Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 300: Immortal Technique. Wind Escape. Spiral Shuriken

Upon hearing this, Yu Liang's eyes froze for a long time, and his eyes seemed to look at Liu Yu in disbelief.

Previously, he thought that this was all Liuyu's strength. After all, if Liuyu's strength was only like this, he didn't need to worry too much, but now it seems

Liuyu moved his steps gently, not giving Yu Liangjiubian much time to think about it.

"Tap tap tap----"

The stepping footsteps seemed to step on Urajiu Mi's heart. The closer Liu Yu got to him, the more irritable he felt inside. His intuition told him that he could not let this woman get closer.

"Fire Escape Ninja Technique, Dragon Flame Slash."

Ura Kumi took action quickly, and kept retreating in order to distance himself. At the same time, he swung the long sword with his right hand and slashed with a spinning slash. A huge fire dragon protruded along the path of the long sword. The fire dragon roared and rushed towards Liu Yu.

Liu Yu smiled coldly, raised his right hand high, and swung his sword down when the fire dragon burst in front of him. The huge fire escape flame dragon was instantly cut into two, and a violent explosion broke out. The fire dragon's scorching air flow flashed to both sides, setting the street buildings on fire, but not hurting Liu Yu.

"Did you make it?"

Looking at the blazing flames in the distance, Urajikumi asked himself, but he also knew that it was probably a delusion to defeat Ryūha with this move.

Soon, a figure walked out of the blazing fire. His clothes were the same as Liu Yu's before. The only difference was that the long hair flying behind him had turned black.

Liu Yu has already entered immortal mode.

"This is"

Relying on instinct, Urajiumi felt that there was a big difference between the current Ryūyu and the previous Ryūyu. But he didn't know what the difference was.

The next moment, Liu Yu moved, not giving Urajiumi any time to think. The figure disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared in front of Urajiu Mi, Urajiu Mi had already seen the cold light on the edge of the knife that was growing in his eyes.

Urya Kyūmi subconsciously raised his sword to strike, but this time he was not as calm as before. Urya Kyūmi felt a violent shaking in his right hand, and the blade of the blade made a clanking sound. The force was so strong that he almost lost his balance in his hand. knife.

However, things were obviously not going to be that simple. Liu Yu changed the trajectory of the blade at the moment when the blades struck each other, and the long blade passed by the wrist of Urajiumi's right hand holding the blade.

The next moment, Yu Liangjiu felt a cool feeling coming from the wrist of his right hand, and then a long knife flew up, along with the wrist holding the long knife.

"you are too slow."

After cutting off Ura Kumi's right hand, Liu Yu did not stop, but teleported to behind Ura Kumi again and whispered softly behind his ear.

Listening to Liu Yu's devilish whisper, Yu Liang realized that his right hand had been chopped off by Liu Yu at some point.

Feeling the severe pain coming from his right hand, Yu Liangjiu's face instantly turned extremely pale, with a few drops of thick sweat dripping from his forehead.

However, Ura Kumi, who was aware of the current situation, did not give up. Instead, he tightly covered his right wrist with his left hand to prevent the continued loss of blood. At the same time, he endured the severe pain in his hand. He turned over and jumped several times to temporarily pull away from Ryūha. Keep the distance and avoid exposing your back.

Liu Yu just looked at Ura Kumi coldly and did not take this opportunity to kill Ura Kumi. She had plenty of time to play with him tonight.

The next moment, a large ball of fluorescent green embodied chakra appeared on Ura Kumi's left hand. Ura Kumi could actually use medical ninjutsu? This was beyond Liu Yu's expectation.

With the use of hemostasis, the severe pain from the wrist was relieved a lot, and his complexion gradually returned to normal.

But the shadow in Yu Liangjiujian's heart became thicker and thicker. Liuyu was too fast just now. He was good at using wind escape to increase body skills, and he lacked reaction time.

This kind of reaction speed was completely different from the previous Ryūha, and even far exceeded the Uchiha Shisui he had seen who was famous for his instant body technique in the ninja world.


