Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 330 A new beginning!

When the first ray of fog dispersed in the morning, and with the sound of creaking wheel axles in the distance, a smaller convoy slowly drove into the forest.

This convoy is the caravan that Liu Yu needs to escort this time. The interior is the same as the last time. The two carriages in the middle are filled with jewelry. The vehicles in the front and rear of the convoy are mainly loaded with some daily necessities for traveling.

As for Naruto, he followed the first carriage and looked helplessly at the little fanboy on the carriage. On the carriage, a little boy wearing a dark blue suit with bright blush on his cheeks looked at his "ninja" brother with admiration.

To be honest, Naruto never expected to see Bang Rizuo here. I originally thought that I would never see him again after getting rid of this little kid on the "Ninja One-day Experience Mission" last time, but I didn't expect that I would run into him this time when I went on a mission with Liu Yu.

Is this also destiny?

"I really didn't expect that Ms. Liuyu would take on this mission. Taking on such a mission at your current level is considered condescending. It's rare for me to take advantage of Yueyin Village."

On the second carriage, Bang Riji said with emotion on his face.

After Liu Yu completed his escort mission, with his keen vision gained from years of hard work in the mall, he determined that Liu Yu would not be a mediocre character and would definitely shine in the ninja world in the future, so he joined Liu Yu I gave you the chakra gem necklace as a farewell gift.

The subsequent results did not go beyond Kunihima's expectations. As the youngest Jonin in Konoha, Ryūha first served as the captain of the Shadow Guards of the Fourth Hokage, and then successively established himself in the conflicts with Kumogakure and Iwagakure. She made great achievements, and even shone brightly during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. She was the most popular in Konoha for a while, and even the Daimyo of the Land of Fire invited her to join the Twelve Guardian Ninjas many times.

If nothing unexpected happens, and if things continue to develop according to the situation at that time, it is very likely that Ryūha will succeed the Fifth Hokage.

But things are often so unexpected. Just when Ryūha's development in Konoha was at its peak, the news came out that Ryuyu Kusana attacked and killed the Fire Country daimyo and then defected to Konoha with his entire family.

To be honest, like most people, Bang Ri's first reaction when he saw the news was disbelief. After all, with Ryūha's status in Konoha, there is really no reason to risk dragging down the clan to attack and kill the Fire Country Daimyo.

But sometimes the result is more important than the process. After Liu Yu assassinated the Fire Nation daimyo, the cause of the matter was no longer important. What was important was to solve the traitorous ninja who was extremely dangerous to Konoha. Of course, Danzo's various behind-the-scenes operations are also indispensable.

Since then, Ryuyu and the Kususen clan have basically lost news in the ninja world.

As for Yueyin Village, Bang Riji did not connect it with Liu Yu at first. Although I have some understanding of this new ninja village in the ninja world, I haven't paid much attention to it.

It wasn't until the last chuunin exam, after seeing the outstanding performance of the genin of Tsukigakure Village, that like many rich people in the Land of Fire, Bunichi began to pay attention to the emerging force of Tsukigakure Village.

And shocking news always comes one after another.

Not long after the Konoha Chunin Examination, news came that Kusanagi Ryuha led his people to attack Kusagakure Village and destroyed it in one fell swoop. Later, Tsukigakure Village fought successively with Iwagakure Village and gained the upper hand. .

Such news undoubtedly shocked the jaws of everyone in the ninja world. When did a rebel nin become so awesome? The Ninja Village was established openly and obtained legal status.

What was even more surprising was that Konohagakure later announced that it had revoked the Kusachi clan's status as a rebel ninja, causing many people who were already doubtful about what happened back then to become suspicious.

You must know that in dealing with the relations between these countries, the Daimyo of the Fire Country maintains a high degree of consistency with the Hokage of Konoha. Now that Konoha has announced that the Kusasen clan's status as a rebel ninja has been cancelled, the current Daimyos of the Fire Country must have acquiesced.

In short, in this ninja world where strength is respected, Liu Yu relies on his own strength and efforts to lead the clan to the sun again, and leads the clan to prosperity again.

That is to say, after Ruiyu led Tsukigakure Village to successfully establish a foothold in the ninja world, Kunichima decided to transfer part of the trust to Tsukigakure Village. Originally, I just wanted to make friends with Yueyin Village, but I didn't expect that for the first time, I met Liu Yu personally performing a security mission for them. It has to be said that fate is such a coincidence.

"Mr. Bang Riji, you are joking!"

Liu Yu didn't have much reaction to this, he just smiled softly from the side.


At this moment, as the ground trembled, a giant bear about ten meters high quickly jumped out, then lifted up the giant tree in front of it with a palm and came to the front of the convoy, blocking the path of the convoy.

Bang Riji did not panic in the face of this sudden commotion. Instead, he looked at Liu Yu in the car. As long as Liu Yu was in the convoy, he would be absolutely safe.

Liu Yu, who was regarded as the backbone by everyone, still leaned on the car and did not move. Instead, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, obviously not taking this giant bear seriously. Then Liu Yu shouted to Naruto who was eager to try not far away: "Naruto, let me see now what are the results of your hard work in the past two months?"

This was what Naruto was waiting for. As soon as Liu Yu finished speaking, Naruto quickly protruded and came to the front of the convoy to block the giant bear.

"It seems that Miss Liuyu trusts your disciple very much!"

Seeing that Liu Yu was relieved to let Naruto take action, Bang Riji didn't say much. As long as Liu Yu escorted his caravan to reach its destination safely, he did not need to intervene in the specific escort operations. But his words seemed to mean something.

Bang Hikari obviously also noticed Naruto's unusualness. After all, the leader of Tsukigakure Village accepted a Konoha genin as his disciple without attracting attention, especially since Ryūha was once a super "S" level traitor in Konoha. Tolerate.

And Liuyu was able to transfer the chakra gem necklace he gave her to this Konoha genin. Obviously, the relationship between the two is not as simple as master and disciple.

"Mr. Kunichima, you should remember that I was once the captain of the Shadow Guard of the Fourth Hokage!"

Liu Yu rolled his eyes slightly when he heard this. Dealing with these smart people is troublesome. A lot can be seen through just a little bit of flaw. But fortunately, this is not an urgent problem, just like most of the heads of Konoha's major families actually know Naruto's identity.

"I see!"

Bang Ri nodded understandingly, and since Liu Yu mentioned this, he didn't hesitate to ask more questions.

PS: Bang Rizuo comes from Episode 174 of Naruto’s original plot, The Art of Golden Escape. Under Tsunade's coaxing, Naruto accepted a one-day ninja experience trip from Bang Rizuo, the son of a jeweler, and Bang Rizuo followed Naruto to learn the life of a ninja.

Bang Riji, who appears in Chapters 126 to 137 of the book, is set to be Bang Rizuo's father, and he also appeared at the end of Episode 174.

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