Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 305 The end of a war!

"Senma Wind Release Spiral Shuriken"

Ryuyu's cold voice without a trace of emotion gently reached Urajiumi's ears.

The sound of chissing through the air kept ringing in his ears. Hearing this death-like declaration, Ura Kumi subconsciously tried to avoid the "Wind Release Spiral Shuriken" thrown by Ryūha, but he fell freely in mid-air. There was simply no way for Urajiuma to avoid it. All Urajiuma could do was watch the huge wind release shuriken keep approaching him.

In the blink of an eye, the huge spiral shuriken directly hit Ura Kyumi's body, and the huge chakra flying blade knocked Ura Kyumi away. At the same time, the spiral shuriken formed a huge whirlwind and continuously surrounded Ura Kyumi's body. The body rotates.

This move was developed by Liuyu after he successfully learned the immortal mode in Jilinhai. Relying on Naruto's development process in the original work, Ryūha quickly integrated the wind attribute chakra into the Rasengan, allowing it to successfully evolve into the Wind Release Rasen Shuriken.

However, due to time constraints, Ryūha became the developer of this technique, and it was she, not Naruto, who accomplished the feat that even the fourth Hokage had not accomplished.

At the same time, because Ryuyu himself has mastered the chakra of Senjutsu, this technique was already in a 100% complete state when it came out. Instead of being in a semi-finished state like Naruto had originally, not only could it not be thrown and used, but it would also injure the user himself.

This Wind Release Spiral Shuriken move was also used in actual combat for the first time today. Before this, the enemies that Ryūyu faced were not strong enough to force Ryūyu to use this move. 【】

Of course, purely based on strength, Urajiumi is also not qualified. However, out of hatred for Urajiumi, Ryūha still used this move during this battle.

The seemingly huge Wind Release Spiral Shuriken is actually a collection of countless tiny blades. It can use the deformation and high-speed rotation of extremely high-density chakra to directly destroy the 130 trillion cells in the opponent's body from a microscopic angle. Its attack effect is Closer to toxins.

This move can be used to inflict the greatest pain on Urajiumi, the enemy of the Kusanazu clan. This is Ryūyu's greatest purpose.

"it's over!"

Looking at Yu Liangjian's falling body, Liu Yu took off his Kusanagi-nin forehead protector and threw it away gently.


There was a dull sound, and Ura Kumi's body fell heavily to the ground. Where Ura Kumi's body fell was the battle zone where the Tsukigakure ninja and Kusagakure ninja fought fiercely.

The sudden fall of the corpse attracted the attention of both parties involved in the fierce fighting. A Kusagakure ninja jumped several times and snatched Ura Kumi's body before the Tsukigakure ninjas. Of course, the Tsukigakure ninjas were not interested in this body either.

Then a medical ninja quickly came forward and tried to check on Ura Kumi's condition. But then, the ninja who checked Urajiumi's body seemed to have discovered something unbelievable. His eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe what he had discovered.

All the cells are dead. How is this possible? How could a pure ninjutsu attack reach this level?

"Yes, Lord Kuami"

Looking at the body that suddenly fell, a Kusagakure ninja's eyes were full of disbelief, and his voice couldn't stop trembling. As the village chief of Kusakure Village, and also the most powerful ninja in Kusagakure Village, Ura Kumi actually died like this.

And as soon as he said these words, the surrounding Kusanagi ninjas also felt something bad. Is it necessary to continue this war?

"Sister Liuyu succeeded?"

As the biggest enemy of the Kusachi clan, Yuta Kusachi naturally knew what Ura Hisumi looked like. At this moment, looking at the body of Ura Hisumi that fell to the ground, Yuta Kusachi felt a flash of joy in his heart.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Kusachi Yuta, the Tsukigakure ninjas present stepped up their offensive again. The Kusagakure ninjas who learned about the death of Urajiumi seemed to have lost their backbone, and were retreating steadily under the fierce offensive of the Tsukigakure ninjas.

At the same time, in other directions, the Tsukigakure ninja attacks have also made progress. A considerable number of Tsukigakure ninjas have destroyed the current Kusugakure defenses and successfully broke through to the core of Kusugakure Village.

On the other side, after successfully killing Ura Kumi, Ryūha threw Mikazuki Munechika and returned to the ground through reverse summoning.

But Liu Yu suddenly felt a void in his heart. After seeing this enemy for a long time, Liu Yu actually felt a little confused for a moment.

Liuyu froze on the spot, not continuing to lead the Yuekakure ninja to attack, and no longer paying attention to the fighting on both sides, as if the war she started had nothing to do with her.

Several Kusagakure ninjas tried to take this opportunity to deal with the lone Tsukigakure ninja, but before they could take the next step, the ground suddenly broke open, and a sharp and tough bamboo protruded directly. It penetrated the bodies of these people.

"What am I thinking!"

After coming back to his senses, Ryūha laughed at himself, then brought up Mikazuki Munechika again and continued the attack.

Ryyu walked step by step towards the hometown of the Kusanagi clan, and all the Kusanagi ninjas around who tried to attack her were pierced by the sharp tough bamboo.

Behind Liu Yu, a large number of Tsukigakure ninjas had gathered. They closely followed Liu Yu's progress and continued to advance the front.

Not far from the outskirts of Kusakure Village, here is the headquarters of the Tsukigakure ninja attack. Yuki Matsuri of the Intelligence Department constantly collects and analyzes intelligence from the front lines, and then mobilizes ninjas for corresponding reinforcements.

On the desk, a large map of Caoyin Village is spread out. It is divided into five major areas: A, B, C, D, and E. Each area is also divided into several subdivisions. community.

Yuki Matsuri Meisa kept writing on the map, and the various colored marking lines represented the offensive situation on the battlefield.

"Order the 7th, 8th, and 9th squads to immediately go to the A3 area to support the 10th squad and notify Zabuza-sama. After breaking through the E4 area, take people to the nearby D5 area to inform Fudang-sama that the C3 area is in urgent need of support."

Xueji Mingsha is constantly arranging the deployment of troops and making the most reasonable arrangements in time according to the battlefield situation.

On the side of Yuki Matsuri Mingsha are several sensory ninjas sitting cross-legged and meditating, surrounded by a sensory water ball with a diameter of tens of centimeters in the middle to sense the overall situation of the battlefield.

On the other side, there are several liaison ninjas who can sense with their eyes closed. They can promptly deliver orders from the headquarters to the troops ahead.

"Is this war?"

Outside the command room, Xiang Ling stared blankly at Caoyin Village, which was already in a sea of ​​flames not far ahead, and kept muttering in his mouth. Xiang Ling, who grew up in Caoyin Village, did not expect that Caoyin Village would be destroyed so quickly. However, seeing the destruction of Caoyin Village, Xiang Ling not only didn't feel any regret, but actually felt a little bit happy in his heart.

Behind him were the Uchiha Genroku who participated in the Konoha Chunin Examination last time. As genin, the seven of them were not among the participating units. As representatives of the new generation of ninjas in Tsukiyakure Village, this kind of expendable war was not suitable for them.

This time, Liu Yu specially summoned them here to let them witness the destruction of Kusakure Village and let them know what kind of world the ninja world is.

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