Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 331: Naughty kid!


The giant bear looked up to the sky and roared angrily, its huge beast eyes passed directly over Naruto who was blocking the way, and focused on Liu Yu through the convoy. Liu Yu just raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and thought to herself: "Have you finally discovered it?"

Bang Riji, who was on the side, narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and had a hunch in his heart that this giant bear was brought by Liu Yu. As for Liu Yu’s purpose of recruiting this giant bear?

While thinking about it, Bangri turned his attention to Naruto who was facing the giant bear in front of the motorcade.

Looking at the menacing giant bear in front of him, Naruto couldn't help it at this time. First, the signature seal summoned five shadow clones, and then four shadow clones stepped forward to restrain and interfere with the giant bear, delaying time for the main body.

As for the remaining shadow clone, it joined forces with Naruto's body to start charging the Rasengan. Since Teacher Liuyu asked her to take action, it meant that what she wanted to see was the result of her practice during this period of time.

In this case, the only choice is to use that one! ! !

When the ordinary Rasengan was formed, Naruto and the shadow clone did not stop to continue inputting chakra, but moved towards the target of the Otama Rasengan.

Soon, the expressions of Naruto and the shadow clones changed, becoming a little bit surprised and mixed with a little bit of surprise. In the past process, whenever they wanted to turn the Rasengan into the Otama Rasengan, something would go wrong. Once there was too much chakra, the Rasengan sphere would become extremely unstable, and even the slightest control would be unstable. , the spiral pill will explode in advance.

But today everything seemed particularly relaxed, as if everything came naturally, without any sluggishness. The sphere of the Rasengan gradually grew in size, and the chakra turbulence inside showed no trace of instability.

Seeing the change in Naruto's expression in front of him and the increasing size of the Rasengan in his hand, Liu Yu smiled slightly. It seemed that the practice of climbing the waterfall during this period was still effective.

On the other side, the giant bear swooped forward, its huge body not clumsy at all. As the giant palm waved, the two shadow clones were unable to dodge and were shot away.

The remaining two shadow clones quickly dodged, and then rushed in from the left and right at the same time, and each threw shurikens and kunai to distract the giant bear.

But at this time, the giant bear was charging forward regardless. After all, with the giant bear's rough skin and thick flesh, these ordinary kunai could not hurt him at all.

The next moment, a kunai with a smoke bomb tied to its tail shot past the giant bear.


A large amount of smoke dispersed in front of the giant bear with the explosion, temporarily blocking the giant bear's sight and forcing the giant bear to slow down.

Naruto on the other side was waiting for this moment. The shadow clone that had previously cooperated with him in rolling the Rasengan quickly jumped to the front and squatted, while Naruto's body held the Dayama Rasengan in a few steps to accelerate, and then stepped on it. Taking advantage of the shadow clone's own strength, he leapt into the air and arrived in front of the giant bear.

When the giant bear waved his palm to disperse the smoke in front of him, the huge beast eyes couldn't help but shrink subconsciously, just because Naruto had already raised the big jade Rasengan and slammed it down.

The Otama Rasengan hit the giant bear's head right in the head, and the giant bear had no time to dodge and endured the blow. With the huge roar of the Otama Rasengan, the giant bear could no longer control his body, and his body fell to the side uncontrollably.

As soon as the giant bear fell to the ground, dozens of broad grass stems protruded from the ground, tightly restraining the giant bear to prevent it from breaking free and fighting again.

Seeing the giant bear being knocked down by one of his own moves and then losing the ability to resist, Naruto excitedly high-fived his shadow clone and cheered loudly on the side. After months of hard training, I finally mastered this technique.

Afterwards, Naruto, who recovered from his excitement, turned his attention to Liuyu, wondering how Liuyu would deal with this giant bear.

Seeing this, Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction. Now that Naruto has completed training on the Great Jade Rasengan, it is time to prepare for the next stage of training.

However, there are some current hassles that need to be sorted out now!

While thinking about it, Liu Yu withdrew her eyes from the giant bear that was lying on the ground trying to struggle and fight again, and turned back to the car that Bang Riji had arranged for her.

Not long after, Liu Yu walked out of the carriage again, but this time Liu Yu also held two cute sleeping bears in his hands. One of the bears even rubbed his narrow eyes with his little paws.

Things have become obvious at this point, and everyone present now understands why the giant bear robbed the convoy, and it was all caused by Liu Yu. After stealing someone else's naughty child, no wonder the giant bear came to visit.


Bang Riji, who had already made a rough guess, was speechless at this time, and thought to himself.

At this time, seeing the two cubs in Naruto's hands, the originally restrained giant bear roared again and began to struggle. But it's a pity that Liu Yu's grass escape restraint is very strong, and the strength of this giant bear is not enough.

Liu Yu, on the other hand, jumped directly across the convoy and came to the giant bear. Then he slowly untied the giant bear with vertical seals and put the two little bears down. The two "bear children" hurriedly ran as soon as they landed on the ground. To his mother.

The untied giant bear protected the two cubs, and then looked at Liu Yu warily. Of course, most animals that can grow to this size have a certain degree of spirituality. Naturally, the giant bear knew that Liu Yu was not someone to be trifled with, so he did not act rashly. He just watched Liu Yu, the child-stealing gangster, warily.

"Okay, okay, I'll return the child to you. Thank you for your hard work this time. I hope there will be a chance to cooperate next time."

Looking at the giant bear who was obviously protective of its calf, Liu Yu spoke softly to the side. He didn't feel embarrassed at all for stealing someone else's "naughty child", and even shamelessly expressed that he wanted to do it again.

In response, the giant bear roared at Liuyu and at the same time protected his two children more tightly.


Naruto rolled his eyes on the side, feeling that all this was done by you. I didn't expect that you have a hobby of stealing children.

Feeling Naruto's eye roll, Liu Yu turned around and gave Naruto a hard look, the warning in it was self-evident. If it weren't for the purpose of finding a suitable opponent for this kid like you, would I go to steal "naughty children" in the middle of the night?

After the giant bear took away his two children, Liu Yu stretched his neck slightly and looked at Naruto with a malicious smile. He was already ready for the next stage of Naruto's training plan.

Naruto, on the other hand, shuddered subconsciously and had a bad feeling in his heart.

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