Seeing that Yu Liangjiu had almost stopped bleeding, Liu Yu raised the knife again and slowly walked towards him. The friction of the blade on the ground brought out bursts of metal sparks, as if it was being dragged on Urajiu's heart.

Looking at the blood dripping on the blade of Mikazuki Munikan's sword, Yu Liangjian's eyes flashed with deep fear. He knew clearly that Liu Yu had not yet used the full power of the sword.

The next moment, Urajiu Jian held his right arm that had lost his hand horizontally in front of him. He suddenly pulled open the wrist guard on his right arm with his left hand and pulled away the scroll tied to the arm guard.

After the scroll was pulled away, a large number of shurikens were instantly released and flew towards Yu Yu. At the same time, taking advantage of the temporary obstruction of the shurikens, Yu Liangjiu saw that his left hand was stained with a trace of his own blood, and he actually started to form seals with one hand.


"Psychic art!"

The black psychic talisman array appeared instantly, and the next moment, a huge goshawk appeared at Urajiumi's feet, and soon flapped its wings and carried Urajiumi up into the sky.

Urajiumi was very aware of his current situation. With one of his hands broken, he was no match for Ryūyu. He had to use some other strength.

"Wind Release, Vacuum Shuriken."

Ura Kumi continued to pull the scroll on his right arm, took out a Fuma shuriken and threw it at Ryūha. The goshawk under his feet also speeded up the flapping of its wings in time to attach the Wind Demon Shuriken with Wind Release Chakra.

The Fuma Shuriken attached to the Wind Release Chakra was extremely fast, and it suddenly rushed in front of Liu Yu in the blink of an eye. Liu Yu drew his sword sideways, and while avoiding the Fuma Shuriken's attack, he inserted the blade into it. The empty space in the middle of the Fuma Shuriken.

After that, Liu Yu spun around and jumped, throwing the Fuma shuriken on Mikazuki Munechika back again.

"Wind escape, vacuum jade."

Facing the Fuma shuriken thrown back by Ryū Yu, Urajikami spit out several extremely condensed wind escape light waves from his mouth with one hand seal to block it.

And Liu Yu who was underground did not just rest there. Instead, he inserted the Mikazuki Sokon in his hand at an angle to the surface, freed his hands and began to form seals quickly.

"Bamboo Escape, Bamboo Style Spear!"

Following a violent fluctuation of chakra, a seven-foot bamboo spear formed by condensation of chakra appeared in Liu Yu's hand. After aiming at the opponent, Liu Yu threw it violently.

The speed of the bamboo spear was very fast, and it approached the location of Urajiumi almost in an instant. However, I don't know if Liu Yu's distance estimation was wrong, but the bamboo gun exploded suddenly when it was still some distance away from the goshawk.

The explosion set off a huge air wave, forcing the goshawk to flap its wings faster to stabilize its body, but this was better than the bamboo spear exploding as it approached the goshawk.

But the next moment, Yu Liangjiu's face changed drastically, and Cang Ye at his feet also hurriedly flashed his wings, forming a huge whirlwind in an attempt to blow away the dust mist generated by the explosion.

But it was too late. A sword covered with crescent-shaped sword patterns on the blade had already broken out of the dust and mist. The blade was covered with wind attribute chakra, and it passed directly through the whirlwind and came to Urajiumi's side. around.


A painful eagle cry resounded high in the sky, and the huge wind blade under the Mikazuki Sect's recent increase directly cut the goshawk under Urajiumi's feet. With a burst of white mist, the goshawk disappeared and returned to the psychic world, and Urajiu Mi also fell from the sky.

The next moment, through Mikazuki Munechika's reverse summons, Ryūha was on top of Urajiumi. At the same time, Liuyu held a high-density chakra ball of bright blue color in his right hand. On the edge of the ball, there were four huge transparent white wind blades that were constantly rotating at high speed.

Harsh sounds continued to sound, but even in the harsh sounds of the wind, Ura Kumi still heard the true name of Ryū Yu's move.

"Immortal Technique, Wind Release Spiral Shuriken"

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