eyes. Everyone who knows Shui Wuyuehe's temperament knows that she is not joking, Shuiwu Yuehe can really do it.

At the same time, Uchiha Gen, Akizawa Souta and Soyami shivered uncontrollably at the same time in the hot spring room next door. After the chills passed, the three of them looked at each other, wondering what had happened, or was there something weird about the hot spring water?

"It's still so comfortable!"

Lying on her back on the pool wall, feeling the hot spring water surrounding her body, Liu Yu whispered to herself softly, without answering Dong Yuefeng's question.

She asked Minazuki He to create a layer of ice curtain to prevent people from peeping, but she was not guarding her students, but a certain pervert who was famous in the ninja world.

As early as when she entered this hot spring shop, she sensed a certain big pervert who claimed to be a great writer and liked to do voyeuristic things in order to draw materials for his works.

Liuyu had to guard against such a big pervert who was famous in the ninja world!

"A sneeze"

In the hot spring passage area, a certain uncle with a dirty look on his face was squatting outside the ladies' bathroom and peeping. He suddenly sneezed without warning, and this sneeze also made everyone in the room who was peeping aware of it.

All of a sudden, women's screams, cries of catching perverts, and the collision of water basins could be heard.

On the other side, Ebisu, who was originally instructing Naruto to walk on water, suddenly felt a sense of justice after hearing the sound of catching the pervert.

As an elite teacher in Konoha, he would never allow such shameless things to happen under his nose. Ebisu immediately decided to step forward to serve the majority of female comrades in Konoha, no, to help the majority of Konoha women catch perverts.

However, Ebisu obviously did not recognize the identity of the person in front of him, otherwise he would not have entered so rashly. After discovering Ebisu rushing toward him, Jiraiya didn't panic at all. He formed a seal with one hand and summoned Toadada to teach Ebisu a lesson.

Ebisu was attacked by Toma Chu, and before his body had time to react, he was controlled by Toma Chu's big tongue and hit the ground and fainted.

On the other side, after Naruto once again failed to climb out of the 60-degree hot spring water, he found that his instructor Ebisu had fainted.

After seeing Ebisu who had fallen to the ground and passed out completely, and Jiraiya who was peeping into the women's bathroom with a lewd smile in front of him, the thought that flashed through Naruto's mind was that Ebisu, a big pervert, was being raped by this super big guy in front of him. The pervert was struck down.

After using Thousand Kills to confirm that Ebisu would not be able to wake up for the time being, Naruto loudly asked who was this person in front of him? After all, Ebisu is the training instructor that Kakashi-sensei specially found for him. If Ebisu faints, who will guide him in his training?

If I hadn't practiced and grown in this month, how could I have passed the Chuunin Exam, become Hokage, married Sakura, and successfully reached the pinnacle of life?

"That's a good question?"

"I am Taoist Taoist Toad Elf Sensu of Mt. Myoboku, known as Toad Immortal, and I am also called Jiraiya!"

Hearing Naruto ask this, Jiraiya became interested. Immediately, he shook his long silver hair and put on a funny pose on Toadada's body. He started to babble and scream, and Toadada underneath him also posed in coordination with Jiraiya.

"Toad Immortal?"

"What kind of immortal are you like this?"

"You are just a big pervert! If you have to call yourself an immortal, you would be called a pervert."

But obviously, Naruto didn't follow Jiraiya's example, so he gave Jiraiya the nickname of "Lawful Sage". In Naruto's opinion, this guy who watches outside the women's bathhouse is the most suitable name.

Listening to the strange noise and commotion coming from outside, Dong Yuefeng lay aside curiously and looked at Liu Yu curiously. Because there is an ice curtain on their side, they are not worried about the spring light leaking out. Dong Yuefeng was curious that Teacher Liuyu was right again, that a pervert really came to the women's bathhouse to spy on her.

Thinking of this, Dong Yuefeng couldn't help but wonder if Liu Yu could predict the future. Otherwise, how could he know in advance that a pervert was coming to spy on the women's bathhouse? Although Teacher Liuyu is good at perception, you can't tell who is a pervert, right?

And last time, why would Liuyu bet on Naruto who seemed to have no chance of winning? No one thought highly of that silly boy at that time. Could it be that Teacher Liuyu had a premonition of the appearance of that P?

If you guess right once, forget it, but what happens if you guess twice in a row? No matter how powerful a sentient ninja is, he can't do this, right?

Seeing Dong Yuefeng's eyes full of curiosity, Liu Yu seemed confused and didn't know what was wrong with this girl.

"Okay! You can take down the ice curtain. The big pervert has left."

After more than ten minutes, Liuyu breathed a sigh of relief when he felt Jiraiya's chakra fluctuations leaving with Naruto. As a woman, especially a beautiful woman, when she met Jiraiya while soaking in a hot spring, she couldn't tolerate being careless.

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